I am in good spirits

Chapter 276 Information about 2 Great Cave Paradise

Chapter 276

"A very wonderful expression, the vanity of the father has become slightly inflated"

Seeing the astonished and shocked expression on Bai Jin's face, Grand Master Bai smiled lightly and said, "But it's a pity that my own cultivation may not be as strong as you think. My strength comes from my own official position and power."

"That white ermine dare not move, and it can't touch me, unless she wants to be sentenced to death."

From Bai Jin's stunned expression, Grand Master Bai could easily guess what was going on in his little head, so he explained the reason why he was able to beat Feidixian with a teasing smile.

Since ancient times, merchants have not fought with officials, and the value of shopkeeper Liu is to provide wealth for His Majesty, so that Emperor Hongchen can build the perfect country in his ideal.If you really want to say that the treasurer of Quanliu is not more important than Taishi Bai.

"This place is not suitable for conversation, change to another place."

Grand Master Bai looked around, raised his hand to stop the patrolling armored men from coming forward, turned around and led Bai Jin to a more suitable place for conversation.

Although he hasn't seen Bai Jin for nearly 11 years, but through the letters conveyed by his wife and the habit of word order between the lines with his son, he has roughly the same living conditions and behavior style as his son in recent years.

Writing is something that is appreciated by both the refined and the common. It is available to everyone from the royal relatives to the traffickers, but the writing and vocabulary cannot be generalized. If it is handwritten, Bai Yan can even see through a person through the brushstrokes and style.

As for the reason why Bai Jin returned to Feng Yu, he knew it without asking Grand Master Bai, but he didn't know which unlucky guy chose Feng Yu as a place to practice.

Knowing that Bai Jin is now in the Xingluo Xianmen, he can reasonably deduce the reason why he can leave the sect through intelligence.

Xingluo Xianmen is famous for being withdrawn and arrogant, and the disciples have few opportunities to go out. The first time they go out is to travel poorly, to experience the cruelty of the cultivation world and the warmth and coldness of human relationships. The next time they go out is to turn into a star and hang people. Killing all the way.


In the tea room of the study.

"You guys came at a very bad time, to be honest, if you're not in a hurry, I suggest you take them to Kaifeng Yu to play outside."

Grand Master Bai sat on the master chair, took out the pipe and the jade slip from the storage ring, took a puff of dry tobacco and exhaled the smoke without looking at the brocade, and slid his finger on the jade slip of thousands of miles in his hand, as if answering a message so-so.

"Recently, the Fengyu restricted area is about to be opened, and the seven major sects will send monks to encircle and suppress the demons. The unlucky fossil mountain range will also be opened soon, and the Fengyu area will be particularly chaotic. I don't think you will benefit from it. And you The identity of the secret author of the Hehuan sect is very dangerous."

"You know?"

Bai Jin looked at his father in this life for a moment, but he didn't even speak to explain, so he guessed the purpose of his return and his next thoughts.

"Knowing a son is like a father"

Grand Master Bai smiled and said: "Of course, just now I just made a suggestion from the perspective of my father. I am very sure that you will absolutely treat what I just said as fart in your heart. That's why I said that it is not suitable to talk just now."

"The Forbidden Land of the Corpse Mountain is not suitable for you. It is so dangerous that even ordinary earth immortals will die. The essence of the Trial Demon Cave is an extraterrestrial demon from the ancient times, and there is an aura in its body that we cannot understand."

Grand Master Bai picked up the boiled water from the Lingzhuan, and began to clean the tea set as he spoke: "When you enter the inside, it is equivalent to exhaling a different kind of spiritual energy. If you have the talent, you can read the blood information of the ancient demon from the spiritual energy. The principle of inheritance in the bloodline of monsters."

"If the heterogeneous aura is inhaled excessively, irreversible changes will occur in the monk's body, which we generally call 'psychological pollution'. The specific amount of exhalation has not been studied until now, and the current analysis samples are still lacking. "

"So. This year's Trial Demon Nest tickets are discounted."

While talking, Grand Master Bai couldn't help laughing, as if he was feeling emotional about something.

"Wait. My head is a little messed up right now."

Bai Jin waved his hand to stop his father's explanation, and began to organize his thoughts in his mind.

There are two caves and blessed places that Feng Yu will open. The first one is the trial demon cave that his father suggested to go to. They used a lot of white mice to test the way, and let those little white mice run around to give Feng Yu money. , At present, the research on the corpse of the ancient demon has made progress.

The second one is that the Forbidden Mountain of Corpse is in Fengyu, the channel that caused the feast of heaven and man and the dispute between heaven and earth is located in a certain place in the Fengyu Empire, and this year is the year to open the Forbidden Mountain of Corpse to encircle and suppress the proliferation of demons in the periphery!

Immortal Wuqing once told him about the Forbidden Mountain of Corpse, and every five and ten stars, the Luoxian Sect would send monks to the outer layer of Forbidden Mountain of Corpse to encircle and suppress the mutant demons caused by the blood river.

Every five and ten means every five years, and now Bai Jin has learned from his father that sending monks to encircle and suppress evil spirits is not worth Xingluo Xianmen's family, but that both good and evil families, the top two in the cultivation world, will contribute.

In addition, Grand Master Bai's words also contained huge and extremely complicated information, and Bai Jin had no way to match it with the information he had. Now the two are not talking on the same channel.

At least about the matter of Emperor Hongchen and the reason why he suggested to leave Feng Yu, Bai Jin couldn't understand it from the short words at all.

"Looking less at useless spells, reading more books and reading more newspapers is actually not harmful to the monks of the Acacia Sect," Grand Master Bai joked with a smile.

The monks of the Hehuan sect have a bad habit, that is, they will try to practice the spells they can use or not, to see if they can learn something from it and integrate it into their own system.

It is not wrong to say that they are not empty-handed, or that they are optimistic.

Xingluo Xianmen and Hehuanzong are often compared by other monks. Both are good and evil. Dedicate your life to the technique you choose.

The Hehuan Sect seems to be casual, doing everything, and from time to time there will be eccentric talents who seem to know, who will fuse the spells they have mastered into their own supernatural powers, and create their own powerful abilities like blood inheritance.

There are good and bad, but Grand Master Bai doesn't want to judge the way of survival of a sect too firmly.

"Let's talk about some homely things!" Bai Jin pondered for a long time and still looked dazed, trying to get Feng Yu's information by talking with his father or bragging.

Bai Jin didn't know much about other things, but he was quite sure that his father definitely belonged to the old riddler who couldn't be mistaken if he was dragged out to play eighty times.

In fact, it can't be called a riddle man. It may be that his old father thinks highly of his genes and thinks that his son should be like himself, an old fritter who knows everything well and can grasp the situation with one hand.

Bai Jin wants to clarify one point here, he is indeed a bit clever and talkative, but he usually lets the other party know his thoughts through the fist of the soul.

"Let's chat with your parents and find your mother. I haven't eaten since I stood in the early morning. See you later."

Seeing the bewildered expression on Bai Jin's face, Grand Master Bai couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

"By the way, take a look at your little lover more when you have time. I haven't seen any good behaviors all day. It makes me upset."

Bai Jin: "?"

Where did I get another little lover, speaking human words!

 I've been a little busy recently. I just got off work at 09:30. I'll update a chapter for dinner. Let's see if I can write another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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