I am in good spirits

Chapter 277 Hardcore Persecution

Chapter 277 Hardcore Persecution
Early morning hours.


Bai Jin sat at the table in his dormitory, yawned and looked at the maids who were tossing back and forth in the dormitory, and asked helplessly, "What are they doing? ?”

Early in the morning, the maids rushed into the dormitory, pulled themselves up one by one, opened their arms back to back, and hung them in front of the bed like a whole Jesus. Some of the maids wiped their faces with towels, and some changed their clothes , less than 2 minutes personal hygiene basic cleaning.

Then after putting himself back on the ground, there was an extra mouthwash cup in his left hand and a toothbrush in his right hand.

"Madam said that it's not good to sleep late. The young master needs some clothes in his closet. We may hold a dinner party tonight and invite important people from all walks of life in the city to come over to open our eyes, lest someone who doesn't have long eyes cause some trouble."

Chi Wei, who had been mixed into the system of maids of the Bai family, briefly recounted the content of Mrs. Bai's morning lecture.

"As long as mother likes it." Bai Jin got up with black lines all over his face and walked out of the dormitory.

Unlike the Riddler's father, the mother is typically the type of loving mother who is not afraid of failure. She thinks that Bai Jin will fill him up if he needs it, and tell him if he doesn't need it.

The originally empty wardrobe was full, and the bare bookcase was also filled with a large number of classics. Even a self-defense Fang Tian painting halberd was stuffed under the bed, and the carpet was spread directly from the bed to the door to prevent Bai Jin's feet from freezing.

This made Bai Jin feel a strong sense of sight, as if he had experienced something even more terrifying when he was a child.

"You don't actually have to come with me, I'm just going to take a stroll outside and have some fun."

Bai Jin walked across the stone bridge across the lake. The original team of only two people grew twenty times larger, and more than 30 infantrymen followed behind for close protection.

"The rules are like this, young master, please be patient, otherwise it will be difficult for the young one to explain to Grand Master Bai." The infantry captain came to Bai Jin and clasped his fists in front of Bai Jin and replied respectfully: "If the young master wants to have fun, the young one can lead the way." .”


Looking back at the infantry team, Bai Jin nodded and agreed to accompany them.

Bai Jin deliberately didn't take his friends out. Of course, it wasn't as simple as simply looking for fun. His trip should actually be described as gathering information.

The information about the trial devil's cave was supported by his father, so Bai Jin didn't need to spend any effort to inquire about it, but Tai Shiniao didn't care about him about the information about the forbidden area of ​​Shishan Mountain, and he didn't plan to tell him anything at all.

Bai Jin went out to inquire about this matter, and then stepped on a spot to prepare a nest. He could already clearly sense that the Nascent Soul Stage Tribulation was approaching, and in a few days, Master Law of Heaven and Earth would kick the door at night.

He doesn't care about the Lightning Sword, or the merciful Bodhisattva Gatling directly, Bai Jin just hopes that Master Tianjie will come and get out of here quickly. Just don't hack yourself when the Xingluo Xianmen group comes over!

The Forbidden Land of the Corpse Mountain was opened and the seven sects gathered together. If I survived the magic calamity in front of everyone, the comprehension world would probably be able to eat big watermelons for more than ten years.

"My lord, do you want to ride a horse or a carriage? I'd like to prepare a vehicle for you."

Passing through the forest teleportation array to the front of the gate, the guard saw Bai Jin and came forward to greet him with fists clasped and asked.

Although Bai Jin's father had a high status, he was not an official in Feng Yu's court, and he did not have official status before marrying the sixteenth princess, and other people did not need to bow down before that.

"It's enough to lead a horse, don't be too grand." Bai Jin told the guard to be plain and calm. He is allergic to money recently.

In fact, he didn't know that his family was so rich, and Bai Taishi seemed to be different from the idle job in common sense.

"Okay, young master, wait a moment in front of the door." The guard Deling took out the jade slip from his pocket, and ordered the groom in the stable to choose a fine horse and bring it to the front door.


The vermilion double door opened, revealing steps more than two meters above the street outside the door. On both sides of the steps, a pair of stone statues of Wangtianyu were placed as guardian beasts.

Bai Jin didn't want to complain about the stone statues anymore. The stone statues of Wangtianjiu are usually only placed next to the eaves of the royal family.Two statues so big and looking up to the sky are placed in front of the door. Others say that Grand Master Bai is going to rebel against the Hongchen Emperor tonight, but Bai Jin absolutely chooses to believe it unconditionally.

There are too many things to complain about, so much that Bai Jin doesn't bother to care about those details.

"Stop, lift the torn blankets off your heads!"

The infantrymen who had been standing on both sides of the white brocade were originally walking down the steps to guard the young master and his personal maid who were walking in the middle of the steps.

But after coming down from the steps, there are two or three suspected beggars wearing blankets on the opposite side of the street. The spear in the ring made a piercing motion and opened its mouth to warn the first time.

"Shhhhh! It's me, the second son-in-law!"

Seeing the crimson light on the infantry gun, the "beggar" who was running in the front was startled, and quickly lifted the blanket to reveal his face, regardless of hiding his identity.

The infantrymen's warning is not a joke, they have the right to kill without responsibility after the warning is invalid.

After the second son-in-law showed his appearance to show his identity, he hastily covered his back with the sloppy black blanket, for fear that others would see his appearance: "The third son-in-law, sixth son-in-law, and eighth son-in-law and I heard that the sixteenth son-in-law just came back yesterday, so we deliberately Let’s pay a visit and talk to each other.”

"Go back."

The infantrymen ignored the second son-in-law's explanation, and still yelled at them to leave in a deep voice. Even the crimson light shining on the spear did not dim, and even became more and more intense.

He didn't give the son-in-law any face at all, not even giving them the face of the sixth-rank official position in name.

"So humble"

Bai Jin saw that the Bujia people gathered around him, and they were already preparing to lock him up. He complained in his heart about the desolate treatment of the sons-in-law of the Feng Yu Empire, and waved his hand and said, "Forget it. Let them come here." Come on! Everyone who comes is a guest, and our Bai family has the way of hospitality."

"Obey my son."

After receiving Bai Jin's order, the infantrymen hesitated for a moment and opened a way for the "beggars" to pass, but they didn't take back the standard long spears they were wearing, and they still looked at the three sons-in-law with a vigilant attitude.

Consorts are treated differently from concubines. Consorts like Bai Jin can be referred to as people eliminating harm, and they can subdue the princesses who are harming the party. The second, third, sixth, and eighth consorts are simply embarrassing.

Even soldiers from other countries like to use their son-in-law to mock General Yu, and the infantrymen are often ridiculed by the enemy to break their defenses every time they win battles outside.

The seventeen sons-in-law undressed together, but none of them was a man?Unexpectedly, you, Feng Yu, still have a man!
"Why do you dress like this when you go out, and you don't even take the infantry with you?"

Bai Jin looked at the four "beggars" in front of him, and couldn't help complaining about their unique hobbies: "I almost got blown up."

"Does the son-in-law have the right to take the infantry with him when he goes out?" The eighth son-in-law said with a choked voice: "Aren't the infantry responsible for handing the princess the weapon to beat me?"


The eighth son-in-law was overwhelmed by Bai Jin's words, and raised his hands to cover his tearful eyes, and the tears fell to the ground along his expensive and extraordinary silk sleeves.


The second son-in-law sighed quietly, and said: "Brother Bai, this place is not suitable for talking, let's change to a quieter place, and I will go home later to wash the princess' bellyband and obscene pants."

"Eighth Brother, don't cry in public."

"But... I can't stop my tears!" The eighth son-in-law cried heartbreakingly.

"If we cry again and attract the princess, we will die. We sneaked out." The third son-in-law reminded.

The Eight Son-in-law took a deep breath, brushed back the snot from his nostrils, and immediately stopped his tears, with a terrified and inexplicable look on his face.

Bai Jin & Chi Wei: "."

Your Royal Highness is awesome!
(End of this chapter)

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