Chapter 278
"Is there a convenient place to talk? Well, you guys will lead the way and let us sit in the Wanhua Pavilion. I don't think you have any money on you. This time, everyone will be free on my head."

Bai Jin looked at the four son-in-laws beside him, and casually asked for a quiet place to sit.

When he saw the bear look of the son-in-law, he remembered something that his mother had told him, that the son-in-law always guarded against the princess and oppressed him no matter at home or outside, and he had no way to seek help from anyone.
Among the many son-in-laws, apart from those who work in the imperial court, the one with the most right to speak is Bai Jin, who has a big family and a great career.

The purpose of the son-in-law lurking here is actually self-evident, but Bai Jin doesn't care, on the contrary, the son-in-law sent him to the door and saved his time.

"I can't make it."

The second son-in-law waved his hands frantically with a dazed face: "We have broken the law by sneaking out now. If Her Royal Highness finds out that we went to the fence, Her Highness will definitely punish us."

The son-in-law is a sixth-rank official on the surface, but in private, it is the private property of Her Royal Highness. Apart from being equal in name, the two sides are not equal in every way. If the princess knows that the private property goes to Wanhua Pavilion or Goulan to play absolute corruption arrangements of.

"Let's go to Shanheju." The third son-in-law suggested that everyone should not seek death with a look of horror on his face, but the eighth son-in-law looked at Bai Jin like a god.

"Sir. Shanheju is right next to the Guanjing Waterfall, and Madam specially drives here to play Pai Gow and Mahjong."

As if seeing Bai Jin's doubts, the leader of the infantry team opened his mouth to explain to Bai Jin.

The so-called Shanheju is actually a Boxi building, but ordinary people can only listen to music, eat and stay, and the Boxi part is only open to Mrs. Bai and her friends.

"I see. Then lead the way!"

Bai Jin nodded and didn't care about the place of the conversation, if it wasn't for the son-in-law who was afraid of encountering the princess' eyeliner, it wouldn't matter even if the conversation was at the gate of Bai's house.


Shanheju is located in the southwest of Guanjing Waterfall. It is built against the mountain and looks very layered, and it is different from other inns or pavilions. There are no stairs in the room, which makes the view very open and not crowded.

The height of the building is about 60 meters, and the upper and lower floors are all dependent on four wooden elevators facing the great lake.

"In the future, I will build the palace according to the very tasteful architectural structure. The ordinary one-story house makes me vomit." Seeing the architectural style similar to the Hehuan sect, Bai Jin saw Shanhaiju from the first time he saw it. A good impression arose from the bottom of my heart: "It's a great building, it's really pleasing to the eye to go straight to the sky!"

Bai Jin withdrew his gaze from the window, closed the window and sat in the box on the top floor of the four sons-in-law, and took off the torn blanket from their heads as if released, revealing their different styles, but they were all handsome and extraordinary.

two, three, six, eight
The second son-in-law is dressed like a scholar, with the temperament of a scholar scolding Fang Qiu, but his palms are not as smooth as a scholar, and there are traces of hard work, which is not commensurate with his luxurious clothes and scholar appearance.

The third son-in-law looked like a pig with a bruised nose and a swollen face, but he couldn't conceal his elegance and dignity. The sixth son-in-law had sharp brows and starry eyes like a swordsman, but his eyes were dodging and shrinking the whole time, as if there was social fear.

The Eight Son-in-law's appearance can only be described as handsome. He is a feminine young gentleman. Under the robe, there are obvious lines outlined by traces of training.


The second son-in-law sighed: "Brother Bai. To be honest, we are here to ask for help. The brothers have not had a good day since they entered the royal family. In the next book, they are enthusiastic and brave to clear away moths for the court, but now every day Laundry and folding quilts every day, serving tea, pouring water for Her Royal Highness, boiling hot water and washing feet."

"He" the second son-in-law raised his hand and pointed at the third son-in-law: "Originally born in a large chamber of commerce in a rich family, he is proficient in numbers and good at negotiating with people, and his connections are all over Feng Yu and even the monster clan. Now he is reduced to His Royal Highness and is beaten every day with a human sandbag."

The third son-in-law smiled wryly, and said: "Praise, now if you just don't get beaten to death, you'll be a leader."

"And him! A sword cultivator born in the Spirit Sword Sect, now being persecuted by the sixth princess so much that he dare not talk to outsiders, how can a sword cultivator have a chivalrous spirit for slaying demons and slaying demons!" The second son-in-law said indignantly, pointing at the sixth son-in-law.

"Ah, don't come near me."

When the second son-in-law refers to the sixth son-in-law, Chi Wei, who was in charge of making tea and delivering water, happened to be sent to the sixth son-in-law.

When the sixth son-in-law saw a woman approaching, he sat down on the ground in horror and backed away, screaming: "Everyone, be careful that the smell of rouge and gouache on her body gets on her clothes, we are dead!"

"Sniff Sniff"

The second and third sons-in-law were stunned, and suddenly turned pale with shock, but the eighth son-in-law sniffed the fragrance in the air, and said: "Everyone don't need to worry about what I said. This girl happened to use the cochineal insects from the forest in the South China Sea, and the cochineal insects on me. The fragrance comes from the same source, everyone calm down."


Chiwei's arm holding the tea froze in the air, her face was covered with black lines looking at the messy second, third, and sixth son-in-law, as well as the eighth son-in-law who blew himself up with female cosmetics.

"My grandparents have made rouge powder for generations. Whether flower rouge or animal or plant rouge, I have the same understanding as my mothers, and I also know how to make special rouge." The eighth son-in-law showed a gentle smile and nodded to Chi Wei Friendly: "Brother Ruo Bai and the girl need our help for reference in this regard."


Seeing the eight son-in-law's soft and handsome smile, Bai Jin couldn't help but shudder, and subconsciously rubbed his arms with both hands, rubbing his goosebump-protruding arms, and said, "I already have a general understanding of your brother's situation. It's just that Bai, a mere white-clothed man, may not be able to help you." Are you all busy?"

"After all. Everyone chooses the most embarrassing marriage option because of various things. It is really a fantasy to talk about those now."

No matter what your status is before becoming a matriarch, since you have chosen to become a matriarch to seal Yu's royal family, you will be a member of Feng Yu's royal family by birth, and you will be a ghost of Feng Yu's royal family when you die.

After watching the fun of the son-in-law, Bai Jin planned to start his own intelligence work during the happy hour.

Although they had a miserable life, they were still the ones who accompanied the princess, and they knew more than those ordinary people in the market.

"Brother Bai's words are wrong"

The second son-in-law swore: "You can help! And it's just a matter of one sentence!"

"You don't want to jointly sue the imperial court and let me be the leader?" Bai Jin looked at them and said.

"It's not that I don't want to die so fast. As long as Brother Bai can subdue the sixteenth princess, if the sixteenth princess speaks, we will be released from the sea of ​​suffering in purgatory. Let us develop our ambitions and create a brilliant future!"

"Eh, that's not a one-sentence matter." Bai Jin complained: "I just returned to Feng Yu yesterday, and I don't even know what Princess No.16 looks like or her name."

"Why do you think that she can make her sisters obedient with a single word? You can't be controlled by the first fifteen princesses, right?"

 I went home too late yesterday, I went to bed early for fear of sudden death, no update, sorry sorry

(End of this chapter)

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