I am in good spirits

Chapter 279 Years of Fate Star: "TI~XI~"

Chapter 279 Years of Fate Star "TI~XI~"

"Princesses are not judged by the time of birth"

The second son-in-law's face was extremely solemn, and he lowered his voice so that only the people at the table could hear: "Actually, the later the princess is born, the more cruel and merciless, Brother Bai, the 'Princess Sixteen Gushi' you are going to marry, was born on the day she was born." Accompanied by the vision that is less than the age of a full moon, the siesta waved and almost killed the maid by mistake."

"The eldest princesses are not listening to the words of the sixteenth princess, but from the bottom of their hearts, they are afraid of the youngest seventeenth princess, whose sister is comparable to the No.16 princess. Now she is less than three years old and is still by His Majesty's side. .”

When the second son-in-law said these words, his whole body couldn't help trembling slightly, as if he was violating some taboo by speaking out the name of Princess Gushi.

Not only the second son-in-law was afraid, but the other three son-in-laws were silent the whole time, not even saying a word.

The sons-in-law are not ordinary people, and they are well-informed and self-cultivated on weekdays, but when the name of the Sixteenth Princess is mentioned, all of them without exception show a scared expression

Seeing everyone's expressions, Bai Jin fell into contemplation for a long time before he managed to organize his words, and immediately slapped the table and angrily reprimanded: "It's unreasonable! You guys are so scared to pee your pants even mentioning your name, you actually want me to come forward to settle the matter." Such a witch, do you still have heart? Do you know how to write benevolence, righteousness and morality? Animals!"

In fact, Bai Jin didn't take it seriously. I haven't seen anything dangerous in the world?

My mother has even watched the bathing of the ruthless fairy, and even held hands and slept next to her bed for a night. In the cultivation world, it is recognized as the number one devil. Fairy?
He simply saw that the son-in-law was afraid, so he wanted to spray them with fun, so that they would feel guilty and their conscience would be instructed by the moral high ground.


The eighth son-in-law stretched out his hand, turned into an orchid finger with a natural flick, and wanted to pull down Bai Jin's sleeve, so that he could appease his anger and come here together to discuss it, right?

It's one thing to succeed or not, don't hurt your peace, everyone will be good brothers in the family in the future.

"I promise!"

Bai Jin didn't let them continue talking, as if pretending to be chic, he continued with a cup of tea, and ruthlessly agreed to the request of the four sons-in-law: "But I will never guarantee that I can help you get a reasonable treatment, if I do, I will definitely help you Reach out! In exchange."

"Brother Bai, as long as you don't disobey the princess, we will obey you even if you go up and down the dharma ground!" The second son-in-law slapped the table very hard, pointed at Bai Jin, and then directly hammered it on his chest to express his determination.

"me too."

Seeing the second and third sons-in-law standing up, even the eighth son-in-law raised his orchid fingers when people laughed at the rabbit, and the sixth son-in-law raised his hand obediently to express his meaning.

Chiwei: "."

are you crazy!Master Bai, what are you doing?Does teasing these bunnies make you happy?

She knows Bai Jin's hidden secrets, and also knows that Bai Jin is just passing by when he returns to Feng Yu, and will set off for the 'Yulong Glacier' as soon as he finds an opportunity, so how can she have time to care about the lives of those son-in-laws?
"Not so not so."

After the fun was over, Bai Jin sat back on the chair and looked at Chi Wei through a voice transmission to ask her to order food, and then said to the son-in-law: "I don't think my friends have the opportunity to go around the execution ground. It’s just forgivable. It’s just that Bai really wants to ask his brothers for help.”

"You also know that I have not been back soon. My father has been busy with business recently and cannot be distracted. My mother has been making Pai Gow mahjong appointments with her aunts all day long. Bu Jia is a rough man."

"They are really rude. Every time they hand the princess a big stick. It hurts." The eighth son-in-law seemed to resonate with Bai Jin's words, interrupting Bai Jin's series of parallel sentences, and immediately realized that Seeing my impolite behavior, I couldn't help covering my face: "I'm sorry"

The Bujia people should hand over the mace and look at the feminine beauty of the eighth son-in-law. Bai Jin secretly complained in his heart: "In short, I have been unfamiliar with Feng Yu's entire city all year round. I'm busy and don't have time to take me to play, so please give me your advice."

"Good talk good talk."

The second son-in-law smiled and said: "Brother Bai, it's especially time for you to come back now. The Taikoo Mountains that Feng Yu only opens every five years will be opened soon, and the four major immortal gates and the three major demon gates will also be held regularly the day of the assembly."

"Hey" the third son-in-law sighed and said, "Brother, speak your mind! If you can't handle it, brother, I suggest you take advantage of this Ascension Fair to escape! Those princesses are inhumane! They are more barbaric than monsters !"

"In recent years, Fairy Suimingxing has been presiding over the Immortal Ascension Conference of Xingluo Immortal Sect. Considering that you are less than [-] years old and you have suffered a tragic experience. I think Fairy Suimingxing will take pity on you."

"What? Sui Mingxing will come to seal Yu's main city?"

Originally, he was full of joy, but seeing Bai Jin's constantly changing expressions, and hearing the third son-in-law's slanderous words, he was so shocked that he almost couldn't even sit still in his chair.

Bai Jin can say that he is not afraid of the sky and the earth, but he is only afraid of Master Sui Mingxing.

Suimingxing is basically equated with Wuqingxian. The reason why I can jump in front of Wuqingxian is entirely because of the relationship with Suimingxing.

Bai Jin has recently started to overcome the demon tribulation, and the Qi sect is also urging him to get the demon battleship from the Qi sect, and there is a maid who is practicing magic kung fu by his side, and he will kill wherever he goes, smelling blood all over his body. No matter where you go, you don't look like a doctor.

Is it okay to be seen by Sui Mingxing like this?
After eating melons and eating him, Bai Jin could no longer hold back his usual calm look, as if he had returned to the time when he lived with the Wuqingxian, and he just wanted to find a quiet corner to hide in and be quiet.

"Brother Bai, don't worry." The second son-in-law said: "Xingluo Xianmen is bloodthirsty, but they only kill demons, and everyone in Fengyu City will abide by the rules."

"Brother Bai, you can escape without getting married, but we can't escape if we want to. When the Xianmen recruits apprentices, the family members need to sign and agree, but Your Royal Highness...hehe."

After some conversation, Bai Jin hadn't even asked about the information related to the Forbidden Land of Corpse Mountain. Bai Jin's son-in-law lightly said that the star of life was coming to Feng Yu, and he was in a mess, thinking how to deceive the teacher.

And thinking in my mind, is there any way to ripen the catastrophe, to cross the catastrophe so quickly, and definitely not to cross the catastrophe when the master comes. Otherwise, I can only openly apologize.

He was afraid when he thought of the adjective Sui Ming Xing.

If you catch the hostile self-cultivation, you will first squeeze him to death for the Huakuan of Wanhua Pavilion, and then draw blood and marrow for the demon cultivator who engage in flesh and blood sacrifices, and then draw out the soul, and sell the body directly to the Puppet Hall to make puppets.

The soul can be drawn again by the witch, and finally sold to the Acacia sect to extract spirituality, so as not to waste a little.

These are the original words of Sui Ming Xing, and Bai Jin, who is a little devil, is terrified to hear them, he is afraid!

"Ah this."

Chiwei, who had finished urging the back kitchen of Shanheju, came back to the box and saw that all the sons-in-law had wilted, including Young Master Bai, who had always been arrogant and domineering, with their heads down and their faces full of contemplation and chilling expressions.

"I'll be away for a while. What happened?"


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(End of this chapter)

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