I am in good spirits

Chapter 280 Princess Gushi

Chapter 280 Princess Gushi
"My tongue should be clean, right?"

After leaving Shanheju in the afternoon, Bai Jin, who was sitting in the carriage, held a bronze mirror, stuck out his tongue, looked up and down, and asked Chi Wei, who was sitting quietly beside him.

"Eh?" Chi Wei was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

"I'll send a voice transmission to Zhizhi when I'm free tonight, and ask if there is any organization in the Acacia Sect to hold the Immortal Ascension Conference. If not, you can find a place to hide for a while, and if there is, you will act together with the Acacia Sect."

It is not good news for Bai Jin that Sui Mingxing will come to Fengyu area.

You must know that Sui Ming Xing is not stupid and sweet, and the memoir of that fairy slaughtering demons is still sung in class. If the master sees Chiwei and the demon battleship, then the ruthless fairy will probably warn the "snow abuse ice gluttony" across space .

In the past, Bai Jin didn't know what the meaning of "snow abuse ice gluttony" said by Wu Qingxian, but after Ling Yuexian's education, he probably knows now. "Snow abuse ice gluttony" may be Wu Qingxian's "and Tao" "Hezhen" is the ultimate move of the ice and snow supermodel that directly destroys the dementor demon king in seconds.

I was scared, scared, scared, scared, I was wrong, now I will immediately change from good to good, and tomorrow morning I will go to Cidu Temple to eat vegetarian food and chant Buddha to wash away my anger.

Right now, Bai Jin doesn't care about the Devil's Trial Nest or the Forbidden Land of the Corpse Mountain. His only task now is to dress himself up beautifully before Sui Mingxing finds him, and his whole body exudes a majestic light.

It is also necessary to erase the traces of the medical fairy, so as not to trigger the fairy behind Suimingxing.

In addition to the information obtained from the Immortal Ascension Conference, Bai Jin's trip was not in vain.

The forbidden area of ​​Corpse Mountain seems to be a top-secret taboo, and the four son-in-laws have never even heard similar words, but combined with Grand Master Bai's unintentional overestimation of Bai Jin's leaked information, Bai Jin has every reason to suspect that the so-called Ascension to Immortals Conference is actually the seven Daxianmen came to Feng Yu to encircle and suppress the evil spirits in the forbidden area.

The business of Wanhua Pavilion in Fengyu area is very poor, and the market share is basically occupied by shopkeeper Liu's Jueyan Building. Wanhua Pavilion is now selling noodles in Fengyu.
Feng Yu's Grand Master is not idle. According to the inside information that the son-in-law knows, all the ancestors of the Bai family are simply reincarnations of killing stars, and more than half of the territory of Feng Yu Empire was cleaned by those demons. Rumors also say that Grand Master Bai Holding the military power of the empire, all the military officers have to go home to plow the fields is just an understatement.

Some people say that the Bai family hides a big secret.

Anyway, in the eyes of ordinary people in Fengyu, the Bai family is like an existence of urban legends, and the Bai Taishi seems to be a sycophant who controls the government.

The more Bai Jin listened to it, the more he felt that his father, a white-faced scholar who just turned into a god, was so ridiculous?

I'm afraid you don't know what is the throwing tiles of heaven and man!
The urban legend of the Bai family must be fake news. I know my own affairs, so how can Grand Master Bai be so foolish.


White House.

"Hey, why are you so slow?"

When Bai Lu saw Bai Jin teleported to the stone bridge, he immediately stepped forward to grab him and rushed into the village: "Uncles and aunts are waiting for you in Shanheju, and your little fiancée has just arrived at the dinner party. The whole banquet You, the master, are not in place yet!"

"Shanhe Residence?"

Bai Jin was taken aback for a moment, and said in shock: "When you sent me home for dinner, didn't I say that I needed three sticks of incense in Shanheju to go home?"

"You just told me when I got home now that the dining place is arranged at Shanhe Juma, you're not playing tricks like that!"

"What is juggling? If you don't dress up, how can you see people all over your body? You're ashamed!" Bai Lu took Bai Jin's arm and forcibly pulled him into the room, ready to start playing a son's dress-up game that he hadn't played in nearly ten years. .

In the Fengyu area, there is actually a big problem with the Wenyaofeng Taoist robe worn by Bai Jin. The overall white and dark green cuffs are matched with gold silk embroidery, and a semi-transparent gauze robe looks quite heroic. .

But dark green was actually the exclusive color for official uniforms of the sixth rank and below in the Fengyu court. The official uniforms of officials from the first rank to the third rank were all purple, and the fourth and fifth ranks were vermilion.

Bai Jin wore a green dress to the dinner, wasn't he embarrassing all the members of the Bai family?Where can I go!

Although Bai Lu didn't care too much about these things, it was the first time he took his elders out for a walk, so he had to dress decently!

"A hair crown will do. Stay away from that silly-looking top hat. I won't wear it when I die."

Bai Jin threw away the top hat with a face full of disgust, took out the hair crown from the storage ring and gave it to the maid, asking her to comb her hair again: "I look like a silly hat."

He didn't even wear a belt in the Hehuan Sect, and later he changed to the Xingluo Xianmen to wear his clothes honestly. Now when he returns home, he is dressed meticulously. Now Bai Jin is really uncomfortable all over his body to death.

"You're not smart in the first place." Looking at Bai Jin, Bai Lu muttered inwardly, "When you were taken away by someone at the age of six, you wouldn't even yell for help. How smart are you?"

She still has resentment about being abducted by the Hehuan Sect back then.


"It looks very unaccustomed. It's like a coquettish oiran who is posing, suddenly removes her makeup, puts on plain clothes and holds the chastity archway."

Seeing the meticulous Bai Jin being tidied up by Bai Lu after the change of clothes, Zhu Fu complained.

"Haven't you seen a beautiful man?" Bai Jin's face was full of black lines and he was powerless to refute Zhu Fu's apt adjective: "You guys also pack up and go to dinner together later, my mother must be a neat freak. Dole twice."

"Sure enough, you inherited it from your mother." Zhu Fu spoke again and gave Bai Jin a heavy hammer.

In her impression, Bai Jin likes to keep himself spotless, even if there is a slight stain, he has to change his clothes immediately to keep it tidy. Moreover, he and his mother look so much like they are almost carved out of the same mold.

"I'm not like my mother, but can I be like an extraterrestrial demon?" Bai Jin sighed and said, "Let's go! My nagging mother is already waiting in front of the teleportation formation."

The home-cooked banquet at Shanhe's residence was specially organized by the Bai Lu family for Bai Jin.

It doesn't have any special meaning, just invite the snakeheads to have a meal with the wives of some third-rank officials, let everyone take a look at how big they are, and when they meet in Fengyu area in the future, they can do whatever is convenient.

Even the treasurer of Jue Yan Lou Liu, the steward of the Feng Yu branch of Puppet Hall, and the mother Sang of Wanhua Pavilion are also within the scope of the invitation.

Three teachings and nine streams, relatives of the emperor, good and evil, and good and evil are basically all crowded in Shanheju, even Bai Jin's fiancée Princess Sixteen is also there.
Grand Master Bai had a big face, and almost no one who was invited would put his face down, even if he might not be able to attend due to political reasons.

"Huh? Your sister!"

Bai Jin got off the carriage, and the first thing he saw was the big lake reflecting the starry night and fire, and some boatmen were running boats sporadically on it, and then he turned his eyes to the destination of this trip, Shanheju.

But with such a quick glance, Bai Jin saw a girl whose dress taste was very similar to Zhu Fu's.

Of course, that girl is not so red, she is wearing a black and white dress on the inside, and a coat with bright red wide sleeves embroidered with white flowers on the outside. Jumping doesn't feel the same.

Comparing Zhu Fu with that person is purely teasing.

The girl seemed to be aware that someone was watching, and when she turned her head, she saw Bai Jin swung her elbow, hit Zhu Fu's arm and said something with a smile on her face, causing Zhu Fu to roll her eyes and turn her head away.

She frowned slightly, turned around from the front of the Mufa elevator and walked outside, followed by the two maids who were not low in cultivation beside her without saying a word.

"Huh? Your fiancée is here!" Bai Lu slowly got out of the carriage and fell to the ground. As soon as he caught sight of the blood-red costumes exclusive to Feng Yu's royal family, he turned to look at Bai Jin and said with a smile, "Really? What a coincidence"

"Princess Sixteen?"

Bai Jin, who was chatting and laughing with his friends, was taken aback when he saw the woman in red gradually approaching.

Princess Sixteen ignored the people around her, and the Bujia people who accompanied the Bai family brought two maids to Bai Jin and looked at him indifferently.

Bai Jin didn't know, so he had to tilt his head to look at her, and the two looked at each other and fell into silence.

But in the next second, Princess Sixteen raised her right hand, and the maid on the princess' right immediately stepped forward and rolled up the sleeves that were too wide for her master, so that she could reveal her slender arms that were as white as jade.

She reached out to Bai Jin's chest, pushed Bai Jin lightly and made him lean back slightly, and said indifferently:
"Although we are not husband and wife, it is your duty as a son-in-law to abide by masculinity. If I see you touching other women, including Bengong, I will immediately arrest you and go to Jamsil to be with those eunuchs."


After being pushed, Bai Jin immediately became unhappy when he saw the arrogance and disgust on the princess's face. He also raised his right hand to reveal his arm, and Chi Wei cleverly stepped forward to roll up Bai Jin's white sleeve.

The sixteenth princess was taken aback for a moment, and watched Bai Jin put her hand on her shoulder, and pushed. Pushed.
The sixteenth princess was completely stunned, including the two maids she brought out and all the armored people in the audience.

I've seen all the arrogant ones, but when a princess like Bai Jin speaks nicely to you, it's fine if you don't listen. She even dared to fight back against the notorious princess. That Feng Yu, the whole country, really hasn't seen it.

"Do you dare to touch this palace?!"

(End of this chapter)

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