I am in good spirits

Chapter 281 I can't afford Bai Jin, can I do it!Take you here!

Chapter 281 I can't afford Bai Jin, can I do it!Take you here!

"Do you dare to touch this palace?!"

"What? You still want me to give you an award?"

The sixteenth princess was pushed by Bai Jin, and she raised her arms and pushed Bai Jin heavily, with a cold look in her eyes, completely ignoring the maids to help her roll up her sleeves.

Pushed back two steps, Bai Jin raised her arms to press Shiliu's shoulders, not to be outdone, and began to mock the unruly princess in front of her.

Isn't it just the second generation of immortals?I don't even bother with you for pushing my shoulders, and you want to give me a handmaiden, obviously you are too old to marry yourself, let me suffer from being dumb for no reason, and still be so arrogant?
The corruption punishment and silkworm room mentioned by the sixteenth princess are actually relatively civilized terms. When translated into common sayings, they are the eunuch's cleansing process and the dormitory for self-cultivation after cleansing.

The two were never husband and wife, and even the marriage in name was fake, purely because Princess Gushi's reputation was too bad to be able to get married, Hongchen Emperor felt that his daughter would affect the reputation of the royal family, so he consulted with Grand Master Bai to settle the matter Princess Gushi's mess.

After coming and going, Princess Gushi and Bai Jin immediately pinched each other at the gate of Shanheju.

From the beginning of pushing and shoving each other to short fights, it developed to the two taking off their coats and manipulating spells against each other!

"Ah this."

Bai Lu looked at the two people who were flying over the eaves and walls, using the wood method and the secret technique, and couldn't help but look at the Bujia people and the princess's maid: "Do you dare to go up?"

Both the Bujia man and the maid shook their heads in unison, showing that they did not dare to step forward to stop them.

Her Royal Highness on the one hand, and the son of the grand master on the other, they may not be able to persuade them to go up, if they are hurt, they will be executed according to the law.


The people who were originally in Shanhe Juli sensed the waves of spiritual power coming from the outside world, and they all came to the arc-shaped terrace to watch the battle downstairs.

"Come on, little man!"

Seeing Princess Sixteen beating her fiancé violently, the girl in Jueyan Building immediately opened her mouth to cheer for Her Royal Highness Princess Gushi. Seeing this, Liu Lian'ai involuntarily stretched out her hand to caress her forehead.

"Why did my little sister fight with Bai Jin?" The third princess looked at the situation downstairs in surprise.

Although the little girl has a perverted and stubborn personality, she is usually quite dignified. Why did she fight with others on the street this time?

"Brother Bai!"

Seeing this scene, the second son-in-law and the third son-in-law immediately thought of what they had discussed in the morning, thinking that the reason why Bai Jin and Princess Gushi fought was to tame the mother dragon to fight for the reasonable interests of the brothers-in-law, and couldn't help shouting excitedly .

The third princess frowned, raised her hand, and the Bujia man next to her cleverly took out a wooden chair from the room and handed it to the displeased third princess.


The thick wooden chair was held tightly by the third princess, and she aimed at the head of the third son-in-law and smashed it down. The wooden chair turned into earth-shattering debris, and the third son-in-law rolled his eyes and fell directly from the curved terrace.

"Boring and talkative," the third princess casually threw away the chair legs she was holding, and said lightly to the third son-in-law.

Standing next to the third son-in-law, the second son-in-law was startled by the sudden and terrifying scene, subconsciously took two steps back to his wife, the second princess, squatting down and hugging his head, completely daring not to say a word.

The others on the terrace were not surprised by this. They glanced at Her Highness the Princess and the sons-in-law, and continued to turn their eyes to Princess Gushi and Bai Jin as if they hadn't seen them.



The bright red light hit the ground directly, and the large bluestone ground was shaken endlessly, and even the calm lake surface had huge ripples.

Princess Gushi, who was surrounded by red mist, turned into a red light and rushed out of the smoke. The red mist around her turned into a solid body and condensed in her hand, turning into a sharp spear chasing the blue light .

"Very powerful ability."

Bai Jin turned back in the air, avoiding Princess Gushi's thrust like a roaring dragon and tiger, and the crimson aura turned into a strange beast and rushed straight at Shanheju, smashing the first floor of Shanheju in an instant. The ferocious beasts rushed to Feng Yucheng Street.

When Bai Jin rolled over from mid-air and landed, his arms were crossed in front of his chest to pinch the ghost seal, and a shock wave of light blue strong mana surged out of him, showing a spiral spreading trend and directly pressing down on Princess Gushi below him.

But Princess Gushi just paused in stature, and was not affected by the impact of the magic power of the soul.

Bai Jin didn't care either. He didn't intend to cause harm with this move, but just to prevent the irascible old woman in front of him from stabbing him back and sending him flying high into the sky to pursue fiercely.

As soon as Bai Jin landed safely, without saying a word, he turned around and kicked Princess Gushi's right foot which was covered with the demon armor, and kicked the shit that Princess Gushi wanted to kick.

But a red shield suddenly condensed, blocked the heavy blow of Bai Jin and made a crisp sound like a yellow bell.

Princess Gushi slowly let go of the long spear she was holding, turned around sharply, the red mist gathered into arm armor and put it on, stretched her arm, smashed the red shield with a punch and knocked the white brocade into the air, and said with a sneer: "... You are mere yellow-mouthed child, your ability is not enough to resist Ben Gong, and Ben Gong said that it will not be your turn to do things for Second Teacher Ben Gong!"

Feng Yu's No.16 princess, Gushi, is really strong, definitely not comparable to the deity cultivator Bai Jin met before.

The layer of red dust around her can conjure any weapon at will, coupled with Princess Gushi's fierce martial arts that ignores defense, Bai Jin suffered an obvious loss.
It was also the first time he saw a non-earth immortal, a person with a mortal body that was harder than a person wearing a demon armor.


Bai Jin was punched by Gushi and flew more than a hundred meters away. After falling to the ground and rolling for more than ten meters, he hit the pillar of the archway on the lake and stopped his figure. The light blue mana barrier in front of his chest showed signs of cracking.

Bai Jin lay face down on the lawn for a while, then got up from the ground as if nothing had happened, patted the hay sticks in front of her body and on her hair, glanced at Princess Ginger, and lifted herself up straight right hand.

A fruit bigger than Bai Jin's fist was taken out from the storage ring.

In the next second, the fruit disappeared, and one after another the turbid spiritual fruit gushed out from the storage ring, all of which were swallowed by the invisible thing nearly five meters high behind Bai Jin.

But to outsiders, Bai Jin looks like holding a fruit in and out of a storage ring.

"Today, you and I have to separate male and female. Either I will learn cross-stitch in my boudoir, or your good wife and mother will bring facial cleanser."

The non-existent soul devoured a large number of spiritual fruits, and its body was quickly compressed to the size of a normal person. It lay on Bai Jin's shoulder and continuously provided him with pure mana, and the light blue mana flames continued to spread outward.

The ground where Bai Jin was standing was cracked in a large area, and thick and abnormal tree roots gushed out from the ground crazily, and the affected area even affected the foundation of Shanheju.

The spirit fruit stored in the white brocade ring is all condensed by extracting the earth immortal from the Puppet Hall.

He swallowed four pure spiritual fruits in a row, not to mention breathing out the diluted mana, no matter how many golden core stage monks would be sustained until they exploded on the spot.

However, Bai Jin has a soul as a converter, and is now fully performing the 'blooming moment', generating a large number of plant roots to make them all entangled, and then transforming them into strong vitality through the wooden method, obviously another demon possessed On top of that mass of plants.

Bai Jin can't afford to play anymore, let Huang Qu play now!

".Come out! My Flora Colossus!"

(End of this chapter)

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