I am in good spirits

Chapter 282 Young People Are Young People

Chapter 282 Young People Are Young People


The entire land in front of the mountains and rivers was trembling, and a large number of plant roots spewed out from the ground. Their thickness reached an exaggerated level. Even the roots of ancient trees that have grown normally for thousands of years are not necessarily stronger than the white Jinmu method. The resulting plants have thick roots.

A large number of plant roots are entangled and tangled up to the sky. With the invisible demon attached to it, a large number of roots gradually condense into a giant more than [-] meters high, and the layers of rhizomes combine to form clear muscle lines.

There were four openings in the back of the plant giant, and four giant piranhas of different colors extended from it, dangling like tails.


Bai Jin sat paralyzed on top of the flower god statue, raised his left hand to control the soul to output mana, he couldn't stand such a huge and rapid mana output, now the flower god statue has been condensed and formed, providing it with majestic mana as a power exchange Just come from the soul.

"The Colossus of the Flower God! Go and teach her how to be a husband and a child!" After Bai Jin gave a low shout, he lay down in the bud-shaped crown on the top of the colossus and didn't care about the next thing.

What Bai Jin recruited was not a genuine colossus of the Flower God. If one wanted to act like a fairy doctor, it would be impossible to summon a plant giant hundreds of meters long that could destroy the world and explode his meridians.

The Flower God Colossus is a large-scale wood method. In addition to the plant giant that seems to have an explosive sense of power, it actually has a large number of ranged spells to maintain, so as to ensure that each blow of the plant giant can destroy an area.

The low-profile colossus of the flower god brought by Bai Jin didn't have those large-scale magical blessings, and even the roots of the plants were bred by him with the healing piranha, so that it has a strong self-healing power. So that I can graft multiple plants on this basis.


The colossal statue of the flower god lost the control of the white brocade, and was completely controlled by the irrational demon larva. It controlled the colossus to raise its head to the sky and let out a powerful roar, and the strong wind and waves spread outward from the giant.

Princess Gushi frowned, her figure flickered, and she turned into a ray of light again and flew towards the giant statue of the Flower God at high speed.

She knew the kind of spell in front of her. It was a monster-planting technique that could be repaired infinitely by relying on the aura provided by the caster. Those with advanced wood skills could attract plant giants. It was not too rare a spell.

As long as the caster is dragged out and tortured, the spell can be perfectly broken.

But Princess Gushi didn't know that the colossus of the flower god brought by Baijin was slightly different from the genuine one.


The colossus of the flower god lay straight on the ground, and four cannibal flower buds of different colors on the back, blooming like a lotus flower, revealing a hollow in the center.

The red piranha quickly turned around, and overwhelming high-temperature flames spewed out from the hollow of the stamen, and then slowly shrank to become a pillar of cutting fire.

The blue piranhas lean down on the red flowers, the hollow rhizomes on the pistils shrink extremely, and the yellow and golden piranhas are arranged on both sides as two layers of triple defense.

The water and fire and the plants all over the ground stunned everyone who witnessed this scene.

"You guys taught by the Xingluo Immortal Sect are very beautiful, and the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the five elements are all in harmony with each other." Bai Lu was not too worried about his son's safety, and the Shanhe Tower that might be destroyed at any time, but looked at it with surprise. To the friends of Xingluo Xianmen.

"No, Brother Bai is learning the orthodox wood method." Seeing the curious look on his aunt's face, Jin Lin explained politely: "But Brother Bai usually likes to study the knowledge of multiple plant grafting. A plant with five elements attributes is grafted on a normal plant."

"After the complete attribute mutual generation and mutual restraint grafting, Brother Bai only needs to output the wood attribute aura, and the plant can transform the wood aura into the five elements aura through its own characteristics."

Jin Lin told Bai Lu all the words that Bai Jin had fooled the medical fairy with a serious face.

What she said was indeed not wrong. Bai Jin's grafting hypothesis was confirmed to be feasible after experimenting, but there was a flaw hidden in it that no scumbag could see.

The five-element-complete potted plants that have been grafted before are all common things such as ordinary fire and ordinary water.

The flames spouted by the Flower God Colossus are real samadhi fires with a starting temperature of [-] degrees, and the water jetted out is also viscous spiritual water.

Although there are strange trees like the hibiscus tree, which burns with the real fire of the sun on the surface, there are also star trees that can flow out the starlight divine water of the Sanguang divine water.

But where did Bai Jin get the seeds?There are no seeds and no seeds of spiritual plants, he grafted a fart.

The corresponding seed Bai Jin did exist, but those were bought specially to fool those learned bosses, and now the colossus of the flower god spews out the power of the five elements, all of which are the power of the five elements transformed by Bai Jin through the breathing of the Acacia sect.

"It's quite lively."

Not long after Jinlin finished explaining the principle, the space suddenly split open, and a phantom figure appeared beside the Xingluo Xianmen group out of thin air, and Taishi Bai, who was dressed in a crimson official uniform, appeared in front of everyone, looking at Gushi and Gushi. Bai Jin, who was frozen by the princess, joked with a smile.

"It's far beyond my expectations. Young people are so angry, it's better to have a chat about life and ideals in the past few months if you don't have to worry about fighting."

Grand Master Bai raised his hands and clapped his hands, everything in front of him disappeared into the invisible, whether it was the giant statue of the flower god summoned by Bai Jin, or the red dust permeating the body of No.16 Princess Gushi, and even the two of them. The traces left by the battle disappeared without a trace after a clap of hands.

Bai Jin fell from the colossal statue of the Flower God with a face full of bewilderment, and Princess Gushi's mana was exhausted, her feet softened and she fell to the ground and began to pant heavily.


Zhu Fu turned his head and looked at Grand Master Bai in shock. He couldn't believe that the cultivator in the stage of transformation before him could do things that even the strongest earth immortals could not imagine.

"You two chat slowly, I think you two should be able to chat very well." Bai Taishi smiled and looked at the two of them and continued: "Don't make too much noise, all civil and military officials are not far away There is a meeting in the city, and even His Majesty Hongchen has turned his attention because of your affairs."

After the words fell, Grand Master Bai's figure slowly disappeared again and returned to the Red Dust Palace, continuing to discuss with the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, how to slaughter the foreign monks with blood all over the face in a very natural way.

"That was just now."

Jin Lin turned his gaze to Bai Lu, hoping that she could explain the uncommon sense just now.

She felt that her aunt definitely knew the reason why the earth immortals couldn't touch the ability to erase everything when Grand Master Bai raised his hand, and could even use space transfer.

Because Jinlin didn't see any surprise on the faces of the Bujia people and the princess's maids, obviously, they all knew something about Grand Master Bai's ability.

"That's the ability of 'official position'."

Bai Lu looked at Jin Lin with a strange expression on his face: "Of course, different official positions must have different strengths of abilities, otherwise how to manage the huge Feng Yu Empire, in case of any unexpected handover, it will be difficult to do."


Jin Lin was taken for granted by Bai Lu's expression, and his tone was so determined that he was speechless.

Where is normal? Hey!Have I never seen a dog official in the world of mortals?

If the official position really has such supernatural power, I'm afraid I would have died in the country, okay?

"I'm unscathed." Princess Gushi barely stood up from the ground, and pushed away the two maids who wanted to come to support her: "From today onwards, my palace will prohibit you from getting close to any women. If you want to cross-stitch, I will ask someone to bring you some landscape embroidery pictures from the palace."


Bai Jin, who was lying on the ground, turned his head to the side and spit on the face of the smelly and shameless old woman.

It's the same as saying that you beat me, if it wasn't inconvenient to call my soul out, I beat you with Lushan Shenglongba and you flew up to the top of the Shanheju building to hang.

"Okay, okay. The time is almost up, and the Shanheju home-cooked banquet is about to begin."

Bai Lu stepped forward with a smile on his face, held Princess Gushi who was still standing upright, and pulled up Bai Jin who was lying on the ground, who was obviously overdrawn, and then inadvertently pulled a sly arc from the corner of his mouth, forcing Take two people's hands and let them hold together.

"There's no such thing as an overnight feud between a husband and wife. There's a fight at the head of the bed and peace at the end of the bed!"

"Madam Bai be careful."

Princess Gushi's face was full of disgust, and she forcibly pulled out her hand and lifted it up. The maid immediately took out a handkerchief that smelled of alcohol from the storage ring, and carefully wiped her master's little hand.

Princess Gushi is very polite to the Bai Lu family. Although Bai Jin's mother is not in the court system, she is also a high-ranking official as the wife of Bai Taishi.

Even a princess should not be too presumptuous.


Chi Wei saw the maid on the opposite side wipe the princess, and without waiting for Bai Jin to speak, she took out a bottle of wine from her storage ring and washed Bai Jin's palms.

The young master is now competing with others to be jealous, no matter what tricks the other side makes, I have to push the other side to make the young master happy. Chi Wei thought to herself.


Seeing Chi Wei holding Bai Jin's hand to smear, Princess Gushi frowned deeply again.


Ask for tickets, and share a wonderful thing by the way.

 I was in the author group this afternoon and saw an author friend who had opened a new book but had no inspiration to write an outline.

  Then. I asked someone how much the outline cost, and they said that the pure outline does not include the text content, and does not include the signing of the [-] outline.

  Our entire author group was stunned, and then the group was filled with joy and ridiculed the idiot who really bought the high-priced outline.

  After laughing, we started rolling.

  I said that I only have a thousand copies of the outline, and the average of the three copies is two thousand, so why are they all worth some money?

  Then the next one said that the text at the beginning of [-] packs plus the signing.

  then five hundred
  After teasing, the atmosphere in the group became joyful again.

(End of this chapter)

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