I am in good spirits

Chapter 283 I refuse to accept, why?

Chapter 283 I refuse to accept, why? (seeking tickets)
"Why don't you feel wronged and go to the household department to change your registration information to a man and forget it. In this way, we can all feel at ease."

In the banquet hall of Shanheju, Bai Jin and Princess Gushi were seated close to each other because they were unmarried couples. The expressions on their cheeks were too delicate to describe in words.

Bai Jin stared forward with a bright smirk on his face, and exchanged drinks with the guests. From time to time, he squinted at Princess Gushi who was beside him, "I'm serious."

"My palace is in charge of the three thousand fine guards in Jamsil, why don't you go?" Princess Gushi was sitting upright, with a serious expression on her face, but there were two girls lying on her lap under the round table. .

They are all girls from Jueyanlou. At the beginning, Bai Jin didn't know where Princess Gushi came from, and when she saw her, she said viciously that she wanted to stab her in the crotch.

But when the two of them were exhausted from the fight, when they entered Shanheju Gushi and were surrounded by girls from Jueyan Building, holding her with distressed faces and calling her little husband. Bai Jin probably knew the general composition of the old girls in Gushi in front of him.

Finally, he realized why Emperor Hongchen was in such a hurry to find a husband-in-law for his sixteenth daughter.

What a hundred and one in one!

When Bai Jin guessed the answer, his eyelids twitched.


Bai Jin and Gushi's smiles were both fake, and they almost collapsed Shanheju before the banquet, even sitting under the table in the banquet hall, there were some scenes of ruining the three views, but the guests should eat and drink as if nothing happened drink.

The ladies sat with the princesses, ate a few bites at will, and then went to the side hall next door to play Pai Gow.

All the gentlemen from all walks of life resigned and ran away, leaving only the son-in-law who lowered his head and buried his face in the bowl and ate wildly, and a group of friends from the Xingluo Xianmen who were hesitant to talk.

"Let's go too!"

Sitting next to Princess Gushi, Bai Jin didn't care about the weird atmosphere around him, and after eating abruptly, he got up and patted his buttocks, ready to run away: "You two sisters who are ruthless and ruthless, be careful about my fiancée, I'll take a look at her You know that girl is not a good figure!"

Hearing this, Zhu Fu and Yu Xueqing were taken aback for a moment, even the three son-in-laws, who didn't dare to breathe, stopped their frenzied cooking and raised their heads in amazement, looking at Bai Jin as if watching a real fairy come into the world.


Princess Gushi raised her hand, and the sleeves slid down with her smooth arms to reveal her palms, and then she slammed her palms heavily on the thick round table with a muffled sound, and the four corners of the table sank into the floor at the same time: "Bai Jin! Married! Afterwards, I will divorce you with seven rules!"

"Seven out of ten, you are unfilial, childless, talkative, ill, fierce and jealous!"

"It's as if it's true. I'm in love with a certain person who came to Feng Yu from Da Yan Country to Xingluo Xianmen. Who wouldn't comment on me as a hero? You are vicious and vicious, and you want to get rid of your fiancé all day long!"

Bai Jin made a grimace, and hurriedly dragged the little friends to run away, not caring about Princess Gushi at all.

"No reason!"

The princess of Gushi was smoked by Bai Jinqi's seven orifices, and her small hands frantically slapped the round table, slapping all four legs of the table into the floor, while the three sons-in-law buried their faces in the rice with the bowls and chopsticks. .

Princess No.16 is really capable of killing people, brave and good at fighting thousands of enemies is her adjective.

"Hey yellow."

Bai Lu glanced at the enraged Gushi and the banquet hall that was almost flattened by the burst of aura, and from the corner of his eye, he glanced at the armored man by the door.

Bujiaren closed the door of the side hall knowingly to ensure that the ladies playing Pai Gow inside would not be affected.

"Have a meal?"

The sudden fluctuation of spiritual power subsided, and Princess Gushi let out a bad breath slowly, waved her sleeves, and put her arms around two beautiful and blushing girls, and was about to leave too, but before she left, she saw three concubines who were still sitting Lord.

The maidservants of the two princesses stared fixedly, and without waiting for Princess Gushi to speak, they stepped forward and knocked over the rice bowls held by the son-in-laws in their hands, making them lose the rice bowls that covered their wild laughing expressions.

"It's nothing, Your Royal Highness."

The second, third, and eighth son-in-law took a closer look and noticed that Princess Gushi was still angry, and immediately crawled and rolled to the side hall, opened the door, and went back to their respective princesses, not daring to be alone in the same hall with the sixteenth princess. Even if the banquet hall has a size of thousands of square meters.


Princess Gushi gave a cold snort, and took the two girls from Jueyanlou and her personal maid to leave Shanheju.

Tonight, she was really blown away by Bai Jin's anger, and now she is still full of anger and has not vented.Gushi had envisioned countless scenes of meeting Bai Jin, but he never expected to fight at first.

Gushi originally had thousands of reluctances to marry the Bai family, but Hongchen Emperor had already spoken, and no matter how much Princess Gushi objected, it would be ineffective.

She has always been suffocated in her heart, and she likes to stand up when she pees. Hunting, martial arts, and art of war are all better than piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, and makeup, but one essential thing is missing.

Princess Gushi wants to be the crown prince, the empress of the Fengyu Empire, not a husband and a godson!
She has never regarded herself as a woman, and now she is asked to marry a man, and she will be pressed down by that man with a wretched face, Princess Gushi can't help but feel a chill when she thinks about it.

Today, I came to Bai Jin's home-cooked banquet. In fact, Princess Gushi actually came to ask Bai Jin for a showdown and said that she wanted to get married.

That is, we married in accordance with the order of the Hongchen Emperor. We are a loving couple in front of Feng Yu outsiders, but in private, you and I respect each other as guests, and we are brothers.

But when she saw Bai Jin, she could tell at a glance that Bai Jin's temperament was not as stable as his father's, and he was obviously a person who deviated from the scriptures and rebelliously, and the four characters "absurd and unruly" were almost engraved on his forehead. .

Princess Gushi has seen too many people like this, and if she wants to make this person obedient, she must either be punished and castrated into the palace like a prisoner who committed the crime of obscenity, or subdue him with absolute strength .

The option of castrating Bai Jin never came to Princess Gushi's mind.

Grand Master Bai's family is a cursed clan forced by the laws of heaven and earth to be on the road to eternal life. In order to continue the only descendant of Bai Jin, he took the luck of the six kingdoms and a hundred years of goodness to ensure that Bai Jin can be born safely.

If the blood of the Bai family is cut off due to the royal family, the whole Feng Yu will be in chaos, and the Hongchen Emperor who monitors the empire will not allow such a thing to happen.

Therefore, Princess Gushi's only choice is to beat up Bai Jin and make him listen to her honestly and act as a model couple. As for how you like to play in private, it's none of my business, just don't touch me!

If you have a unique taste, you can also try to be a girl, and I will give you two whips for this pervert!
"I'm so angry!"

Princess Gushi, who was sitting in the carriage, became more and more angry when she thought about it, and couldn't help but slapped the table again.

"Little Xianggong~"

The girl from Jueyan Building smiled and put her arms around Gushi: "My family misses my young master's martial arts so much."

"I don't know if it's possible to make my slave's whole body red again?"

The direction the carriage was driving was not the royal family in the city, but the Jueyan building of the resentful family.

The Jueyan Building of Yuyu's family is actually not considered as Yuyu's home now. They have all changed their careers now, because Princess Gushi is currently only accepting girls.

Going out to sell and sing performances can only undertake family banquets of imperial officials or daily performances of the royal family.

Shopkeeper Liu was very upset about this, because Princess Gushi obstructed her and lost her intelligence network.

All the girls revolved around Princess Gushi, so they didn't have time to collect intelligence from the spies, and they couldn't think of anything all day long.

(End of this chapter)

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