I am in good spirits

Chapter 284 The catastrophe is coming.

Chapter 284 The catastrophe is coming.

Two days have passed since the home-cooked banquet at Shanheju, Bai Jin went out here from time to time during the two days, intending to find local reputable people to inquire about the forbidden area, but it is a pity that he still doesn't care, the person who can get in touch with the information on the 'Forbidden Area of ​​Corpse Mountain' It's really rare.

Perhaps only the shopkeeper Jueyan Louliu and those powerful figures in the imperial court would know.

Grand Master Bai has been leaving early and returning late for the past two days. It seems that the trial magic cave has cracked. According to the past practice, there should be one week before the trial magic cave will be opened automatically. Those who want to enter the magic cave will only need to pay the imperial court.

Apart from going out occasionally to inquire about information, Bai Jin really practiced crazily here for two days, begging Grandpa Tiandi to quickly send down a catastrophe and blow him up. Otherwise, Bai Jin doesn't know what unexpected situation will happen.


White House.

"Brother Bai, help! The food has hit someone!"

Bai Jinpan was sitting in the medicine bucket in the gazebo by the river, slowly spitting out the improved medical fairy medicine bath, beside the gluttonous Wei Benliang was fishing with a fishing rod, but a half-human giant salamander leaped out of the lake , broke Wei Benliang's fishing rod and spat at him.

"Brother Wei, what are you doing?"

Bai Jin had already opened it from training, looked at the giant salamander chasing after Wei Benliang with the rotten wood: "And you."

"Although I am an ornamental fish, I also have a temper. It is fine to swim and wash your feet on weekdays. The lake has water inlets and outlets that will not pollute the water quality."

"But the fat man throws rubbish in there every day, and after I sweep one side, another chicken nugget falls out there! Make a nest? Even if I die today, I will pull him to die with him!"

The giant salamander is one of the residents in the lake, and it comes to the lake from the waterway through the lake's water inlet.

Although giant salamanders have thin dragon blood, they seem to have a perverted obsession with cleanliness. They have extremely high requirements for the quality of water in their daily lives. Whenever the water quality has pollutants, they will feel uncomfortable and short of breath.

Therefore, Grand Master Bai defaulted to those giant salamanders living in the viewing lake of his home and asked them to be responsible for checking the changes in the water quality of the lake, so as to ensure the safety of drinking water sources upstream.

Wei Benliang is greedy by nature. Seeing such a large and sparkling lake, he couldn't help but want to catch fish for fish sticks. Every day, he sprinkled a lot of food scraps into the lake to attract fish to take the bait.

The five or six giant salamanders at the bottom of the lake have been holding back until today when Wei Benliang threw feed into the lake. Finally, one giant salamander was driven crazy by cleanliness, and Wei Benliang, who wanted to pollute the water quality of the lake by littering, died together.

"Throw Brother Salamander back into the lake."

Bai Jin waved her hand to indicate that Chi Wei stepped forward to help, while she got up from the medicinal bath tub that had turned into clear water, went to the small tree house next door with a relaxed face, and changed the white clothes stained by the medicinal liquid into Wen Yaofeng's uniform.

"Brother Wei, tell Senior Sister and Brother Jin later that I may not be back until tomorrow. I just received a notification that Master Law of Heaven and Earth invited me out for tea at night."

After waiting for a period of time, and taking more than a dozen cloudy spiritual fruits orally every day for the past two days, the law of heaven and earth officially notified him to split at night, so that Bai Jin could consciously find a quiet place to survive the tribulation.

This is also the first time that Bai Jin has officially come into contact with the admonition of the power of the law of heaven and earth.

There is nothing mysterious and mysterious, just a very short unknown character emerges in the bottom of my heart, and I can understand the meaning when I see it.

This is the warning in the first paragraph, let him find a safe place to prepare for the robbery, and don't die from other people's surprise attack.

Next, there will be an early warning of catastrophe. There are only two warnings for the Nascent Soul stage, which are issued to people who have reached the standard in the local world like a mechanical program. There is no in-depth understanding.

Bai Jin, the place to cross the catastrophe, has also been found, and it is in a no-man's land more than [-] miles outside Feng Yu's main city.

He didn't intend to cross the tribulation by falsely taking his identity, but planned to cross the tribulation with the identity of Bai Jin, otherwise he would have no way to get out of the tribulation normally.

Friends all know that they are about to face the test of the catastrophe. Recently, they have been with me every step of the way, as if they have accompanied me through the last period of life.

Thanks to the secret method taught by Suimingxing, Bai Jin can blatantly eat a "colorful flower" condensed by the enemy's life, soul, and mana because of his own curiosity, so he suddenly became a serious catastrophe. So serious.

"Brother Bai, wait for me!"

Wei Benliang was hit with two hammers from the Jindanqi giant salamander, and got up from the ground as if nothing happened, followed Bai Jin's footsteps and prepared to watch Bai Jin's crossing.

"Going to cross the catastrophe?"

Bai Lushi, who was drinking tea in the tea room and studying mahjong, saw Bai Jin, who had been meditating and accumulating spiritual energy, come out of the medicinal bath bucket to leave the Bai family, and roughly guessed the purpose of Bai Jin's departure this time.

From the storage ring, she took out the Jade Slips of Thousand Miles of Sound Transmitting and sent a message to Grand Master Bai in the imperial court, asking him to come over and watch Bai Jin Dujie, so as not to cause any accidents at that time and cause no one in the Bai family to sweep the grave up.

"It's okay if you don't follow me. As far as my flower god colossus is concerned, getting through the catastrophe in the Nascent Soul Stage is actually as easy as going on an outing. Moreover, I also have a copy of the national fortune gifted by Lingyuexian in my hand." Woolen cloth!"

Bai Jin was teleported from his home to the gate, and [-] infantry men in armor had been prepared in front of the gate of Bai's house, serving as a layer of protection to protect him when he crossed the catastrophe.

Bai Lushi and Wei Benliang followed closely behind, holding the thousand-mile sound transmission jade slip in their hands, sending messages non-stop, Chiwei and other maids followed closely behind
Going through the tribulation well alone, it didn't take a moment to form a legion-level lineup team and head out of the city.

"National luck is so precious, of course keep the hatchlings, don't waste it unless it is absolutely necessary." Bai Lu naturally said words that Bai Jin could not understand: "When the time comes, let your father protect you, if you can't stand it, just go Tell him to take action to disperse and weaken the Heavenly Tribulation."


Bai Jin slowly put out a question mark, and looked at his mother in astonishment.

Is the official position really that powerful?Don't fool me with your son!
It is not impossible to break up the ordinary catastrophe, but is it really possible to break up the weak in the face of the slightly punishing catastrophe?You don't want to break up the ordinary magic robbery into heaven's punishment for me.

"Are you questioning me?"

Seeing Bai Jin's astonished expression, Bai Lu immediately stretched out his hand angrily to pinch his cheek and began to pull, making Bai Jin's questioning expression deformed: "The Fengyu area is a place where there is no taboo for practice, and the civil and military officials of the imperial court In order to reduce the casualty rate of civil and military officials, the imperial court has been researching various countermeasures and remedies for the catastrophe."

Bai Lu's words were straightforward, but the last sentence murmured in his heart: "Of course. Our family is quite special. A special bully from heaven."

"Brother Bai!" (Bai Jin!)
The door of the carriage was opened, and the three of Zhu Fu, who had gone out to purchase the missing materials for medicinal baths in the Bai Family Medicine Store, got into the carriage before Bai Jin left Fengyu City.

"It will be all right."

Jin Lin, who was phobic about lightning, squatted in front of Bai Jin, put his hands on his shoulders, and said with a serious face: "I believe that Brother Bai will survive the catastrophe safely!"

"Brother Jin, I know you're comforting me, but can you please change your position? Face to face with a serious and serious expression like this. It will make the atmosphere weird." Bai Jin pushed Jin Lin's face away with disgust on his face.

Jin Lin was taken aback, and looked at Bai Jin speechlessly.

"There's something wrong with them." Zhu Fu muttered in his heart looking at the two juniors and younger brothers.

She felt that Bai Jin was right, but what was really wrong was Jin Lin.


 Code words at home, was called out by a heartbroken friend for two drinks, and immediately started coding when I got home. There is another chapter at 02:30 or [-]:[-], let’s watch it again tomorrow morning!

(End of this chapter)

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