I am in good spirits

Chapter 285 Ancestral Lightning Tribulation

Chapter 285 Ancestral Lightning Tribulation (for Subscription)

Evening in Fengyu area.

Bai Jin was lying on a huge rock, looking at the dusk sky with a full face, waiting for the second notification from Master Law of Heaven and Earth. He was actually a little bit disapproving of the coming of the catastrophe.

Far surpassing the physical strength of the same level, the Heavenly Demon Armor composed of the five elements and mana combined with the upper soul, even a low-level cultivator at the stage of transforming gods can fight, and there is also the national destiny, the gold medal of the will to condense the power of all people to avoid death.

Bai Jin really didn't know how to get used to it, so after arranging some symbolic restrictions, he lay on the ground quietly waiting for the arrival of the catastrophe, although he was thinking about how to use the power of the Nascent Soul stage monks.

"You can't stand here"

More than [-] miles away from Bai Jin, Bai Taishi, who asked Hongchen Emperor for leave to go home in advance, transferred to Bai Lu's side through the space power bestowed by his official position, and smiled to the friends of Xingluo Xianmen: "You will also be affected by Bai Jin's thunder here."


Zhu Fu looked at Grand Master Bai with a puzzled look, as if he didn't quite understand the meaning of what he just said.

Everyone has already retreated to the area twenty miles away according to Bai Lu's intention. This is an area that is absolutely safe and cannot be any more safe. Listening to the sound of thunder and tribulation in the Nascent Soul Stage.

She is full of the power of the Nascent Soul Stage Heavenly Tribulation, but Grand Master Bai seems to have something to say!
"All will be evacuated further back, leaving a blank area of ​​fifty miles for Lei Jie to descend."

Grand Master Bai didn't explain anything, there are some things that can't be explained clearly without witnessing words with his own eyes. Bai Jin's crossing the catastrophe is not a normal catastrophe, and it doesn't belong to the kind of magic catastrophe with a slightly punitive nature.

It belongs to the kind of ancestral catastrophe.

As time passed by, more and more people came to watch Bai Jin's catastrophe. In fact, there were many characters such as relatives of the emperor and local powerful casual cultivators. They seemed to know everything and followed Grand Master Bai's footsteps. The day before, I came to the scene of crossing robbery.

Whether it was members of the Bai family or other casual cultivators, or the cultivators gathered due to the herd effect, they were all ordered by Grand Master Bai to retreat fifty miles away through range sound transmission.

【I'm coming】

A paragraph of words emerged in Bai Jin's mind. Bai Jin sat up from the rock with a strange face, glanced at the surrounding environment where the breeze was blowing and the insects and birds were singing, and asked in amazement: "Why hasn't it changed?"

When the catastrophe comes, the surrounding space will be affected by the catastrophe and become calm, and then with the catastrophe coming, the entire space will be ravaged by strong winds.

But now everything around is as usual, Bai Jin didn't notice anything wrong.


The sky above the white brocade suddenly cracked, revealing the deep and dead silence in the space gap. An illusory eye similar to the eye of punishment that was used to monitor when the punishment of heaven came, floated out of the empty space, stood on the sky to monitor and accept the sky. The white brocade that was tested by the tribulation trial.

【It's coming】

The Eye of Heaven's Punishment radiated thoughts, and once again gave Bai Jin a reminder to pay attention to the approaching Thunder Tribulation.

"What the hell?"

When Bai Jin saw the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, he froze in place. After asking a question, he frantically got out of the storage ring and put on clothes all over his body, even wearing a top on his head. I don't know who snatched the magic weapon of the helmet, and then directly put the fragments of the fairy weapon obtained by the Wanlinghui on his head.


Seeing the Eye of Heaven's Punishment floating above the white brocade, everyone in the Xingluo Xianmen who had experienced the Heaven's Punishment of the All Souls Society immediately looked sideways at Grand Master Bai, hoping that he could explain, because he ordered everyone to back off as soon as he arrived, Obviously, he knew about the mutation that happened to Bai Jin.

"Reproduce or live forever is a choice"

Grand Master Bai looked at the Eye of Heaven's Punishment and said indifferently: "The law of heaven and earth has chosen eternal life for us. If we want to obtain eternal life, we must accept a more cruel selection. He is now being tested by the law of heaven and earth."

Grand Master Bai hadn't finished talking, when the sky above the Eye of Punishment began to change, like a tornado-like black cloud gushing out from the gap in space, the sky turned into a pitch-black vortex and began to drop crimson pillars of thunder.

Bunches of lightning beams descended from the sky, forming a fence that goes straight to the sky and trapping Bai Jin in the center of the thunder disaster. The scarlet lightning of heavenly punishment began to spread, and the terrifying pressure suddenly descended on the ground. A big pit collapsed.

The crimson cylinder enveloped the white brocade, and the ground where the white brocade was located was flattened by terrifying pressure. Except for the steps preset by the Heavenly Tribulation, any objects or creatures protruding from the ground were flattened.

An extremely empty, flat and unobstructed space appeared in front of Bai Jin.

Tianjie created a trial space, a space where there is no complaint and regret, only life or death.

The wind calmed down, and the crackling sound of thunder also disappeared. All noises in the space of the crimson lightning beam were blocked by the Eye of Punishment, just to allow the subjects to obtain a space where they could think quietly.


The sound of thunder resounded through the sky, and as a reminder, the first trial of the immortal was officially opened.


Bai Jin raised his arms, and he didn't care to hide his strength and directly activated his strongest supernatural power. A five-meter-high complete soul appeared behind Bai Jin, raising his arms in the same way as Bai Jin and let out a roar.

Countless crimson lightning chains shot out from the high red walls all around reaching the sky, turning into the power of thunder and hitting the white brocade in the center directly, and the blue thunder in the sky gathered into a ball, gradually changing It is a conical cylinder.

The Eye of Punishment locked and aimed at Bai Jin, who was floating in the sea of ​​red thunder, and controlled the cylinder in the sky to bombard and fall at a speed several times the speed of sound.

It is responsible for monitoring the entire trial process and recording every move of the "Eternal Life".


The cylinder crashed into the stepped ground, and with the strongest force that Nascent Soul cultivator could bear, it directly bombarded Bai Jin in the red sea of ​​thunder. The dazzling white light with blinding effect burst violently, and countless blue thunderbolts exploded. Plow the land once, and the high temperature brought by the high-voltage current makes the soil start to turn into liquid.


At the center of the cylinder explosion, the crimson magma was churning with scorching heat, waves of heat rose, and the soul buried in the magma fell into the earth, standing up straight and shaking off the thick and viscous magma, violently flying towards the sky Roaring and roaring, majestic magic power gushed out from its tall and strong body, turning into a light blue shock wave and completely propping up a harmless landing ground.

The catastrophe is not universal, and the catastrophe faced by everyone is different.

The first catastrophe that Bai Jin faced was actually divided into three parts.

The first part is the red paralyzing thunder, which makes Bai Jin's proud body lose control.

The second part is bombarded with conical cylinders that are close to physical means.

The third part is the near-anoxic low-oxygen environment temporarily created when the high-temperature magma burns.

The first lightning calamity was designed to break through Bai Jin's body, and struck with a combination of fists with the force of a thunderbolt.

"There are two more."

Bai Jin floated in front of the soul's chest. Except for the fragments of the fairy chime, all the defensive artifacts and prohibitions were torn to pieces by the red sea of ​​thunder. Other than the damage, everything else is basically broken.

Bai Jin only has two storage rings left, which is the result of his protection all the time.

Bai Jin's whole body is entwined with light blue mana. His left hand keeps taking out the turbid spirit fruit, while his right hand holds high-grade spirit stones and stuffs them into his mouth indiscriminately. It was shattered, and all the crystals were swallowed.

He seldom eats spirit stones directly, in addition to being harmful to the body, it also has the characteristics of poor transformation ratio.

One spirit stone can be exchanged for mana in the foundation building period, and the amount of a few spirit stones will be recovered. If the mana exchange target is a monster, you can even get the mana of two spirit stones.

But Bai Jin doesn't care about other things now, the first lightning strike just now squeezed him dry in an instant, if it wasn't for the soul devouring the red thunder to convert mana, Bai Jin would have been broken through the physical defense just now
Without the powerful physical defense, with the terrifying power of Heavenly Tribulation, he could definitely kill himself easily.

(End of this chapter)

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