I am in good spirits

Chapter 286 "The Immortal"

Chapter 286 "The Immortal"

Thousands of miles away from the main city of Fengyu, there is a giant fairy boat that looks like a hundred-eyed centipede, twisting its body in the sky and moving forward like a fast crawl.

"Master, please come quickly and take a look. The weather outside seems to be a bit ominous. I don't know if it has something to do with the purpose of our trip."

A white-clothed monk sitting cross-legged on a centipede carapace, recovering his mental state, vaguely saw a red beam of light at the destination of his trip. After confirming that it was not his own dazzle, he turned his head and shouted at the cabin full of flesh and blood biological tissues inside. With a sound.

"have what?"

One segment of the centipede's carapace cracked and turned into a flowing water-like substance and hid in the deck to reveal the cabin. Sui Mingxing raised his hand to push aside the turbulent wind, and walked to the Taiyi Palace disciple who had just called him out.

The half-day human Chongju, who looks like a child, walked with Sui Mingxing to the protective armor of the fairy boat, looked towards the sky and thought for a moment, and said slowly: "There is someone who is crossing the catastrophe. If I remember correctly, it should be from the Bai family."

"The Bai family."

Sui Mingxing frowned and looked at the red beam of light, with doubts appearing on his face: "Could it be that Grand Master Bai is not convinced and wants to set foot in the fairyland?"

"That ominous thing is a catastrophe?"

The disciple sitting on the carapace, and the disciples of the Xingluo Xianmen in the other cabins all showed their astonishment. They all looked at the sky-reaching red beam of light, feeling the tyrannical pressure and abundant thunder attribute emitted by it, and immediately turned their eyes to Sui. Mingxing and Chongju wanted to get some answers from the two seniors.

Aren't Heavenly Tribulations all blue and white?Why is the cataclysm in front of him blood red like a punishment from heaven?

Seeing doubts and solutions from the juniors, Sui Mingxing calmed down the confusion in his heart, and said: "The red thunder light in front of me is indeed a thunder disaster, and you may not know some secrets about the cultivation world."

"Among the human race, there is a kind of people who are chosen by heaven. They may possess laws that go against the sky, or they may have carried out endless slaughters of their own kind. In short, they have shown far superiority to their peers for various reasons, and thus are subject to the laws of heaven and earth. Pay attention to a type of human race."

"They are cursed by the laws of heaven and earth, and almost lose the ability to reproduce. Their spirituality is mixed with the gift of eternal life and indestructible opportunities. They live in an environment that keeps getting stronger all day long. Either they become immortals and leave, or they die due to various opportunities. In a coincidence."

"They are called 'eternals'. Peerless geniuses who have been recognized and bestowed by the laws of heaven and earth!"

The immortals in the world of comprehension are actually a group of monsters with amazing talents. They use various means to prove themselves to be the best geniuses in their race, thus attracting the recognition and encouragement of the power of the law of heaven and earth.

The immortals are not short of opportunities, the place where they stand is a blessed place, and they are not lacking in education. The laws of heaven and earth personally arrange disasters for them. Even the ability to reproduce is cut off to ensure their concentration.

There is no compromise for the immortals, either they die, or they become immortals and leave through the sky.

"They are born with the aptitude to become immortals. As long as they don't die and become stronger, they will naturally become immortals." Chongju said lightly: "The ancestors of the Bai family in the Fengyu Empire obtained the laws of heaven and earth by endlessly slaughtering their own clansmen and proving their excellent fighting skills. The family that has been recognized by the power and obtained the ticket to become a fairy."

"The crimson thunder beam in front of you is the trial ground where the laws of heaven and earth are testing the immortals."

"I see."

The disciples of the Xingluo Xianmen suddenly realized, and their cheeks were more or less excited. Obviously, through the explanations of Sui Mingxing and Chongju, they had a preliminary understanding of the greatest benefits of the immortal.

Then came the heartbeat, the treatment of the immortals is much better than that of ordinary monks, isn't it?The master of the law of heaven and earth arranged the escort of chance and spells throughout the whole process, and even the will of God came to personally guide the immortals.
Who wouldn't want to be an immortal!

No wonder the seniors of the Xingluo Xianmen, who are gentle, educated, knowledgeable and understanding in the sect, chased the demon disciples frantically as soon as they went out. It turns out that there is such an advantage in massacring among the same kind.

"Bai feels that you have misunderstood something."

The centipede-shaped fairy boat was extremely fast, and after a few chats and explanations, it came not far from the red beam of light, and it was clear and intuitive to see the aura overflowing.

Therefore, Taishi Bai, who had been sitting on the scene to protect Bai Jin's whole process, also saw the centipede-shaped fairy boat, and took advantage of the time when Tianjie was accumulating energy, transferred it to the fairy boat through the power of his official position and said hello to the old acquaintances.

"It's not feasible to prove to the sky that massacre is not feasible. Only by drawing a sword against a stronger person or a monk of the same level, or even massacring more than a hundred times the enemy at the same time. It is possible to obtain a title that no one wants."

"Uh, why are you here?"

Sui Mingxing saw Grand Master Bai stunned, turned his head to look at the impenetrable red beam of light, then turned his head to see Grand Master Bai who had flashed onto the fairy boat, and said in surprise: "... Could it be that the idea I just said casually at the beginning Is it really effective? Is it your son who is crossing the catastrophe?"

"Yes, thanks to the care of the elders, Gouzi and his friends returned to the Fengyu area not long ago." Taishi Bai said to Suimingxing with a smile: "At the beginning, the fairy let me get a unicorn with a casual remark, but now the yin and yang It's a mistake to worship under the fairy's door. The fate is really wonderful."

"Worshiping under your door?"

Sui Mingxing was taken aback and turned his head, denying the proven truth from the bottom of his heart and looking at Chongju.

"Exotic beasts rely on blood inheritance, so it's obvious that the grand master is talking about your apprentice Bai Jin," Chongju looked at Suimingxing and said with certainty.

"Is my apprentice in there?" Sui Mingxing looked at the red Lei Zhu and gasped: "Then there is still life?"

She has always held the mentality of watching a play, and of course understated when talking about the immortal. After all, the difficulty of becoming an immortal can be called going against the sky. Now that she knows that her only seedling is an immortal, she is currently undergoing Yuanying. The period of catastrophe. She is numb all over.

She was the one who dragged Bai Jin into the door. Sui Mingxing knew Bai Jin very well, and she didn't have any confidence in Bai Jin's ability to complete the tribulation.
She taught Bai Jin to be cruel to people, not to fight against the catastrophe.

Suimingxing panicked. That was his only seedling!
"Fairy, please rest assured."

Grand Master Bai smiled and started talking nonsense: "I have already arranged a complete process for Bai Jin to overcome the catastrophe. I used this method to survive the Nascent Soul's catastrophe."

He met Suimingxing in his early years, and it was thanks to Suimingxing's guidance that Bai Jin could be born smoothly.

Grand Master Bai has a general understanding of Bai Jin's recent experience through Shi Feiyan, so when he saw Sui Mingxing and Chongju arriving as scheduled, he immediately came up to fool him.

Don't talk nonsense, but it can't explain why Bai Jin is wandering outside alone.
With the influence of the Bai family in Feng Yu area, what reason does Bai Jin have to get lost for no reason?
Moreover, Bai Jin also said that it was lost in the war, that Feng Yu had hundreds of strong soldiers and horses, and there were hundreds of immortal boats in the war, and there was even a celestial man and a mortal emperor sitting in command. Who would dare to attack the Feng Yu Empire?
Grand Master Bai has to do a good job here, otherwise Bai Jin will be interrogated by Sui Mingxing.

The thunder made a second tremor, indicating that the second thunder tribulation was about to fall.

(End of this chapter)

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