I am in good spirits

Chapter 288 Sui Ming Xing: You can't die, you can't die, I can save you!

Chapter 288 Sui Mingxing Can't Die, I Can Save It!

The blue-white thunderball splashes out a large number of light beams, and strikes the white brocade in a directional manner. A bunch of thunderbolts draw parabolas from the sky, or pull out arcs to attack in a roundabout way, or even shoot directly. The speed is far from the first round. comparable.

Bai Jin subconsciously turned sideways to avoid the incoming beam, but the parabolic ray in the sky did not completely avoid it. When he manipulated the soul to block it, the soul's head was directly pierced by the beam and turned into aura that dissipated.

But the time bought by the soul is enough for Bai Jin to dodge the light beam attack.

The thunder beam was extremely powerful, and attached to it was a power that Bai Jin could not understand at all.However, Bai Jin also roughly knew that if he was hit by a thunder beam on any part of his body, the final result would probably be torn apart.
Its invincible penetrating power is wrapped around the impact force, as long as it penetrates the target impact force, it can crush the human body.

"...However, it's unlucky for a small basketball!"

Bai Jin raised his hand to retract his entire soul, only wrapped around his body in the light blue flame-like demon armor, and began to dive towards the thunder ball five miles away at top speed.

The blue thunderball started the third round of scattered beams. The beams from the top of the ball scattered into the sky, as if endless raindrops were scattered on the ground, but every beam of thunder that fell on the ground would make a low, muffled sound. Burnt pits appeared on the ground.

It was as if there was an extremely tall giant, who was chasing after Bai Jin who was sprinting in front of him. The giant chased madly step by step.

In addition to the parabolic beams, the blue and white thunderball also displayed a large number of arcs and direct beams, as well as energy shocks like shock waves. The goal was to completely kill Bai Jin who was sprinting around the stairs.

".The flowers bloom instantly!"

Dodging the most threatening parabolic beam, Bai Jin stopped running in circles, turned around and rushed straight to the blue thunderball that had been standing in place.Facing the blow like a dense barrage, Bai Jin raised his palm wrapped with light blue mana and slapped it on the thunder beam, and a flower of a colorful flower was shattered.

Surrounded by countless beams of light, Bai Jin raised his arms, spun his body, and waved his palms, even turning the soul into eight arms to cast flowers together, tearing a path from the sea of ​​beams in an instant.

The pupils of the Eye of Punishment were flickering, and they focused on Bai Jin to record the final test, until Bai Jin tore the blockade of the thunder beam and jumped up from the top of the stairs to explode the lightning ball with his palm. Then zoom in and record the vision of the audience.


Bai Jin jumped up from the third step, surrounded by thunder beams that turned into flower petals and dissipated. He raised his arms and turned his palms into knives to break the concentrated beams, aiming at the blue lightning ball suspended at a height of two meters. The left hand is in the front to block the action to prevent accidents, and after the right hand is pulled, it starts to accumulate strength and prepare for a blow to end the test of the catastrophe.


But the blue thunder ball suddenly changed, and it changed into a humanoid form extremely quickly, leaning back on the waist and increasing the swing of the punch, and punched out hard, hitting Bai Jin's abdomen who thought he was holding the winning ticket.

Immediately afterwards, a left fist with a swinging arm came, and a whip fist was directly drawn on Bai Jin's face, which was hit hard and floated in the air, causing him to spin and turn into a blue light and hit the edge of the stairs.


The humanoid thunderbolt turned into a beam of light, aimed at the spot where Bai Jin landed and stomped on it, without stopping at all.


Smoke and dust filled the edge of the large pit with steps, and the humanoid body hit the body with a heavy eagle step, but it seemed to be blocked by something. When the body was one meter above the ground, the whole human body hovered and could not move an inch.

"Life Restart Blooming!"

The emerald green shovel raised the wind, and Bai Jin slapped the humanoid face with the shovel backhand, directly smashing it to the ground and hitting the whole head into an oval shape.

A tender seedling grew from its head, but because the humanoid body contained extremely huge mana and the white brocade itself was not strong enough, the seven-colored flowers in the humanoid body grew extremely slowly.

When Bai Jin saw this situation, he almost started swearing.The strength of the plasma body in front of him is extremely strong and abnormal. From the series of combined punches it just made, it can be seen that it has the upper hand in fighting. Just now, I just took out the weapon suddenly and took an advantage that I was caught off guard.

If you really want to fight with it, you can be beaten to death by it within 5 minutes.

Up to now, Bai Jin can only put his head on the head and confront it head-on
He didn't think he could run faster than the speed of sound, or withstand the back attack of the beam.

"Let me reward you with a few little red flowers!"

Bai Jin handed the shovel to the eight arms beside him, and directly entangled with the humanoid figure in front of him.

Apart from my own arms, the purpose of including the eight arms transformed by the soul, a total of ten arms, is to touch it before I am killed, and keep using flowers to instantly wear away the strong mana in its body.
A flower blooms slowly to two or three. As long as the mana of the humanoid is weakened, the colorful flowers can directly devour the blue and white humanoid in an instant!


Avoiding the phantom-like series of jabs, Bai Jin wanted to touch the human body for the third time, but he was accidentally hit by a leaping knee on the chest, and the bones that were hit made cracking sounds. Even the heart stopped due to the impact.

third touch.
Bai Jin held his breath, the wood attribute mana in his body transformed into vitality and began to heal, but the human-like body seemed to realize that time was running out, and started a frenzied pursuit of Bai Jin

The complete soul appeared behind him, aimed at the humanoid body that was attacking Bai Jin, and waved a huge fist, but the humanoid figure disappeared in a flash, and appeared next to Bai Jin's side, bypassing the soul, and turned to relay. The heels directly hit Bai Jin's shoulder blades.

Bai Jin's body pierced through the soul and flew out, and the human-like body punched forward fiercely as if it sensed something, the light blue mana dissipated from the void, and then the body kept punching the void as if twitching.

"Can't afford to provoke."

Bai Jin, who was carried by the spirit and ran in circles, released a large number of non-existent miniature spirits to besiege the humanoid.

It's just that the effect was not good at all, and they were all blown up before they lasted for 20 seconds, but Bai Jin didn't dare to step forward to fight it hard now, and if he was hit by that thing with a set of combined punches, he would really is going to die.

The heel kick after the blow just now has completely numb Bai Jin's left side of his body, and he has temporarily lost his ability to fight. As for performing spells, Bai Jin feels that if he does that, his body will probably change into a blue thunderbolt. The ball fills itself with beams.

Those three colorful flowers. Let them grow up slowly!


There was a flower bud on the top of the head, and on both sides of the shoulders emerged a thunder-like human figure with buds and three flowers gathered together. Standing there, he did not chase after Bai Jin, who was obviously running away, and just stood there blankly, raising his hands and slowly clasping together , as if the wire ends of the positive and negative poles were held together, blue and white lightning sparks ignited on the thunder-like human body.


Bai Jin, who was paralyzed on the back of the soul, looked at that kind of human body movement and slowly made a question mark. He couldn't understand the meaning of this movement, but with the fluctuation of chaotic mana, he was in a relationship with the whole one. When it was burning, Bai Jin finally realized.

That thing... seems to know that he is going to lose, so he is going to make a decent exit with a self-destruct.


Bai Jin was shocked and jumped forward, blending into the soul body and controlling it to turn into a streamer, and ran straight to the edge of the crimson beam of light that was farthest from the thunder-like body.

"sulfuric acid"

Dazzling blue-white light burst out, even the impenetrable crimson lightning barrier revealed blue light, the entire lightning barrier was shaking non-stop, a beam of light gushed directly from the barrier into the sky, and the spiral black clouds It blows in all directions, as if the sun illuminated the surrounding lights brightly.

After a long time, the crimson lightning barrier began to slowly disintegrate into debris and dissipate. The entire illusory Eye of Heaven's Punishment rose into the space crack and disappeared, leaving only a large pit that collapsed nearly [-] meters on the spot.


At the moment when the thunder screen shattered, Sui Mingxing sent out his divine thoughts to scan the land of crossing the catastrophe, locked on a dying vital sign in a breath, and performed the wood escape technique to appear directly beside him, raised his arms and pressed On his chest, rescue the charcoal in front of him.

"Don't speak with that tone in your mouth, you can save it before it's time to draw out the Nascent Soul."


Bai Jin, who was able to hook his fingers lightly, was startled by the sudden arrival of Sui Mingxing from Mu Dun, and he fainted from fright as he rolled his eyes.

Before fainting from shock, the only thought in my heart was: "Master Headmaster, I'm sorry. I can't hide it anymore. I beg you, old man, don't kill me. Apart from my achievements in cultivation, I also know a lot."

"I'm sycophant."


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(End of this chapter)

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