Chapter 289

After the Tribulation Trial of the Immortals, Bai Jin gained the power that all Nascent Soul cultivators must have.

Shouyuan has been greatly improved, refined mana control and the opportunity to be reincarnated. Now physical death is no longer real death. The Nascent Soul bred by the golden core in the body has the ability to run quickly.

If Yuanying wants to be reincarnated, he can go to reincarnate. If Yuanying doesn't want to be reincarnated, he can choose a suitable container to seize.

"Master, why are you here?"

The aftermath of the Heavenly Tribulation Trial slowly dissipated, and Bai Jin, who was transferred back to the Bai Family Village, woke up slowly, looked at Sui Mingxing beside him with a face full of surprise, and then noticed that his body seemed to be a little tense, and looked down. He found that he and Jinlin had changed into a couple outfit.

The bandages made of wood shavings have already tied themselves up very strongly, just like a big meat dumpling placed before cooking rice dumplings.

Sui Mingxing sat on the chair beside the bed, put his hands on the back of the chair to form a pillow, rested his chin on it, and looked straight at Bai Jin with a solemn expression.Bai Jin, who was being watched, was scratched all over and asked cautiously with a pun: "Master, look. Can I still be saved?"

Bai Jin is full of anxiety now, and has no idea what the situation is now, but the only thing he can be sure of is that Sui Ming Xing should witness his courageous journey through the catastrophe.

Thousands and thousands of calculations, rushing slowly, forcefully relying on eating turbid spiritual fruits to eat the Heavenly Tribulation arrived early, just to stagger the time to cross the Tribulation ahead of time and then go to meet the star of life, but did not think that people are not as good as God. I and Tianjie Sui Ming Xing comes uninvited when the passion is torn apart.

"About my Heavenly Tribulation, I can actually explain it." Seeing that Sui Mingxing hadn't spoken, Bai Jin tried to explain why his Heavenly Tribulation was so fierce.

"Hey" Sui Mingxing sighed, and slowly said: "I know what you want to say, but those things are not important anymore, and I didn't expect you to keep hiding it from me."

"It hurts here"

Sui Mingxing sat up straight and looked at Bai Jin, and gently raised his hand to cover his chest to express his heartache.

She had already heard from Grand Master Bai about the specific process, and she already had a general understanding of Bai Jin, and she also knew why Feng Yu was chosen as the place for Bai Jin to practice.

In addition to being deeply speechless about this, Sui Mingxing can sigh in his heart: "The fate is beyond words."

Ever since Bai Jin was born, he has been artificially set up with a powerful method of replacing his destiny. Once Bai Jin is out of sight, you will be guided by strong luck if you deliberately look for Bai Jin in your heart, and you will miss it every time. Chance to meet Bai Jin.

Except that he is not deliberately looking for someone to meet, only the person that Bai Jin knows he wants to meet can appear in front of Bai Jin and catch him
It was because Bai Jin was lost while going out that Feng Yu's Bai family scraped the ground three feet like a scraper, scraping Bai Jin from the central part of Yuanzhou to the east. It took nearly ten years to stop and stop along the way, and finally hit To the hands of the culprit who caused his own birth.

Because of Sui Mingxing's cheerful personality and good medical skills, Fengyu Empire held the Immortal Ascension Meeting every five and ten.

Grand Master Bai naturally sought her medical advice and medicine. After learning about the cause of Grand Master Bai's infertility, Sui Mingxing searched for the records of "eternal life" in ancient books, and roughly gave Grand Master a slightly unreliable answer. idea.

The so-called immortals are the outstanding ones among the human race who are admired by the laws of heaven and earth.After cutting you off, it is just to let you not distract your attention with random thoughts, and concentrate on improving your cultivation so that you can become a fairy as soon as possible. It is not deliberately targeted but it is a kindness.
Grand Master Bai's stubborn illness has no cure, and if he wants to continue his own blood, he must start with the "curse from heaven".

Sui Mingxing's suggestion to Grand Master Bai is a showdown, directly showing that he is a waste and cannot bear it, and let my blood descendants inherit my "gift of God's will".
Grand Master Bai had already tasted all kinds of herbs at that time, so he stopped cultivating with the idea of ​​giving it a try, and then collected the willingness of all people to stud with his wife. After a hundred years of stud, a white brocade really came out.

For the newborn blood of the Bai family, the Grand Master Bai and the Bai Lu family attach great importance to it. In terms of the arrangements for the substitute of the destiny, they can try not to let him go out without going out. This has led to many people knowing that there is Bai Jin, but they have never seen it. Bai Jin is this person.

Those who knew a little about the history of the Bai family but had no contact with the Bai family thought that Bai Jin was adopted.

Sui Mingxing didn't know much about it either, Grand Master Bai never said anything about Bai Jin, and he didn't even know that he gave birth to a son.
She only comes to Feng Yu once every five years, and each time she only stays for about a month, all she contacts are important officials of Feng Yu's court on weekdays.

And according to what Grand Master Bai said, Bai Jin was sent back by the ruthless fairy Kai Xianzhou not long ago. After meeting Feng Yu's Bai family, she went to the forbidden area of ​​Corpse Mountain alone.



Seeing the complicated expression on Sui Mingxing's face, pressing his chest to express his heartache, Bai Jin almost stopped breathing and felt cold all over his body, and vaguely felt a burst of cold air blowing in from the crack of the door: "I"

"I'm disappointed in you."

Sui Mingxing sighed again: "As a teacher, I have always been proud of you. Seeing your rapid progress in cultivation, I am really happy for you from the bottom of my heart, but you actually concealed your identity as Feng Yubai's family."

"I drank that cup of tea for my teacher. You are my apprentice of Sui Mingxing. No matter what happens, you are my direct apprentice of Sui Mingxing. Even if the ancestors of the Bai family have been demon cultivators for generations, you are also my apprentice. This matter will not affect the friendship between us as master and apprentice!"

She could understand Bai Jin's kind concealment from herself after learning of her life experience, but she couldn't accept it.

Thousands of years ago, the Bai family was a blood demon gate, a demon gate bound by blood and blood, proficient in the method of manipulating the roots of plants in Mufa, and can turn the meridians of the human body into plant roots for manipulation just by touching.

Its name: 'The law of ghost grass worry-free conclusion'.

She doesn't care about the past of Bai Jin's family. What makes Sui Mingxing angry and disappointed is Bai Jin's hiding. He knows that he is an immortal, but he still improves his cultivation rapidly without slowing down. Isn't he taking Are you playing around with your own life?

There are three direct disciples of Sui Mingxing, and the first two direct disciples died and lost contact. Now that Bai Jin doesn't take her own life as her own, she is very angry.

How long has he known the Bai family?
How long have you been away from yourself?

In such a short period of time, it is absolutely impossible for even the Bai family to arrange a foolproof method for Bai Jin.

"Promise me to take care of yourself." Sui Mingxing squatted down and gently hugged Bai Jin, who wanted to struggle to get up, as if he had some sophistry to say: ".You are the No.3 apprentice who I personally impart knowledge, and also the last teacher. An apprentice who imparts experience himself."

"Think twice before acting. No matter what you have, you can consult with your teacher. I drink the apprenticeship tea, and you accept the teacher's gift in return. Apart from your biological parents, I am your closest family member."

"It's Master."

Feeling the strength of Sui Mingxing's embrace, although Bai Jin has some confusion about it, he can still feel that Sui Mingxing's emotion towards him is not anger, but a kind of worry and a kind of fear.

Bai Jin's black heart is not good, and he usually doesn't do things that kill the whole family, but once he does it, the whole family will go over and nod their heads according to the genealogy.

He is extremely good at dealing with malice, just kill his whole family if he doesn't agree with each other.

But being treated with sincerity, Bai Jin is not good at dealing with him, and he has not experienced it a few times.

The devils of the Hehuan Sect have a free and easy personality, but they will remember all the favors in their hearts. If you are in trouble, I will help you. They never say some nasty words.

Exposure of his identity as a member of the Devil's sect, and being treated like this by Sui Mingxing made Bai Jin feel uncomfortable all over his body.

It's as if the scumbag was caught, revealed, forgiven, and the sufferer and even the reason are waiting for him to turn around.


ask for votes
 The sand sculpture friend took me out to drink b wine every day.

  Just a word of complaint. The dark beer thing is better than Wusu.

(End of this chapter)

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