I am in good spirits

Chapter 290 A fully matched Nascent Soul monk.

Chapter 290 A fully matched Nascent Soul monk.

The morning of the second day after the catastrophe.

Bai Jin got up from her dormitory, and stretched her waist with a refreshed face. The shaving bandages wrapped around her body were all torn apart during breathing, and fell on the carpet one after another: "The feeling of Yuanying is still there. good."

By the time he survived the catastrophe, Bai Jin had already fully mastered the power of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage. Except for the fact that his lifespan had been greatly improved, the most obvious feeling was the control of his aura.

With a panoramic view of the surrounding ten miles of divine consciousness, a mass of aura from the outside world can be gathered with every gesture.

Cultivators below the Nascent Soul Stage cannot do this. Even if you are at the Golden Core Stage or the Foundation Establishment Stage, you can only cast magic spells and other immortal spells by converting the aura of heaven and earth into mana.

To put it simply, even if the monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage and Golden Core Stage have magical powers that defy the sky, there is a threshold for the mana that can be stored in the body. The amount of mana you output is directly proportional to the power of the spell.

Nascent Soul cultivator not only possesses the upgraded version of the "Golden Elixir Transfer" ability to passively breathe in heaven and earth aura, but also can use his own mana to attract outside aura, thereby breaking the threshold of mana storage in the body, and can perform a truly large-scale land-cleaning technique Law.

For example, in Baijin's range technique, "Heavenly Demon Crossing Evil", the original range was only about [-] meters, but now he can super double it to a kilometer or even [-] meters.

The 'Broken Soul Slaughter' is no longer limited to the body. Bai Jin can arouse an aura field as long as he wants to, and arrange a giant 'Broken Soul Slaughter Formation' to crush the enemy, directly eating a whole creature, including its existence and soul .

This is the strength of the monks in the Nascent Soul Stage.Since the Nascent Soul stage, monks are really worthy of the honorific title of "human immortal" in the world of mortals.

The golden core stage was still not so interesting, Bai Jin could not wait to raise his arms to order the soul, show a roar that resounded through the sky and destroy everything, to express his joy of being promoted to a monk in the Nascent Soul stage.

The Nascent Soul stage is the end point for many monks, but it is the starting point for those with outstanding talents.

It is also a realm that can show the inner strength. Many secret skills in the cultivation world are based on the foundation that can break the threshold of one's own mana.

Of course, Bai Jin wanted to think about it, but he didn't dare to practice the three secret techniques of the Hehuan Sect and the group effect of the 'He Hua Zi Zai Tian Mo Jing' in his own home.

Aunt Chong was still sleeping in the next room, and the giant tree that almost broke through the sky made Bai Jin calm down.

Bai Jin didn't know if he would be happy with the soul howling, but the Wuqingxian could definitely hit him very quickly.


"Look at what to eat first!"

I deliberately got up early in the morning, took off all the shaving bandages on my body, briefly washed the filth left on my body when I crossed the catastrophe yesterday, put on a simple two-piece exercise suit, and opened the bedroom door.

The giant tree that shaded the sun was still in sight, Bai Jin took a deep breath and sighed slowly.

Thanks to the father of the old riddleman in the garden, Master Suimingxing didn't realize that he was a secret agent of the magic sect.

But because of this, Bai Jin also learned that his family's ancestors have been honest people in the magic sect for generations, and that his grandfather and father belonged to the category of rebellious sons who jumped out of the demon sect and went to the court to work for the emperor of the world. After a long time, he turned out to be a relative A model of inheritance.

The dark green color on the golden core is partly because he majored in woodwork, but it is more likely because his ancestors were also wood-carving giants.

If the ancestors hadn't died cleanly, they would probably be so damn gratified to see themselves now!

"Go and get a gelding Chongming bird, and then go to the market to buy some sand ginger, celery, and carrots."

Coming to the courtyard where the kitchen is, looking at the busy cooks and helpers inside, Bai Jin casually asked the maids to prepare some ingredients for himself, and he planned to cook some meals for Suimingxing by himself at noon.

Among the things that can make Sui Mingxing happy, all kinds of delicacies rank first.

It just so happens that apart from practicing, Bai Jin is best at cooking and making ice cream, which can be regarded as a secret skill he practiced because of his tricky tongue.

He makes gourmet dishes only out of pursuit. He doesn't even think about cooking on weekdays. He would rather just do it without being too lazy to be busy in the kitchen for more than an hour, but Sui Mingxing is an exception.
If you lick the master Sui Mingxing well, you don’t have to be afraid of the head teacher touching your dormitory in the middle of the night and stabbing yourself. You can also rely on the name of Sui Mingxing to bluff around. In the future, when you go to the virgin forest, those monsters will need to give yourself three points !

As for the free old devil?That peeping tom is only worthy of leftovers from packed meals!

"Brother Bai is in good health?"

Jin Lin, who got up early and came out for morning exercise, saw that Bai Jin was telling the Bujia people something, so he waited for them to finish talking in the distance, and came forward to express concern.

After watching the live version of Bai Jindujie yesterday, and having a conversation with Master Bai about the classic riddleman's quotations, Jin Lin's sense of fear of Master Tianjie straightened up to the point where he felt limp when he saw it.

Reproduction or Immortality The law of heaven and earth makes the choice for us to live forever.

Translation Translation is not the power of the laws of heaven and earth. When arranging a catastrophe, it actually depends on the talent of the person. If you see that your talent is good, I will give you a multiplier to avoid chaos.

There is one thing to say, Jinlin feels that his talent cannot reach the level of Bai Jin's being closed by the laws of heaven and earth, but his talent is also stronger than ordinary geniuses.

"It's not bad! The thunder that blew itself up in the last round of Heavenly Tribulation hurt more, but Master rescued me urgently and I got a good night's sleep."

Bai Jin smiled and said, "It's just that I have a lot of residual medicinal power in my body, and it takes a while to consume it."

The essence of the elixir is to compress solid aura, and it has a miraculous effect that ordinary aura does not have.

Swallowing a large number of pills will inevitably lead to explosion, but Bai Jin dared to swallow the high-efficiency pills made by Sui Mingxing so presumptuously because of his strong body and fast absorption of spiritual energy.

Other monks would have blew themselves up long ago, but due to swallowing a large amount of elixir, some spiritual energy was running around in the meridians in the body before it could be digested, and it would take some time to find out and refine it.

Otherwise, when outputting mana with all its strength, it is easy to cause serious damage to the meridians and take hundreds of years of cultivation.

"So good."

Seeing that Bai Jin was safe and sound, Jin Lin suddenly asked curiously: "Brother Bai, does it feel special to be promoted to Nascent Soul cultivator? Changes inside and outside the body."

She is afraid of the rumbling thunder, but if she has the chance to overcome the catastrophe, even if she has a scalp that is starting to tingle, she will still choose to fight the catastrophe with twenty layers of menstruation belt under her trousers!
"What do you feel?"

Bai Jin pondered for a moment in his mind, and finally found a description from his scarce vocabulary:

"If I have to describe it. My feeling is that I finally have the feeling of being myself again. Part of the restraint mechanism on my body has been untied. Today's me can single-handedly kill three of yesterday's me."

"Other than that, I don't feel anything else, right, and this."

Bai Jin thought about it again, then stretched out her hand to lift off her clothes to reveal her stomach.

A little man about five centimeters poked his head out from Bai Jin's belly, with a smile on his face, he stretched out his hand and waved to Jin Lin as a friendly greeting.


Seeing Bai Jin's movements, Jin Lin was startled, but then regained his composure and asked, "Can I touch it?"

 second later
(End of this chapter)

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