I am in good spirits

Chapter 292 The Ascension Conference

Chapter 292 The Ascension Conference
"Huh? Why are you still here?"

Sitting in the dining room, eating breakfast and brushing the jade slips, Grand Master Bai saw Bai Jin, Sui Mingxing, and the Xingluo Xianmen group who had just returned from the morning exercise, and said in confusion: "Today's trial The Devil's Nest has officially started selling admission tickets, originally [-] tickets, but we arranged for [-] ghosts to line up."

"If you don't go early, sooner or later, I'm afraid you will have to spend a lot of money to buy the high-priced tickets for those insiders."

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty are very idle, only busy for one or two months every five years. In addition to discussing the recent affairs of the empire in the Red Dust Palace every day, they are all studying how to make money and how to make money. Catch some empire moths to get promoted.

A festival like the 'Trial of the Devil's Nest' is simply a good day for civil and military officials to slaughter monks.

The trial demon cave was open for two months, and the Feng Yu Empire restricted the entry of only [-] monks within two months, and issued [-] low-priced tickets for [-] spirit stones.

The remaining 1 tickets are all rip-offs. The sales price of the inner ghosts starts with more than [-] spirit stones, and then slowly reduces the price as time goes by. When it finally drops to [-] spirit stones, they are willing to tear up the tickets and not sell them to casual cultivators. them.


Bai Jin slowly put out a question mark, looked at his father and asked, "Father, am I your own?"

"I have a paternity test here, do you want to see it? We are biological father and son in terms of blood." Grand Master Bai answered Bai Jin's strange question.

This time it was Bai Jin's turn to be choked up. He never thought that there was such a thing as a paternity test, nor did he think that his old father would actually do it. Wouldn't he be afraid that his mother would ruin the family?

"It turned out to be dear"

"I refuse. For such a small matter, you can solve it by queuing up and spending a little money yourself. The ticket for the mere trial demon cave is not worth me to say." Grand Master Bai waved his hand and said: "I will never mention money when I open the account department. I seem to be taking some small advantage."

"If you really can't get tickets, let's talk about it. This is a country ruled by law, and everything must be done according to the rules."

The fact of the ticket is too small, so small that Grand Master Bai is too embarrassed to talk to the household department.

Bai Jin really couldn't get tickets, so he asked the Ministry of War to issue an approval slip to let them in. Anyway, no one would know if there were 1 to 50 more out of [-] people.

"You all wanted to go to the Trial Devil's Nest to explore, but you actually agreed?"

Sui Mingxing glanced at the chief disciples, then at Grand Master Bai where the old god was present, and said in disbelief, "Aren't you worried about problems?"

"If you don't want to die, you won't die. If you can hide your fate for a while." Bai Taishi smiled and said: "I am full of confidence in Bai Jin. He is destined to be a person who will become a great event. Those who died in the Devil's Nest of Trials."

"speak English."

Bai Jin, who finished breakfast quickly, rolled her eyes when she heard her father's nagging words and spoke bluntly.

"The information on the Demon's Nest of Trials has been sorted out, as long as a pig can read and write, it won't die." Grand Master Bai translated the riddle he just said.

Bai Jin nodded and said, "Understood."


Coming out of the dining room, Bai Jin led the boys to pull up the armored man and hurried out the door.

As a blessed place, there are countless people who want to travel inside to try their luck. You can buy a chance to change your fate by spending thousands of spirit stones. Buy one and stud it inside.

It's death anyway, it's better to spend a little time in the cave to change your life than to die poorly.

Creatures with such bold ideas, Bai Jin believes that there are definitely not a few of them. The number of human races is already so large that it seems to be endless like waves. Moreover, the Trial Devil's Nest is not limited to the human races who can visit it.

Counting the monster race, the sea race and the alien race, who would use the mere [-] tickets released by the Feng Yu royal family!

"A little more infantrymen, if the queue is too long later, we will say that we have received a report that someone at the registration office of the household department has accepted bribes, and we will directly take the host and send him to prison for a beating."

Looking at the infantry team, Bai Jin felt that the number of people seemed a bit insufficient. He turned his head to the infantry commander at home and told him to find some more soldiers, otherwise he might not be able to support the scene later.

After Bai Jin's understanding, the infantrymen in him and the imperial court infantrymen are all of the same type, and the commander of the family is also very orderly to order other court infantry squads.

Therefore, he had no choice but to make a bad move to buy tickets. Bai Jin would never buy a scalper ticket. It wasn't a matter of money or not. .

"The commander leads the way, copy his ticket office."

The infantry commander was speechless: "...take orders."

Friends of the Star Network Immortal Gate: "."

Should it be said that he is indeed Brother Bai (junior brother)?Such a rogue's tricks, is this really a method that disciples of the righteous way should use?Is this reasonable?


"Did something happen up front?"

But not long after we set off, before we walked from the east side of the city to the west side of the city, the convoy was stopped by a group of people on the road and couldn't move any more. Bai Jin looked at the crowd in front of the road with a strange face, turned his head sideways and asked The infantry captain next to him.

"It seems to be the Immortal Ascension Dojo of the Spiritual Beast Gate." The Bujia man pondered for a moment and replied: "Every five years, the Seven Great Immortal Gates will hold an Ascension to Immortal Conference in Fengyu. The people in Fengyu and the people in nearby countries , will bring their own school-age children to come for testing.”

"If my subordinates remember correctly, that place is leased to the Spirit Beast Sect's Dojo for Immortal Ascension. Young Master, we may need to take a detour. That land will belong to the Spirit Beast Sect's territory for the next month. And then It is not easy to disperse with many civilians, if forced to disperse, there may be a stampede accident.”

"Then let's go another way."

Standing on the tall horse, Bai Jin looked at the crowd and felt a little itchy in his heart. He wanted to go to the front to join in the fun and see which one of the elders from the Four Elephants was coming to hold the fairy meeting.

Bai Jin didn't have any other intentions, just wanted to see if that Elder Sixiang had a bitter face.

The Spirit Beast Sect is really tragic. Before, the elders made trouble and forced away the most important celestial and human combat power in the Spirit Beast Sect. Later, the Wuqing Immortal came to visit with a sword. During that battle, Bai Jin believed that the Spirit Beast Sect was definitely dead. There are few people, otherwise Wuqingxian will be sorry for her three-character name Wuqingxian.

Coupled with the fact that the Spirit Beast Sect held the Immortal Ascension Conference early, Bai Jin was more certain about his previous guess.


Bai Jin looked at the Dojo of the Spirit Beast Gate, and her naked and playful eyes caught the attention of someone in the dojo. She had silver-white hair that fell down to her ankles, and she was wearing a high-slit long skirt that was a bit like a cheongsam. Black pantyhose, with torture locks like shackles on the ankles and wrists.

She glanced sideways at Bai Jin lightly, feeling a sense of oppression from her spirit.

As soon as Beizhi Heiheijin from the Elders of Four Elephants saw the woman's appearance and her cultivation, he immediately matched her with the only female among the Elders of Four Elephants, and she was also a disciple of the Spirit Beast Sect that Lingyue Fairy had not turned over. .

"I finally know why Lingyue Fairy bleached and dyed her white hair and wore a cheongsam. The relationship is a parent-child outfit with a little sister."

Looking at Elder Bei Zhihei, Bai Jin fell back on the saddle and slandered secretly in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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