I am in good spirits

Chapter 293 Movement of the Spiritual Beast Gate

Chapter 293 Movement of the Spiritual Beast Gate
"Is it Bai Jin from Xingluo Xianmen?"

Elder Beizhihei of the Spirit Beast Gate looked at the convoy leading the troops to turn left and gradually moved away, and asked himself, with a calm face, he turned his eyes back to the Ascension Immortal Dojo, ignoring those messy things that were not cleared up.

Since Lingyuexian left the Spirit Beast Sect, she still has contact with Lingyuexian, and probably knows her recent whereabouts and things, which also contains information related to Baijin and Hehuanzong.

The Spirit Beast Sect without Lingyue Fairy, although it has not fallen into the mortal world and become an insignificant first-class fairy sect due to the fact that its foundation is still reconciled with the unsealed art, but compared with the other three pillars or the three great demon sects, it can only It is said that more than retreating, everything else is intentional but powerless.

Elder Hei of the North wanted to bring back Lingyuexian, wipe out the other Dongqing, Xibai, and Nanchi, and re-establish the morality and order of the spirit beast sect. It's a pity that Lingyuexian enjoyed eating, drinking and having fun outside , and even raised the face of Xingluo Xianmen to play to his heart's content, and he was no longer willing to come back to abide by the rules and regulations.

If she wants to return to the inner spirit beast gate, then what needs to change is not the Lingyue fairy but the spirit beast gate.

The elder Beizhihei doesn't know whether the famous school is decent, whether it is righteous or evil, or the devil's school. The only thing she knows clearly is that the spirit beast school is declining, unless a powerful celestial being can appear again

Elder Beizhihei looked around the ashram. Countless ordinary people in the mortal world were queuing up to sign up for their children who had just turned six years old or were approaching six years old, preparing to pass the talent test of the Spirit Beast Sect and become a monk.

There are roughly a thousand children, but Beizhihei thinks that less than one-tenth of them can survive after joining the Spirit Beast Sect. There are probably only one or two monks who can really reach the Nascent Soul stage.

The original intention of creating the sacrifice method of the Spirit Beast Sect is not to be used for hegemony or development, but to be used to save life and protect the inheritance of Taoism in times of desperation.

It is precisely because he disregards ethics and morality, and does not care about being smashed to pieces or even scattered, that he has the power to detonate the pulse of the earth and shake the foundation of this world to call for heaven's punishment.

The disciples recruited in this year's Immortal Ascension Conference will completely abandon the textbooks compiled by Lingyuexian and replace them with the taboo law textbooks compiled by the elders, and build a group of backbones of the Spirit Beast Sect with the advantage of numbers.


Due to internal turmoil in the Spirit Beast Sect, their purpose of coming here is different from that of the other six great fairy sects to explore the forbidden area.

It is said that the Bailing Beast Sect is recruiting troops, just like the long-decayed Lianyoumen, they are rushing to send out hero posts to the outside world and recruit some so-called worshipers, who are actually cannon fodder monks to face the next changes.

The upper echelons of the cultivation world have completely calmed down, and even the resentful family who has been hiding and destroying has been completely dormant at this moment, as if waiting for something.

Whether it is Yu Nu Dao or Wu Qing Xian, every thought of the two parties is the sign of a change in the world.

Many people can't drink the first sip of soup, and can't eat the nutrients of the loser, but there are still a lot of things to eat in the vacant position and the reshaped cultivation world. The Spirit Beast Gate is preparing for the new cultivation world. with.


In front of the external management branch of the Ministry of Households in the west of the city.

".I knew it."

Seeing that the square in front of him was crowded with people, and the ticket office of Hubu was beyond sight, Bai Jin glanced at the [-] infantrymen following behind him, and said, "If you buy a ticket without soldiers, you might not even be able to eat ashes." , just looking at those guys, you can tell that they lined up a few months in advance!"

A ticket costs [-] spirit stones, and as soon as you turn around and release the tickets, you can earn four or five times the difference, and after deducting the cost, you can make a profit of nearly [-] spirit stones.Many Jindan Nascent Soul cultivators took risks to hunt demons, pick spiritual plants and dig spiritual mines, and they might not be able to earn [-] yuan a year.

Nowadays, you only need to queue up a few months in advance, and sell the tickets to those buddies outside the door, and you can earn three or four times the profit of the price difference. Who wouldn't do it?

Not to mention those monks, even the local aborigines in Fengyu City come here to outlive the monks. A monk can earn [-] spirit stones for four or five years, while ordinary people can eat three generations if they get tickets. !

"Brother Bai." Jin Lin hesitated to speak, and looked at Bai Jin who gave way to the armored soldiers to line up to open the way: "Is it really okay for us to do this? How about spending some money?"

Jinlin felt that if he didn't stop Bai Jin, there would be a container called 'bottom line' or 'morality' in his heart that would be completely shattered.

Zhu Fu's eyes widened at this moment, and he nodded again and again, feeling that Junior Brother Jin was right.

"Okay then! It's really indecent to line up like this to enter." Bai Jin frowned slightly and thought for a while: "Let's go directly to the household department, find the person in charge to come out and serve him some hard food, and tell him Spit out some tickets for the Trial Demon Nest from your waistband."

There are only [-] tickets for the Trial Devil's Nest, [-] of which were taken by the Ministry of Finance to copy the high price. There are a total of [-] tickets that can be bought on the spot. It's a fart to want to compete with those who have been waiting in line for a few months. eat.

The only way is to find someone in charge of some agency and take out tickets directly from his pocket.

"Commander, as soon as we go in later, you will put a corruption hat on the manager's head. No matter whether he is corrupt or not, he will be dragged to the quiet room for a discussion. I will start to make false accounts and you will start to punish him." Bai Jin ordered the infantrymen to open the way ahead, while conspiring loudly with the infantry commander beside him.

There was a Bujia man leading the way, and the crowd on the road subconsciously gave way, and no one dared to stand in front of the Bujia man.

Even in the Fengyu Empire, the Bujia people are considered to be the only positions on the surface. They are law enforcement officers and have the right to enforce the Hongchen Emperor's license. Anyone who confronts the Bujia people is from suspicion to felony.

Except for a few families, Feng Yu has no one to command the armored infantry. They will always perform tasks according to the rules set by the Hongchen Emperor, and the armored infantry will be responsible for all matters involving the use of force.

No one knows their faces, and they can directly execute the death penalty without any burden against the law.

They are ruthless law enforcers created by Hongchen Emperor.

At the beginning, Bai Jin didn't know about this. He had the impression of Bujia people as idlers hanging out at home.

It wasn't until he grew up and returned to Fengyu City that he learned from other sons-in-law that the infantrymen who wandered around his house every day sweeping the floor were so cruel and had law enforcement powers in a city where force was completely prohibited. If the threat is too great, you can kill first and play later.

Theoretically speaking, apart from Emperor Hongchen, Bujia people can capture anyone they want alive in Feng Yuli. Even if they are wrongly captured, it will only happen after some interrogation. Injustice!

The household servant who was dragged away by the Bujia people: "."

What happened?What happened?What happened?
I didn't do anything!

(End of this chapter)

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