Chapter 294
"Young master, you don't have to."

The servant of the household who was caught by Bai Jin, after learning the reason why the Bujia people locked him up by force, he persuaded Bai Jin not to do this with a face full of understanding. Although the tickets for the trial devil's cave are hard to come by, I saw the son The young ladies are imposing, and the future must be extraordinary.

Our household department has invited tickets for the trial demon cave. I hope that in the future, young masters and ladies will hold their hands high. It would be even better if we can transfer the infantrymen outside the household department now to help us on duty to stop the casual cultivators who are trying to break through.

Not to mention Hubu Minister, even if Hubu Shangshu is here today, surrounded by [-] infantry soldiers who can kill first and play later, he will definitely not be able to utter a word of no.

Just five tickets can avoid the disaster of interrogation, which is a good deal for any creature, but the servant of the household department here is not without slander.
The tickets for the Trial Demon Nest are produced by the Ministry of Officials, and there is a link when they are transferred to the Ministry of Households. The eunuchs and maids of the court will go out for the master, apply for part of the tickets for internal digestion, and then send them to the Ministry of Households to officially open Raise the price and sell, and send this wealth of 8000 million spirit stones to the national treasury.

Those dead eunuchs were sent to each family, why did they forget about the young master Bai Taishi's family?

It made a mess on my side, and almost suffered an unjust torture from the Ministry of Criminal Justice!

"You don't need to invite this guest, I'll just invite you." Bai Jin sat up from the desk of the servant of the household department, threw the fake ledger and wolf brush in his hand, and took out the high-level spirit stone from the storage ring and put it on the table. On the desktop: "It's nothing, I won't bother Mr. Shi Lang's office to sell tickets, just come to my house for tea when you have time in the future."

"Definitely, definitely next time." The servant of the household department sent Bai Jin and his party away politely, and didn't care about Bai Jin's polite words. Officials at the level of the grand master were not something he could easily get in touch with.

If you use this incident as an excuse to visit, Grand Master Bai will definitely feel that you have a serious problem in your head, how shameful are you for wanting to take credit for a trivial matter?


"A ticket of [-] to the Devil's Nest is collected, and my son needs four for speed trading."

"A piece of [-] needs a piece of begging."

"[-] tickets for Unlimited Trial Demon Nest"

Outside the square in front of the household department, a group of monks with high levels of cultivation stood in twos and threes shouting prices, yelling at those who came out of the ticket office, wanting to buy a first-hand ticket directly from them.

Some here buy tickets for themselves. Once the Ministry of Accounts starts selling tickets to the outside world, it means that the Trial Devil’s Nest is open today. Once you get the tickets, you can go directly to the northwest suburb of Fengyu City to enter the venue, and enter the cave. Start wandering.

Some people are the servants of the princes of the aristocratic families, and they come here to do things for their masters.

Some of them are employees of the chamber of commerce, and they come here to collect tickets for third-hand reselling.

The Demon Nest of Trials was opened for two months out of five years, and the chamber of commerce began to sell the tickets at a high price when they got the tickets. It was only after one month that there were no tickets in the market that they ruthlessly slaughtered those monks who came late.

The ticket business has become a market, and everyone abides by the laws of the Feng Yu Empire and seeks benefits from it.


"One ticket per person. I'll go back later and ask my dad to get some information about testing the devil's lair. Everyone can choose another auspicious time to burn, kill, and loot!" Bai Jin said while distributing the tickets to his friends. Tell me your plan.

Others are going for the paradise, Bai Jin is more honest in his life, he doesn't want those fake things, from the beginning to the end, he is aiming at the monks who enter the field, just let the chance in the trial devil's lair go.
After two months of squatting in the trial devil's lair, the wealth he robbed should be enough to build a palace on the spiritual vein.

It doesn't matter if it's money or not, the important thing is that you must get a sense of experience when you spend money to buy tickets. It's too uncomfortable to be promoted to Nascent Soul stage for a whole day, and you can't even hold back a magic trick!
The blessed land of the cave happens to be able to isolate the probe, Bai Jin no longer has to worry about the heartache of Sui Mingxing, and the ruthless fairy is ecstatic.

Everyone sat in the carriage and headed home, Bai Jin talked about fallacies like flowers, telling the friends not to force the chance after entering the Paradise, and if they meet a monk who is weaker than themselves, they will directly go up and crush him.

Chances are illusory, but the storage ring or storage bag in the monk's hand is sincere. He believes that there are definitely not a few monks who hold such thoughts.

Zhu Fu listened with black lines all over his face, disapproving of Bai Jin's nonsense in his heart, and kept looking out the window at the prosperous and orderly scenery of Fengyu City.

Fengyu City is a picturesque city, everything inside makes people feel comfortable, such as the cleanliness and sanitation of the streets are very plus points, and the smiles from the heart of the passers-by make Zhu Fu very fond of it This city that has just been in contact with for a short time.

But she always had an inexplicable dreamy feeling, feeling that she was far away from this city, and the liking and strong sense of alienation made Zhu Fu want to take a closer look at this city.

"Huh? Look over there"

When Zhu Fu was looking at the scenery outside the carriage window, he accidentally saw a touch of dark green, and when he took a closer look, he realized that the person who appeared in his eyes was Master Sui Mingxing, so he looked sideways at the chattering old lady Bai Jin, telling him Looking out of the car window, Master Sui Ming Xing stood on the high platform.


Bai Jin followed where Zhu Fu was pointing, and saw his master standing on the high platform, and the disciples in front of him who were wearing their respective Xingluo Xianmen costumes, and three small question marks appeared on his forehead.

Isn't Suimingxing waiting for him at home?Why did he run outside in a blink of an eye and stand for punishment.

"Stop! Turn to the square on the left"

After Bai Jin saw Sui Ming Xing, all the vicious expressions on his face subsided, and he no longer talked about the plan of black and white with the friends of Xingluo Xianmen. He jumped out of the carriage with a smile and turned into a light blue streamer in an instant , Overcoming the distance and the obstacles of the crowd in an instant, he jumped onto the wooden high platform and prepared to be filial to the master, teacher, and apprentice.


Bai Jin appeared on the left side of Sui Mingxing, and greeted Sui Mingxing with a smile on his face: "It's almost noon, why did you run out, this apprentice was planning to show master his cooking skills."


Seeing Bai Jinfei approaching, Sui Mingxing responded, glanced at the booth next to him and said, "Let's talk about the luncheon later! As a teacher, I have business to do now, and the elders of the Acacia Sect are very evil."

"In previous years, the dojo was set up in the south of the city, and this year it will be directly opened next to our Xingluo Xianmen to start the ring."

Following Sui Mingxing's gaze, Bai Jinrui saw the banner of the Hehuan Sect under the arch of the city wall. The name was written all over the immaculate white banner, and there was a sign at the bottom that read: "Join My Acacia Zong, leave your name on the flag and gather at Shanheju, note: the bigger the name, the more severe the test."

Bai Jin: "."

"Our quota for the number of apprentices we recruit is not high. As a teacher, I originally thought about preaching in the dojo in two days, but I didn't expect that the banners of those evil demon heads will be sent to our site. In two days, I am afraid that they will even open the site. !"

Sui Mingxing was slightly annoyed, holding his hands in his arms, with an extremely unhappy expression on his face.

Seeing this situation, Bai Jin was speechless and cursing himself at the old devil, and then he said in a routine way: "Isn't our recruiting quota high? Could it be that Master led all the brothers here to wipe out the forbidden area?" Is it about demons?"


Sui Mingxing immediately turned his head when he heard the words, stared at Bai Jin up and down, with an extremely serious expression, but just looked at Bai Jin without saying a word.

".Did I say something wrong?"

Bai Jin looked at Sui Mingxing's expression, and roughly guessed that she probably wanted to say "baa", but she seemed to be thinking about something again, so she hesitated to speak.

"Why does Grand Master Bai tell you everything?" Sui Mingxing sighed with a strange expression on his face.


(End of this chapter)

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