I am in good spirits

Chapter 295 Trial Demon Nest

Chapter 295 Trial Demon Nest
In the side hall of the Bai family.

"Master, let's serve! The first dish is Fried Chongming Bird with Sand Ginger. Fry the marinated Chongming Bird until golden. Sprinkle crushed ginger and put it in high-purity rice wine to sauté. I guarantee that you can taste the meat quality of the Chongming Bird." Fresh and sweet, and the special spicy flavor of sand ginger”

Dressed up as a cook, Bai Jin led the maids who brought the dishes to the table with a smile on their faces. They came to the round table and began to introduce the dishes they made to Sui Ming Xing one by one.

"This is stir-fried salamander meat with ginger, onion and garlic. Because the meat itself is bland and tasteless, it tastes like sauce, but because the meat is firm and tender, it can be considered delicious. Here it is made of giant salamander cartilage and giant salamander tendons. Soup, there are four or five kinds of sweet medicinal materials belonging to Yaoshan, which nourishes yin and nourishes beauty."

There were only three people at the round table in the side hall, besides Bai Jin and Sui Ming Xing, there was another Chong Ju.

Seeing Bai Jin's smiling expression, she turned her head to Sui Mingxing and said, "He has other plans."

"But the dishes are really delicious." Sui Mingxing had already picked up the chopsticks to pick up the vegetables and began to taste them. After taking a bite of the ginger-fried Chongming bird made by Bai Jin's chef, he was so comfortable that he even squinted his eyes slightly and showed a happy smile.

"Then master..." Bai Jin sat next to Sui Ming Xing, looked at her pitifully and said, "That's the one. Take me to open your eyes, okay? I've heard about it from the head teacher before." , As a result, everyone here seems to be ignorant of the forbidden area of ​​Corpse Mountain.”

Ask Grand Master Bai, he avoids answering and bluntly tells you to fuck off, but when you ask son-in-law, he doesn’t know. Maybe Bai Jin can learn something from the princesses, but he just had a fight with Princess No.16, and now he is going to find the princess Don't they admit that they are grandchildren?

If there is anyone else who can reveal information about the Forbidden Land of Corpse Mountain before the arrival of Sui Mingxing, then there is no doubt that there is only Shopkeeper Liu from the Resentment Family.
But Grand Master Bai has made it clear that the white sable demon is not as pure and gentle as it appears on the surface, so don't have any contact with her if you have nothing to do.

With his own ability, Bai Jin couldn't find any information about the Forbidden Mountain of Corpses. Even if he wanted to search for souls, he didn't know whose souls he could search for now. Everyone who knew the information about the Forbidden Mountain of Corpses was all immortals.

To search their souls?I was afraid that my head would be smashed.

"It's normal if you can't ask"

Sui Mingxing glanced at Bai Jin, raised his hand and poked his ceramic bowl with vertical chopsticks, and said, "The place we are standing now is the forbidden area of ​​Corpse Mountain, and the place where your home is located is Yangming Mountain. This is where the chaos of Jade Immortals began to spread outward.”

"If you ask for information about the forbidden area in the forbidden area of ​​the mountain of corpses, you will naturally not be able to find out why."

"But there is no blood in the Forbidden Mountain of Corpse?" Bai Jin was stunned for a moment, her face full of disbelief, and she was ready to refute, because she told herself when she lived with Wuqingxian that there was a river of blood gathering countless dead spirits outside the Forbidden Mountain of Corpse. The blood will corrode the surroundings and mutate into terrifying demons.

"It was covered by Hongchen Emperor's Hezhen of Dao." Sui Mingxing said calmly: "The entire Fengyu Empire is an unfolding of Hezhen of Dao, expanding a small world in a flat and straight state. , perfectly concealing the terrifying land that is overgrown with evil spirits."

"This is why Feng Yu has an 'official position', and different official positions have different powers. The official positions of civil and military officials all come from the Red Dust Emperor."

"Emperor Hongchen is an arrogant and noble person." Chongju sighed lightly.

".This is truly remarkable."

Knowing the truth from Suimingxing and Chongju, Bai Jin was dumbfounded.

My home is actually located in Yangming Mountain, and the forbidden area of ​​Corpse Mountain is covered by Hongchen Emperor's "He Dao He Zhen", which prevents the evil spirits inside from coming out, and also prevents the outside creatures from being eroded by the blood river in the forbidden area of ​​Corpse Mountain to mutate into demons.

The entire forbidden area was perfectly sealed off, and any creature who wanted to set foot in the forbidden area of ​​the Corpse Mountain needed the permission of Emperor Hongchen.

No wonder. I have been searching for this place all the time. The Immortal Family's impeccable way of doing things is admirable. Who would have known that the Fengyu Empire and the Forbidden Land of Corpse Mountain coincide perfectly, but they are in different worlds.

Bai Jin is really convinced and knows that it is unrealistic to sneak into the forbidden area of ​​the corpse mountain. If he has the ability to subdue Hongchen Emperor, the devil will care about the end of the battle of Zhu Xian in the forbidden area of ​​the corpse mountain.




Suimingxing was sitting in the gazebo, chatting with Chongju. In the evening, Bai Jin made porridge hot pot with a look of satisfaction on his face. His filial disciple arranged a meal for the day, so that Suimingxing's entire fairy was full. .

Bai Jin's culinary skills may not be very good, and it is far behind the famous chefs in the comprehension world that Suimingxing has eaten, but Bai Jinsheng's bold combination of ingredients and cooking methods that make Suimingxing's eyes shine. In addition, the apprentice made it by himself, which contains a kind of filial piety, so she naturally has high points for tasting it.

"Huh? Why are the two immortal elders sitting here? If you want to drink tea and talk about the world, why not go to Bai's tea room."

Taishi Bai, who had just returned home from the Red Dust Palace, was taken aback when he saw Sui Mingxing and Chongju sitting in the gazebo, and then smiled and invited the two of them to the tea room for a talk.

Grand Master Bai knew the purpose of Sui Mingxing and Chong Ju's coming to Feng Yu, so he naturally knew that they were actually as busy as himself, dealing with the Ascension Conference during the day and collecting enough materials for preparations at night Encircle and suppress the forbidden area of ​​the corpse mountain.

The erosion in the forbidden area of ​​the Corpse Mountain is not easy. If ordinary monks do not prepare to enter it, even the earth immortal will be seriously injured and escape within three incense sticks.

To enter the forbidden area of ​​the corpse mountain, you must make a suppressive elixir, and then obtain the beryl in the forbidden area of ​​the corpse mountain, so that monks can move freely in the forbidden area
In the past, the monks of the Seven Great Immortal Sects were the elders and a group of seniors who first found the 'Cangyu' in the forbidden area, and distributed it to the powerful monks who came with the team to start the siege.

In such a busy time, he is leisurely and content, and Bai Jin mutters every day that he is going to try the Devil's Nest, and make a fortune in the forbidden area of ​​the Corpse Mountain and become an immortal.

It is not difficult for Grand Master Bai to deduce that Sui Mingxing is most likely to come to him to question his teacher.

"You should know why I'm here." Sui Mingxing got up and looked at Grand Master Bai and said, "I don't know what you're planning. You should know better than me what the essence of the Trial Devil's Nest is."

"That is neither a blessed place nor a chance. That mountain range is the Great Heavenly Demon that fell in the ancient times! The life and death of anyone who steps on it is not in my hands. That thing is not dead at all, and it is impossible to die!"

Grand Master Bai, who was questioned by Sui Mingxing, fell into deep thought, and said, "Although I really want to pat my chest to ensure their safety, the research on the trial devil's lair has been stuck all the time."

"I can do my best to ensure their safety. I'm not sure how many people will survive. I have no reason to stop Bai Jin and his friends."

"I've talked to them all, and I'm pretty sure they've all made up their minds, even the little girl who seemed particularly easy to bully answered in the affirmative. Now that I've made a decision in my heart, all I can do is try my best ability to support their choices.”

Is it safe to try the Devil's Nest?the answer is negative.

The mountain range is essentially the weathered shell of living things. Although the body has decayed over time, there are still signs of life inside. The Feng Yu Empire has conducted research on this for nearly 600 years, and every time the trial magic cave is opened, a lot of people will be fooled. The fool went in and explored the trial devil's lair as a dead man.

Every ticket is a mark, and everyone who survives from the trial devil's den will be searched for souls.

"Children make choices in their hearts, and what we adults can do is to do our best to help?"

Sui Mingxing was speechless for a long time, and once again she was caught in the dilemma of whether it was a domestic flower or a wild flower.

The medicinal effects of domestic spiritual plants are not as strong as those in the wild, and the same is true for cultivating monks.

In less than a year, the experience of the group of five people has allowed them to grow enough, and Yuxueqing even recruited the spirit of yin and yang that she admired.

The metal in Jin Lin's hand is even more miraculous, it is ordinary but can block the flow of aura.


Ask for votes.

 In the past, I always thought that DNF was enough to lose all conscience, until the original god who was fooled by An Limi recently.
  Mi Huyou, you are devoid of conscience!God damn Mr. Krypton Duyun again and again, and then guaranteed to give me a piano leader!

  God damn 0 people, I'm afraid you are all scheming 0 people!

(End of this chapter)

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