Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 181 He Just Despises You

Chapter 181 He Just Despises You
For Li Qinzai, the most painful part of participating in this war was not the swords and swords on the battlefield, but the process of marching.

In the era without cars and high-speed rail, even the roads were full of potholes and dirt roads. Li Qinzai sat on the ox cart loaded with grain and grass. It was only the first day of the march, and he had already vomited three times.

Well, that's right, horses were not necessarily the ones who transported food and grass in ancient wars, but also cattle.

Li Qinzai, whose face was sallow from vomiting, lay dying on the grain and grass, while Liu Asi looked at him sympathetically.

For this expedition, Li Qinzai's status is of course impossible to do it alone. Li Ji gave him part of the trilogy in the Duke's mansion. Li Qinzai didn't show politeness to Li Ji, and asked for two full-staffed teams, one of which was Liu Ah Si's. squad.

If you get used to it, just take him with you, maybe you can get a chance to make meritorious service, and Liu Ah Si has been with him for so long.

The other team is also in the Duke's Mansion, named Zheng Fang.

Just hearing this name, Li Qinzai laughed for a long time.

Zheng Fang, the main house.

This Zheng Fang's Lingtang is so insecure, he just rectified his name when he named his son, and announced to the world that he was born by the Zheng Fang.

Liu Ahsi and Zheng Fang each had a small team, a total of exactly 100 people.

100 people thrown on the battlefield can't even splash water, but if the situation is critical, it is barely enough to protect Li Qinzai from escaping.

Seeing that Li Qinzai was in a state of discomfort, Liu Ahsi couldn't help but said, "Fifth Shaolang, you can barely know how to ride a horse, why do you have to suffer while sitting on a grain cart?"

Li Qinzai said weakly: "I don't ride a horse, I like to ride a grain truck."

Liu Ah Si smiled: "You don't look like you at all."

"What do you know? Riding a horse for a long time not only hurts the buttocks, but also makes you prone to hemorrhoids, and it can also cause bow-legged legs. Walking on the ground looks ugly like a stuffed duck."

Liu Ahsi said nonchalantly: "A man has no ugly looks, and his bowed legs are very important."

"Of course it doesn't matter to you, because your ugliness has nothing to do with your bow legs. But I'm different. Chang'an City is full of bad deeds and a handsome romantic dude. When riding a horse, others praise him as 'riding on a leaning bridge, full of red sleeves'."

"In the end, when I got off the horse, my legs spread apart and I swayed, as if I had just been tortured by a group of strong men. How disillusioned thousands of girls should be."

Liu Ahsi thought about that scene for a while, and couldn't help laughing out loud.The surrounding parts also laughed when they heard it.

The atmosphere is cheerful and everyone has no worries about the impending war.

Because of self-confidence, so do not worry.

Today's Tang Dynasty is really full of martial arts virtues, the neighbors around will kill whoever they catch, and the small countries that are neighbors to Tang Dynasty often have a thrilling feeling of a tiger sleeping soundly on the side of the couch, and they dare not breathe.

Of course, there are also enemies who are unconvinced and overwhelmed, and there are many, such as the Japanese country that is about to be unlucky.

What are you worried about?There is no need at all, Wang Shi assembled into an formation, and a charge can break the enemy.

The oxcart loaded with grain and grass was slowly moving, and Li Qinzai, who was lying on the grain bag, looked livid and wanted to vomit again.

There were quite a number of teams escorting food and grass, about [-] people, most of them were recruited civilians, and there were more than [-] soldiers.

In the whole team, Li Qinzai's official position is the highest, but also the weakest. The Datang version of Young Master Void is suffering very much now.

"Wu Shaolang, when you arrive at the city ahead, I will find you a carriage." Liu Ah Si sighed.

Li Qinzai sighed weakly: "You might as well build me a road, a flat and straight road."

A flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in my mind.

It seems that it is not difficult to produce cement these days. There is basically no technical content, just kiln firing.

Cement is a treasure, whether for civilian or military use, it is epoch-making.

While pondering, the sound of horseshoes came from behind the food team.

Two armored generals rode their horses up to Li Qinzai. One of the generals clasped his fists in a respectful salute, while the other held his whip upside down with a haughty expression on his face.

The general saluting quickly glanced at the arrogant general, and then said: "Deputy General of Xiongjin Road, An Jinzhi, pays his respects to Li Xianzi."

Li Qinzai endured the discomfort, tried his best to smile and nodded.

The other general didn't say anything, An Jinzhi was a little embarrassed, and raised his arm to touch him.

At this time, the arrogant general clasped his fists in a perfunctory manner, and said in a deep voice, "Qian Yi, the food supervisor of Xiongjin Road, has met Li Xianzi."

Li Qinzai continued to nod with a smile, but felt strange in his heart.

What is the origin of this Qian Yi?Why are you so indifferent to yourself, as if you owe him money, you have never met him, and you have no grudges or enmity, what kind of face do you put on?

After Qian Yi saluted, he didn't speak anymore. The lieutenant next to him, An Jinzhi, waited for a while, but seeing that Qian Yi didn't speak, he had no choice but to speak up himself.

"Report to Li County son, the last two generals were ordered by the Ministry of War to escort the first batch of five thousand shi grains and grass, of which the Chang'an City Household Department directly allocated two thousand shi, and the remaining three thousand shi household department approved official documents, and the Puzhou City ahead Official warehouse supply."

"The last two generals are here to take the order and go first, counting and handing over the grain and grass in Puzhou in advance, please show me to Li Xianzi."

Li Qinzai said with a smile: "Go ahead, the two of you can handle the matter of supervising the transportation of grain and fodder. When it's done, let me know and I'll keep an account. As long as the delivery date is not delayed, everything is fine."

An Jinzhi clasped his fists again, and tugged Qian Yi next to him. Qian Yi reluctantly clasped his fists in a perfunctory manner, and the two generals rode away.

Li Qinzai narrowed his eyes and stared at the retreating figures of the two, and he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Qian Yi saw him as if he was seeing an enemy, could it be that his predecessor in this body caused trouble again?

This is too much, it's been more than half a year, and you still have to blame your ex...

If you carry it again, you will commit suicide!

After pondering for a long time, Li Qinzai suddenly said, "Si."


"I used be precise, was I a jerk before I made the God Arm Bow?"

Liu Ahsi was startled, didn't you know what you were like before?

After waiting for a long time for an answer, when he turned his head and saw Liu Asi's stunned expression, Li Qinzai suddenly felt that he had not only asked a nonsense question, but also humiliated himself.

"Forget it, you don't need to answer this question. You go to the soldiers of the grain team and find out about Qian Yi, especially if you make insinuations, ask me if I have abused his wife before..."

Liu Ahsi was startled and said, "Why does Wu Shaolang have such an idea?"

Li Qinzai sighed, pointed to Qian Yiyuan's back in front of him, and said, "Did you see his face just now? It's almost like I told him 'husband is currently guilty', go ask, I I feel uneasy..."

Liu Ah Si took the order to turn around and leave.

Li Qinzai continued to lie on the grain truck listlessly.

After staggering through the day, Li Qinzai's legs were weak when he was stationed at night, and he was helped out of the bullock cart by Buqu, and staggered into the tent.

After barely eating a little dinner, Liu Ah Si came back.

"How is it? What did you find out?" Li Qinzai looked anxious and guilty: "I didn't really spoil his wife, did I?"

Liu Ah Si smiled: "Fifth Young Master, don't worry too much. You may have spoiled other people's wives before, but you never have Qian Yi's wives."

Li Qinzai twitched the corners of his mouth, you are a real leather.

It's useless for any mother-in-law, and I haven't tasted it myself.

"The villain found out, that Qian Yi and Wu Shaolang had no enmity in the past."

Li Qinzai wondered: "There is no grievance. He took the wrong medicine? He looked at me coldly."

"Although there is no grievance, Qian Yi is also a hero. He used to be the captain of Zhechong Prefecture in Songzhou. He fought with Tubo during the Yonghui period. It is said that he is brave and invincible. Before the battle, he killed five Tubo thieves. He was reported to the Ministry of War, and in the third year of Xianqing, the Ministry of War promoted him to be a captain..."

Li Qinzai became more and more curious: "The captain is not young, why is he now a food supervisor?"

"Although he is a strong general, he has a hot temper, speaks frankly, and frequently beats and scolds his soldiers. Later, the soldiers became full of resentment and almost caused a mutiny in the army. Therefore, the Ministry of War relegated him and became a food supervisor..."

Li Qinzai frowned: "This kind of person really should be relegated and beaten, otherwise he will cause disaster in the future..."

Liu Asi glanced at him strangely.

Li Qinzai immediately understood the meaning in his eyes, pointed at him and said, "Don't look at me with such eyes. Although I caused a lot of trouble, I solved it by myself. There is an essential difference between me and him."

"Yes, Wu Shaolang is a hundred times stronger than him." Liu Ahsi continued: "This Qian Yi has been a grain supervisor for three years, but his temper has not restrained at all, but has worsened. He often drinks heavily in the army. Swearing and bluntly saying that God is unfair, Shangguan has no eyes."

"Not only that, but Qian Yi is even more proud of his talents. He often talks about the deeds of beheading five thieves in Tubo.

Li Qinzai looked at him in astonishment.

Liu Asi said sincerely: "So, Wu Shaolang is really worrying too much. He has no grudge against you. He just simply looks down on you and despises you."

(End of this chapter)

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