Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 182 Gathering in Dengzhou

Chapter 182 Gathering in Dengzhou
If you don't invite disaster or cause trouble, you are somehow despised by others.

The [-] mud horses in Li Qinzai's heart are galloping happily, spitting...

"What the hell..." Li Qinzai was so angry that he wanted to draw his sword.

Liu Ahsi hurriedly said: "Fifth Young Master, calm down, you are a man of gold, don't argue with this kind of person."

Li Qinzai said angrily: "Where am I relying on the shadow of my ancestors? The god arm bow, horseshoe, gunpowder... are all made by me. I have real skills. Why do you despise me?"

Liu Asi comforted him, "Qian Yi is just a vulgar warrior. In the eyes of this kind of person, only real swords and guns are used to fight with real swords and guns. How could he know that Wu Shaolang's random thought is a powerful weapon for subduing the country, which can be counteracted?" Thousands of troops."

After Li Qinzai got angry, he felt very senseless.

It's too immature for an adult who has lived two lifetimes to be so easily bossed.

Write down his name, draw a circle on his name every day, and curse him for breaking his leg while riding a horse. This is what a mature man should do.

"Forget it, don't bother with him, he's just a food supervisor..." Li Qinzai was taken aback as he spoke, "By the way, I'm the marching commander Shi, and he's the food supervisor. Which one of us is bigger?"

Liu Ahsi said without hesitation: "Of course it's Wu Shaolang's official university. You are the highest civilian official in this army. Just now the two food supervisors took the initiative to salute you. Wu Shaolang forgot?"

Li Qinzai smiled in relief.

Fortunately, he is a senior official, no matter how much Qian Yi despises him, he has to practice the subordinate etiquette honestly.

Isn't that how it is in the official world? The boss and subordinates are friendly on the surface, but secretly despise each other. Li Qinzai has a lot of experience in the social animal experience in his previous life. At that time, he looked down on his boss secretly, just like the goalkeeper of the national football team. better than him.

Two days later, the food team arrived in Puzhou.

Qian Yi and An Jinzhi greeted him outside the city gate, and the governor of Puzhou also came out.

Originally a small food team, as the governor, there was no need to personally welcome them out of the city gate, but it was not the food team that the governor greeted, but Li Qinzai.

The grandson of the Duke of England is a county magistrate, such a prominent family, and a young courtier who is quite respected. The future is limitless. As long as the governor is clear-headed, he will never turn a blind eye to Li Qinzai.

The governor of Puzhou was obviously very clear-headed, not only personally greeted him out of the city gate, but also warmly invited Li Qinzai into the city for a banquet.

Li Qinzai politely refused, because he didn't like socializing at all, and he had the duty of escorting food and grass, so Li Qinzai didn't dare to drink for fear of accidents.

In the end, Li Qinzai did not even enter the city gate, and camped outside the city with the food team.

As for the food supervisor Qian Yi and his deputy An Jinzhi, Li Qinzai paid special attention.

An Jinzhi's behavior is normal, just like a subordinate treats his boss, he is respectful and polite, and his emotional intelligence is online.Maybe secretly he despised Li Qinzai more than Qian Yi, but he did a good job on the surface.

Qian Yi still had that haughty and indifferent look. Compared with Li Qinzai's amiable appearance, Qian Yi looked more like a boss.

It doesn't matter, Li Qinzai has a big heart, and he is automatically set as a fart in his mind.

The three thousand stones of grain and grass in Puzhou City have been delivered, and the scale of the grain team has grown even larger.

The nearly 20-day itinerary went from the New Year to the beginning of spring.Li Qinzai walked this journey like a fairy, and when the food team arrived in Dengzhou, the weather was already somewhat warm in spring.

The [-] reinforcements from Chang'an arrived in Dengzhou three days earlier than Li Qinzai's grain team.

At this time, banners and flags were fluttering in Dengzhou City, thousands of horses were silent, more than [-] warships in the port outside the city were ready to go, and the whole army, excluding civilian husbands and Xiang Lian, totaled more than [-] people.

More than 1 people are waiting for Li Qinzai's food.

Arranging the food team to camp outside Dengzhou City, Li Qinzai put on his waist badge and confession documents, and hurried into the city.

The commander-in-chief of Xiongjin Road's marching chief, Sun Renshi, was set up in the governor's mansion in Dengzhou. After the officers and men checked the badges and gave notice, Li Qinzai walked slowly into the governor's mansion.

Master Sun Ren was working in the lobby. When Li Qinzai stepped into the front yard, he felt a killing intent from the battlefield. The air was stagnant and tense. Everyone was in a hurry. There was the sound of orderly footsteps of the officers and soldiers outside the governor's mansion.

Li Qinzai felt his heart beat faster for no reason.

For the first time in two lives, he was so close to war.

Even though the war had not yet started, the air seemed to be filled with an unpleasant smell of rust and blood. Li Qinzai instantly thought of the slaughterhouse in his previous life.

Gathering his mind, Li Qinzai kept calm and continued to walk forward. When he entered the lobby, a veteran in his sixties was sitting behind a writing desk in armor, writing something.

The veteran has a gray beard, a lion nose and a broad mouth, with a majestic expression, like a serious and serious principal.

Li Qinzai, who was all in armor, performed the military general's clasping ceremony.

"Shi Li Qinzai, the commander of the Xiongjin Road, paid a visit to General Manager Sun. The officer was ordered to transport the first batch of grain and grass from Chang'an, five thousand shi. On the way, the peasants and soldiers of the grain team normally consumed [-] shi. The remaining [-] shi, the grain and grass, had already left the city. After the inventory is completed, the next official will return the order to the chief executive."

Master Sun Ren put down his pen and raised his head, looking him up and down with majestic eyes. After a long time, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, the smile disappeared in a flash, and soon returned to seriousness.

"I have heard for a long time that Mr. Li has a good grandson who is a genius. I am lucky enough to meet him today, so I know the rumors are true." Master Sun Ren said with a straight face.

Li Qinzai stared carefully at Sun Renshi's expression.

It was obviously a compliment, but the coach said it with a straight face. Li Qinzai couldn't help but wonder if he was talking ironically.

"Uh, I'm just defrauding the world and stealing my name. I really don't dare to be the chief executive." Li Qinzai said modestly.

Master Sun twitched his lips again: "It's a good thing to be modest, but the word 'deceitful' is too much."

"Although I haven't had much contact with your grandfather, I have always admired Mr. Li for his character and illustrious military exploits. If no outsiders are present in the future, it's okay to call him 'Grandpa Sun'."

Li Qinzai opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.

The name is weird, if Sun Renshi blurts out "Grandpa is here" after calling him, he will suffer a lot.You are not Sun Dasheng, and I am not the Lord of the Land. It is better for everyone to maintain a pure relationship between superiors and subordinates.

He was obviously just an insignificant marching commander Shi, but Sun Renshi didn't seem to want to let Li Qinzai go.

After exchanging pleasantries, he stared at Li Qinzai and said, "I heard that you are talented and knowledgeable, and the emperor also values ​​you very much because of your talent. It is unheard of for you to be a knight in your twenties. Jingchu must be a bit embarrassed."

"Now my Tang Dynasty king's army has assembled all of Dengzhou, and the navy is still waiting for the military order to set sail at the port. I want to ask, I don't know if Jing Chu has a good strategy to defeat the enemy? Do your best in the army, Jing Chu must not hide his secrets .”

Li Qinzai smiled wryly. He has never studied the art of war, nor led soldiers in battle. You ask me such an important question?Who is to blame for Datang's defeat?
Is it okay to push Liu Rengui to take the blame?

(End of this chapter)

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