Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 190 Raise the Sails to Meet the Battle

Chapter 190 Raise the Sails to Meet the Battle
Li Qinzai felt that his skin was not thick.

There is a prerequisite for thick skin, it must have a face.

Li Qinzai's face was wiped clean by the company's small leaders in his previous life.Whenever someone is criticized, no matter whether it is his own fault or not, the first reaction is to bow his head and admit his mistake, the leader is right, and he will definitely change it next time, etc.

The youthful vigor of a good man is exhausted in bowing his head year after year, leaving only his self-righteous self-righteousness.

The discussion with Sun Renshi was fruitless, mainly because Li Qinzai knew nothing about the naval battles in the Tang Dynasty today, and there was no way to talk about it.

In the era when gunpowder should not have appeared, naval battles were mostly long-distance attacks with bows and crossbows, and there were also catapults and javelins. The ships of the enemy and us would try to approach, and close together was a tragic hand-to-hand combat.

After bidding farewell to Master Sun Ren, Li Qinzai returned to his cabin, first called Li Sujie over, and told him with a serious expression that maybe he would fight Japanese pirates tomorrow, and told him to stay on the flagship.

The flagship of the Datang Navy usually stays behind, surrounded and protected by its own warships, somewhat similar to a modern aircraft carrier.

Relatively speaking, staying on the flagship is the safest, unless the enemy breaks through the flagship in one go. At that time, the entire Datang navy will be wiped out, and everyone including Sun Renshi Li Qinzai will have to jump into the sea to feed the fish. As for Li Sujie, there is really no People care whether he is the prince or not.

Knowing that there might be a battle tomorrow, Li Sujie didn't seem to be afraid, but rather excited.

Li Qinzai couldn't help sighing at his heartless appearance. The society hadn't had time to give him a loud slap in the face to teach him how to behave, but the teacher couldn't help giving him a loud slap in the face.

Is war fun?As for being so excited?

That night, Li Qinzai slept soundly, sleeping in the cabin, there was no noise from the motor, only the beating of the waves, and the rhythmic swaying of the battleship, like a baby's cradle.

As the song in the previous life sang, "The waves shake the battleship gently."

Li Qinzai hadn't slept so comfortably for a long time.

Early the next morning, Li Qinzai was suddenly awakened by a long whimpering horn. As soon as he opened his eyes, there was a rapid beating of gongs on the deck of the flagship.

"The pirate battleship is here, the whole army is preparing for battle—!"

Li Qinzai was startled, subconsciously blurted out: "Qiaoer!"

His mind returned to normal from ignorance, and only then did he realize that Qiao'er was not by his side. Li Qinzai suddenly felt relieved. When a person is in crisis, the first person he thinks of without thinking must be the person closest to him.

In this world, Li Qinzai's closest relative is probably Qiao'er.

The most fortunate thing is to be born at the right time, in this peaceful world, so that the inevitable war can be controlled outside the borders, so that the elderly, women and children can not be poisoned by the flames of war.

Putting on his clothes and leaving the room, Liu Asi and Li Sujie were already fully dressed and standing outside the door waiting for him.

Both Liu Asi and Li Sujie put on the armor, and the tributaries also put on the armor for Li Qinzai. After putting on the armor, Li Qinzai walked quickly towards the deck.

At the same time, he did not forget to turn his head and say to Li Sujie's entourage: "You take good care of the fourth prince, and don't allow him to make any moves. If something happens to him, you won't be able to live."

All the entourage clasped their fists in response.

Li Qinzai said to Li Sujie again: "The opportunity is rare, you should take a good look at it and see how our navy in the Tang Dynasty fought the enemy. After this battle, write an after-view and suggestion of more than [-] words, which will be handed over tomorrow." .”

Li Sujie was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that in the real war with swords and guns, the master would not forget to assign homework for him, he was really not used to this operation.

Li Qinzai ignored him, walked to the side of the boat, and squinted at the dark sails in the distance.

About twenty nautical miles away, a small black spot gradually appeared, and the black spot gradually became larger, and then there was a fleet of warships covering the sky.

After a rough look at the number, as the scouts said, there are really more than 1000 ships.

Li Qinzai's face was a bit ugly, he couldn't figure it out, how could the small Japanese country have the national strength to build more than 1000 warships, and the trees on the island country were not enough for them to cut down, right?

Today's Wa country is still in the transitional period between primitive society and feudal society. There is not much arable land, no writing and no culture. Every year, Tang envoys are sent to the Tang Dynasty to learn culture, copy homework and go back to take pictures of cats and tigers.

Such a small barbarian country, if it is said that they are capable of building more than 1000 warships, Li Qinzai really can't believe it, even if these 1000 warships have appeared in his sight, he still can't believe it.

The Japanese warships were moving slowly on the sea, but they were still getting closer.

Outside the port of Baekje, more than a hundred warships from Datang have already greeted them.The whimpering of various horns and the rapid beating of gongs followed one after another.

The soldiers ran barefoot on the huge deck, and under the scolding of the generals, they each walked to their posts.

The winch turned, and the giant crossbow was buckled up. The giant arrows with thick arms rested on the giant crossbow. Teams of archers stood side by side with their bows, staring closely at the warships of the Japanese kingdom in the distance.

Li Qinzai's heart beat faster and faster.

It was the first time he personally participated in the war, and the war was so close to him. If he was hit by a stray arrow today, and died without killing an enemy, would this kind of death be considered heroic or shameful?

Everything was ready before the battle, and the sailors held their bows and crossbows, waiting quietly for the Japanese warships to approach.

Time passed slowly, and the Japanese warship was getting closer and closer, so close that Li Qinzai could clearly see the totem on the black mainsail of the opposite warship.

Then, Li Qinzai's expression became more and more astonished.

When he got closer, he realized that the so-called more than a thousand warships in the Wa Kingdom were incomparable in size and scale with the Datang Navy.

To be precise, most of the more than 1000 warships are small fishing boats and small sampans, with dozens of medium-sized large ships mixed in between.

However, any warship of the Datang Navy is a huge monster in front of the Japanese warships, and it is not in the same order at all.

It is equivalent to the difference between the aircraft carrier and the coast guard patrol ship in the previous life.

Staring at the Japanese warships getting closer and closer, Li Qinzai couldn't help the astonishment and disappointment in his heart, and blurted out: "Why is this also called a 'warship'?"

Things finally made sense.

With the national strength of the Japanese state, it is not a big problem to build a thousand small sampans, and it is not divorced from reality.

After all, their sailors also want to catch fish in their spare time, catch some Australian dragon seafood and so on, and the multi-purpose small sampan is in line with their national conditions.

Li Qinzai's expression gradually relaxed, and he suddenly felt that it would not be so difficult for more than 100 warships of the Tang Dynasty to defeat the Japanese navy.

Looking around, Li Qinzai found that the Tang soldiers on the deck were not relaxed.Everyone's face is still solemn and solemn.

Footsteps came from behind, and Master Sun Ren came walking barefoot, staring solemnly at the slowly approaching Japanese warship.

"Boss, the so-called Japanese warships are only this small, and our warships will have a good chance of winning if they rush over..." Li Qinzai smiled easily.

Master Sun Ren shook his head, and said in a deep voice, "It's not that simple. Small boats can be used for small boats. Big boats don't necessarily have an advantage over small boats."

Li Qinzai blinked blankly, asked if he didn't understand, and saluted humbly: "Please give me your advice."

Master Sun Ren sighed and said, "Don't you hear the art of 'wolves devour tigers'?"

(End of this chapter)

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