Chapter 191

Small sampans are ridiculous, but more than 1000 small sampans against more than 100 large ships are not so ridiculous in this age without artillery.

A pack of wolves devours tigers and swarms up. Does the big ship really have an absolute advantage?

Judging from Sun Renshi's worried expression, Li Qinzai felt that things might not be that simple.

The drums of war are rumbling, getting faster and faster.

The Japanese fleet on the opposite side listed their formation in a very orderly manner. Hundreds of small boats rushed in the center, and another two fleets were separated to outflank from the left and right wings, forming a restraint on the more than 100 large ships of the Datang Navy. .

Sun Renshi shouted in a deep voice: "Order the right wing to penetrate upwards, block it with bows and arrows, and prevent the enemy ships from approaching, and quickly insert the left wing to the center to get rid of the encirclement of enemy ships."

Li Qinzai was very curious, how could Sun Renshi convey such a complicated order to other ships without radio communication and semaphore?
Then Li Qinzai saw a group of messengers rushing to the side of the ship, playing gongs and horns alternately. The wings start to move.

Li Qinzai took a closer look, and found that he really followed Sun Renshi's order, the right wing interspersed, and the left wing quickly intersected.

I have to admire the dexterity of the ancient people's minds. The rhythm of gongs and horns can be mixed together to convey complex commands. How many years earlier than the Morse code?

But then, Li Qinzai saw with his own eyes how terrible the so-called "wolves devour tigers" tactic was.

More than [-] warships on the right wing quickly interspersed and went up, but were bitten by hundreds of Japanese small boats. The maneuverability of the small boats was much better than that of the big ships, and they quickly caught up with the warships of the Datang Navy.

Before the two sides approached, the Tang warships began to shoot arrows, raining arrows crazily, and countless people on the Japanese small boat fell into the water with arrows, but there are too many uncertain factors in naval battles.

The swaying of the wind and waves, the magnitude of the wind speed, etc., the arrow's aim was much worse than that on land, and many arrows fell into the air.

Although the arrows were raining like rain, the small boat of the Japanese country still bit the battleship of Datang in the rain of arrows.

As soon as the two sides approached, several ropes appeared from the Japanese boat. One end of the rope was tied with an iron claw.

More than ten small boats surrounded a big ship in all directions. The Tang soldiers on the battleship were busy cutting the ropes, but the small Japanese boat also started to shoot arrows. Under the cover of the arrows, some Japanese pirates began to climb the ropes to board the ship.

This kind of picture is a bit similar to the routine of Somali pirates robbing merchant ships in the previous life. In other words, the routine of Somali pirates has been matured in naval battles more than 1000 years ago.

The situation on the battlefield developed rapidly. Although the Datang warships were much larger than those of the Japanese state, Li Qinzai found that the Datang navy was finally at a disadvantage.

In this naval battle, the giant lost to the nimble and light.

The Japanese pirates boarded the ship quickly, and lost a lot of it. But after boarding the battleship of Datang, the two sides began to fight hand-to-hand. The Navy of Datang lined up on the deck. up.

Seeing that the [-] or so warships on the right wing were stuck in a stalemate, Master Sun Ren immediately ordered the Chinese army to deploy [-] warships to help, and all the ships raised their mainsails and slammed into the Japanese boat fiercely.

Like a charge of cavalry, this fleet of reinforcements rushed towards the right wing quickly, instantly cutting hundreds of Japanese small boats that were clinging to the Datang Navy into several pieces, blocking the continuous flow of the Japanese fleet from attacking the right wing warships. surrounded by.

The rhythm of the Japanese attack suddenly stagnated. After the more than [-] Datang warships rushed to the rescue completed the cutting on the sea, they immediately formed a long snake formation and continued to shoot arrows at the small Japanese ships outside the encirclement.

Wa country's offensive plan was completely destroyed, and immediately gave up attacking the right wing.

As a medium-sized flagship of the Japanese fleet's middle army heard the sound of gold, hundreds of Japanese small boats immediately turned their bows and began to retreat.

The Japanese boats retreated like a tide, and more than a thousand Japanese ships quickly retreated to the southern sea, and soon disappeared on the sea level.

From the beginning of the battle to the end, in less than an hour, the boiling sea returned to calm.

Pieces of red blood on the sea surface, the wreckage of warships that were completely destroyed, and corpses floating on the water, these pictures tell people that there was indeed a naval battle just now, and both the enemy and us paid the price. The price of sacrifice.

Standing on the deck of the flagship, Sun Renshi looked at the retreating Japanese warship, and said coldly: "Mingjin withdraws troops, all ships return to port, count casualties and war damage, and dispatch scout ships to closely monitor the movement of the Japanese fleet."

After issuing a series of orders, Sun Renshi sighed and fell into deep thought while looking at the post-war scene on the sea.

Li Qinzai watched the naval battle from beginning to end, and couldn't help but wondered: "General Manager, why did the Japanese fleet retreat in such a hurry?"

Sun Renshi sneered a few times, and said: "This battle is not a decisive battle. Neither side has done their best. At best, it is a tentative attack by the Japanese country on our Datang Navy. The purpose of the enemy commander is to see how strong our Datang Navy is. What's more tragic The big battle is behind."

Li Qinzai was stunned, and after careful thought, the right-wing fleet was actually at a disadvantage just now, but the more than [-] rescue warships dispatched by Master Sun Ren were timely.

This order destroyed the attack plan of the Japanese kingdom, and the idea of ​​devouring the right wing of the Datang Navy fell through. If the attack continued, it would only cause more casualties, but it would not be able to defeat the Datang Navy. Ordering a retreat was the most sensible decision.

Sun Renshi turned his head to look at Li Qinzai, smiled slightly, and said, "Now do you know the power of 'wolves devouring tigers'?"

Li Qinzai nodded, and sighed: "Waguo has carefully planned, from the number of warships to the tactics of the battle, it is really well prepared."

Master Sun Ren hummed, and said: "This battle is considered a draw, and the enemy may have suffered greater losses. After checking the loss of ordnance, Li Changshi carefully checked and reported it."

Li Qinzai bowed and said, "Yes."

Master Sun Ren once again glanced at the post-war sea, turned back expressionlessly and returned to the cabin.

Li Qinzai turned his head to look at Li Sujie, and said, "Have you seen this battle clearly?"

Li Sujie's face turned pale. It was also his first time to personally experience a naval battle, and the scenes of those tragic fights still emerged in his mind.

"Yes, the disciple sees it clearly."

"What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Tang Navy and the Japanese fleet?"

Li Sujie said with a wry smile: "The disciple didn't figure it out for a while..."

"Don't worry, I'll give you time to think about it slowly. After sorting it out, write a post-war summary of more than [-] words, and write all your thoughts into it."

Li Qinzai left after speaking.

The sailors approached the shore, and the port was in a hurry. The wounded soldiers screamed and groaned in pain. They were carried off from the battleship by Pao Ze, and the doctors accompanying the army were busy treating them. In the open space of the port, the face was covered with a white cloth.

Li Qinzai stepped off the boat and watched the scene of life and death.

Even though he was mentally prepared, he still couldn't bear to take a closer look.

Thinking back to the scene of the naval battle just now in my mind, the pros and cons of the enemy and us have gradually become clear.



"Get some blacksmiths from the Armory Supervision, I want to make some gadgets."

Liu Ahsi was taken aback for a moment, and then excitedly said: "Fifth Shaolang has a new idea? Can he defeat the enemy with one blow?"

Li Qinzai glanced at him and said, "I'm going to build a super big firecracker. When it's lit, there's a bang, and a mushroom cloud rises. Not to mention the mere Japanese fleet, not even a blade of grass will grow in the Japanese land."

Liu Asi gasped: "It's so sharp, why didn't Wu Shaolang show it earlier?"

"Do you believe it?"

"Of course the villain will believe it."

Li Qinzai snorted: "I don't even believe it myself, how do you have such confidence in me? Do I seem to be omnipotent in your eyes?"

Liu Asi said earnestly: "The villain has no doubts about Wu Shaolang's ability. As long as Wu Shaolang is willing, you will be able to create a sharp weapon that will destroy the world and save the casualties of my disciples in Guanzhong of the Tang Dynasty. It's Dade."

Smacking his lips regretfully, Li Qinzai secretly hated why he didn't study physics well in his previous life.

It would be great if we could really grow big mushrooms, some despicable small countries should really be wiped off the world map.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and prepare paper and pens for me, I want to draw drawings." Li Qinzai said in a downhearted manner.

Li Sujie also had no doubts about her husband's ability. Hearing that he wanted to create something new, Li Sujie bowed excitedly and said, "May I grind ink for you, my disciple?"

Li Qinzai sneered: "If a maid who can explain the language grinds ink for me, it will add a good story of 'red sleeves add fragrance'. You are a little man with no hair. What am I going to do?"

Li Sujie blinked pitifully: "Sir, if there is a need..."

"Huh?" Li Qinzai's eyelids twitched, something was wrong.

"How is it?" Li Qinzai narrowed his eyes, and secretly decided that this guy really dared to say the next sentence, he would really clean up the house, this student is a big deal, and he can't even ask for it.

Fortunately, Li Sujie answered in a timely manner: "Sir, if you are so elegant, I will immediately send my followers to pick out ten or eight beautiful women from Baekje, and you can spoil them as you like."

(End of this chapter)

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