Chapter 714

The communication between grandparents and grandchildren is different from others. At least in this era, the communication and chat between Li Ji and Li Qinzai seems a bit weird.

The grandson of someone else's family was respectful in front of his grandfather, and he didn't dare to breathe. When the grandfather frowned, the grandson knelt down reflexively, trembling with fear.

However, in the Li family, there is no such thing at all.

Li Qinzai was the most out-of-shape in front of Li Ji among the people of his generation. Whether it was a word or a piss, he could drive Li Ji to death.

When chatting with Li Ji, Li Qinzai's attitude was very casual, he seldom had any formal etiquette, and he often spoke out of his head. In the entire Li family, Li Qinzai was the only one who dared to stand or sit in front of Li Ji.

But the strange thing is, among the grandchildren of Li Qinzai's generation, Li Ji loves him the most.

Leaving aside Li Qinzai's achievements for the Li family, let's just talk about Li Qinzai's character and style. Although Li Ji reprimanded him a lot, in fact Li Ji still admired Li Qinzai's character in his heart.

This grandson usually doesn't care about trivial matters, and a sentence out of his mouth makes people want to beat him to death with a stick, but once something happens, the person Li Ji trusts the most in the whole family is Li Qinzai, and he has never doubted Li Qinzai conduct.

After most of his life, Li Ji still has a good eye for knowing people. Li Ji knows better than anyone else what his grandson is like.

He knew that under this grandson's unscrupulous appearance, he was pretending to be a family and a country in his heart.

Li Qinzai just hid his kindness, for fear that if people found out, they would laugh at him as hypocritical.

The essence that others can't see through can't escape Li Ji's eyes after all.

"Tell me, what do you need the old man for?" Li Ji glanced at him, and said, "You'd better not cause trouble for the family, otherwise the old man will clean up the house before Wang Fa comes."

Li Qinzai sighed: "Grandpa, in your eyes, the grandson is the kind of prodigal son who makes trouble all day long and plays tricks on cats and dogs?"

Li Ji said in surprise, "Aren't you?"

Li Qinzai was also shocked: "How can grandpa look at his grandson like this? Did I pick it up from a latrine?"

Li Ji's expression was lost in memory, and he said slowly: "More than 20 years ago, on a stormy night, there was a sound of a baby crying in our latrine..."

"Okay, okay, grandpa don't spoil his grandson, let's talk about business."

Li Ji stroked his beard and smiled, and twisted the beads in the other hand, his movements were already very sophisticated.

"The old man knows that your sudden return to Beijing today is for the emperor's conferment on Mount Tai, right?"

Li Qinzai was shocked again: "How would Grandpa know?"

Li Ji sneered: "This old man's tricks have been read by everyone in the world. You bastard just opens his mouth, and this old man will know what kind of shit you want to eat..."

Li Qinzai: "..."

The old man's mouth is getting more and more poisonous, who brought him down?
"Grandpa objects to grandson causing this trouble?" Li Qinzai asked tentatively.

"You also know that you are causing trouble, why don't you stop?"

Li Qinzai sighed, but he didn't answer the question: "Liu Rengui was imprisoned by the imperial staff, and now he is still recuperating on the bed..."

"What's with you?"

Li Qinzai said again: "The local government has issued a call-up order. After the spring sowing is over, they will call up households in various counties in Guanzhong to build roads and palaces for His Majesty. This time, hundreds of thousands of civilians will be used, and it will take more than a year. Every day is a huge sum..."

A smile appeared in Li Ji's eyes: "What does this have to do with you?"

Li Qinzai sighed: "When I grow up, I dare not forget to worry about the country. When I grow up, I am surrounded by gloomy households. My grandson can't live a leisurely life. Therefore, my grandson must prevent your majesty from granting Zen."

Li Ji's expression was serious, and he murmured: "'You are humble and don't dare to forget about the country'... well said! You must be able to say this sentence not for yourself, but for the great Tang community."

Li Qinzai said with a smile: "To be honest, it's really not for Sheji. Those who dare to say the word 'Sheji' are hungry people. If I have to make my grandson great once, I would rather be for the people of Li. That's the real poor guy."

The smile in Li Ji's eyes deepened: "How do you plan to persuade His Majesty?"

"I haven't thought of a way yet, so my grandson wants to ask Grandpa for something."

"You said."

"I don't know if there is a trilogy or servants in the mansion who specialize in inquiring about news. Sun'er intends to learn about the population, land, and grain storage in official warehouses in various states and counties in Guanzhong."

Li Ji thought for a while, and said: "I still have some disciples and generals who are officials in various places. I will write a letter from the old man, and I will reply in a few days."

Li Qinzai said happily, "Thank you, Grandpa."

Immediately, Li Qinzai was taken aback, and asked curiously: "Grandson is planning to cause trouble again this time, maybe it will affect the family, why didn't grandpa stop me?"

Li Ji snorted, stroked his beard and said: "You are the only one in the world who cares about the country and the people? Jiangshan was brought down by a group of veterans such as the late emperor and the old man. The old man is more reluctant than you to see the country destroyed. Your Majesty enshrines Zen. It's really not good governance, if you don't warn me, in a few days, the old man will go to school."

Li Qinzai hesitated for a moment: "My grandson suddenly realized that doing this by myself is a bit redundant..."

Li Jile: "It's not superfluous, if you have something to do, you should go to the top first, and when you are about to be chopped off by His Majesty, the old man will come to rescue you."

Familiar scenes from movies and TV dramas suddenly popped up in Li Qinzai's mind. In the bleak autumn wind, he was kneeling in the execution ground in prison clothes, and the executioner was about to slash his knife, when suddenly there was a loud shout from a distance: "Keep people under the knife"...

The scene stopped abruptly, and Li Qinzai couldn't help shivering.

In order not to let such a bloody plot happen to him, Li Qinzai decided... he must not anger Li Zhi, and don't give the executioner a chance to swing the knife. What if the shout of "keep someone under the knife" is a few seconds late?What if the executioner confiscated the hand?


Leaving Li Ji's study, Li Qinzai felt inexplicably more confident.

I have to admit that family affection can really give people strength, and Li Ji's approval gave Li Qinzai a little more courage, so he no longer has any worries.

Walking to the front yard, Li Qinzai was about to call Liu Ahsi to leave when a person came in front of him.

Li Qinzai looked intently, but it was Zhao Daoyun, his father's new concubine.

Zhao Daoyun still looked soft and weak, every step he took seemed to be measured by a ruler, which was very in line with the upbringing of a woman from a wealthy family, and I don't know how much effort Zhao Daoyun put in behind to get into the Li family.

Looking up and seeing Li Qinzai, Zhao Daoyun seemed a little surprised, then hurriedly lowered his head and said, "Li Xianhou is back..."

Although he is Li Qinzai's elder in name, Zhao Daoyun never dared to call himself an elder. He seemed to be a little shorter in front of Li Qinzai, and he didn't even dare to call him by his first name. He always referred to him as an official.

Li Qinzai nodded lightly: "Are you still getting used to life in the mansion?"

Zhao Daoyun was a little surprised, obviously he didn't expect Li Qinzai to chat with her, which made her a little dazed for a moment, and subconsciously looked around, thinking that Li Qinzai was talking to someone else.

(End of this chapter)

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