Chapter 715
Li Qinzai has always maintained a polite and distant attitude towards Zhao Daoyun's siblings.

In the relationship between the father and mother's generation, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. Naturally, the son has no reason to say anything, and it is not appropriate to agree or disagree.

Li Qinzai can only decide his own attitude, neither hot nor cold, neither salty nor bland, before she integrates into this family, it is best not to take her too seriously.

Faced with Li Qinzai's initiative to chat, Zhao Daoyun was obviously a little flattered, and hurriedly said: "I'm used to it, everyone in the house treats me very well, and I also follow the rules and etiquette in the school."

Li Qinzai smiled: "You don't have to be too deliberate in learning the rules. Live your life casually. After a long time, those who follow the rules will naturally understand it. For those who don't, it's useless even if they memorize the rules backwards."

Zhao Daoyun's eyelids twitched, and he didn't dare to look up, but he was secretly thinking about the meaning of Li Qinzai's words, and he always felt that there was something in his words, which seemed to imply a warning.

"I understand. I will learn the rules well and abide by them, so as not to embarrass the mansion." Zhao Daoyun said honestly.

Li Qinzai suddenly asked again: "Your brother is still working with the housekeeper?"

Zhao Daoyun nodded: "Yes, he's a bit stupid, and I'm afraid he won't be able to be alone in three or two years."

Li Qinzai smiled: "It's okay, let him study hard, the errands in the mansion are not complicated, pay more attention to how Steward Wu does it, and if there is a chance in the future, let him take care of part of the property in the mansion."

Zhao Daoyun said gratefully: "Thank you Li County Marquis."

Li Qinzai shook his head: "Don't thank me, as long as you brothers and sisters keep your integrity, I will treat you as family."

Zhao Daoyun responded humbly.

After chatting for a while, Li Qinzai turned and left.

Facing Zhao Daoyun's siblings, Li Qinzai still couldn't let go of his guard. If you only look at the surface, the unremitting efforts of the impoverished siblings finally came to the fore, which sounds very inspirational.

But Li Qinzai always felt that this story was too simple. The plot, characters, and setting were all so logical. In the past few years, he had learned a few dog planing skills in the court. Li Qinzai would not be so naive to believe anyone and thing.

The story is nice, but it could be a little more complicated.


Greeting Liu Ahsi and other trilogy to the side hall in the front yard, Li Qinzai ordered his servants to prepare more than a dozen sets of linen shirts for ordinary people, and after he changed them himself, he asked Liu Ahsi and the trilogy to put on as well.

The parts were performed honestly, and Liu Ah Si couldn't help asking: "Fifth Shaolang, what are we going to do with this change of clothes?"

"Go out of the city and find a few places to stroll around."

"Why do you need to change clothes?"

Li Qinzai smiled: "How about I write a detailed report and explain it to you?"

Liu Ahsi said with a sneer, "The villain is illiterate, so there's no need for it."

"Then stop talking nonsense and change quickly!"

After everyone changed their clothes, Li Qinzai ordered them to unload their weapons, and then led them out of the city on horseback.

Without a clear destination, Li Qinzai and others stopped outside the city gate after leaving the Hanguang Gate. Then Li Qinzai took out a map and poked at it with his eyes closed.

"Just go here!" Li Qinzai put away the map and galloped away.

Liu Ahsi and the others were dumbfounded. Isn't this... too casual?What on earth is Wu Shaolang going to do?
The place Li Qinzai was referring to was Jingyang County, which was very close to Chang'an City, about 60 miles away, and it took less than two hours to ride a horse.

Everyone entered the boundary of Jingyang County, but Li Qinzai did not enter the county seat, but drove towards the farmland outside the city.

After running for about [-] li, Li Qinzai reined in his horse and stopped on both sides of the rugged road lined with freshly sown wheat fields.

He tied the horse to a tree by the side of the road, leaving one Buqu to look after the horse, and Li Qinzai led the rest of the Buqu to walk towards the village not far away.

While walking, he looked left and right at the newly sown wheat fields. Li Qinzai nodded with satisfaction: "The auspicious snow came early at the end of last year, and there have been a few rains in the beginning of spring this year. If there are no natural disasters in the middle of the year, this year should be a good harvest year."

Liu Ahsi said happily: "I really have to thank God. There was a severe drought last year, and all the people in the Tang Dynasty suffered. If there is a bumper harvest this year, it will more or less make up for last year's deficit. The farmers can save a few buckets more. food."

There was no joy on Li Qinzai's face, he just sighed: "Shangguanyi made a calculation. Even if all the farmland in the Tang Dynasty has a bumper harvest this year, it is still not enough to repay the deficit of the national treasury in the past two years, let alone your majesty. It's a lot of money, food and labor..."

"If your Majesty's matter is really done, Datang will not be able to breathe for at least five years."

Liu Asi scratched his head, and said, "Five young man, the villain is a vulgar martial artist, he doesn't understand the principles, the emperor must understand the principles, if the state treasury really suffers like this, why bother to go to Mount Tai to enshrine Zen? When the national treasury is full, we will talk about Fengchan, and the government and the people will be happy, won't it?"

Li Qinzai smiled wryly: "Yes, you understand the truth, but the emperor doesn't understand..."

Li Qinzai is not afraid of making taboos when speaking, and sighed: "The emperor has indeed made a lot of achievements in the past two years. Seriously, he is qualified to enshrine Zen, but the treasury is empty and the people have no food left. Such a situation It's really not the right time to enshrine Zen."

Liu Asi scratched his head and said, "If the Son of Heaven doesn't talk about ostentation, it shouldn't cost much to go to Mount Tai with a light car, and come back after the Zen ceremony is finished?"

Li Qinzai glanced at him: "Feng Chan has strict etiquette and laws since ancient times. If there is any lack of ostentation, Feng Chan will become a joke. Do you think it's your mother-in-law returning to her natal family?"

While chatting, everyone walked to an unknown village.

The village was very deserted. When Li Qinzai walked into the village, he found that most of the people he could see were old people, women and children, but there were very few young people in the village.

The children gathered together, watched Li Qinzai and others approaching curiously, and followed them timidly from a distance, while the old people sat at the door of their own houses basking in the sun, looking at the green wheat fields in the distance with cloudy old eyes, It seems to be immersed in the sad memories of half a lifetime.

Li Qinzai walked to the east side of the village, and found a farmer's house at random. This farmer's family looked very poor. The wooden house was in disrepair for a long time, and it was dilapidated everywhere. The fence outside the yard was also sparse, and a piece of it collapsed.

Even so, Li Qinzai still stood outside the simple fence and called to the house politely.

An old man staggered out of the room, hunched over and slowly opened the door, and tried to look at Li Qinzai and his party with wide eyes.

Li Qinzai smiled politely at the old man: "This old man, the boy and others passed by here, a little thirsty, and want to ask the old man for a bowl of water, I wonder if it is convenient for the old man?"

The old man let out a groan, showing the enthusiasm of Guanzhong people, and led Li Qinzai and others into the yard. Not long after, the old man came out tremblingly with a large clay pot and several clay bowls.

(End of this chapter)

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