Chapter 716

Li Qinzai has a completely different attitude towards the powerful and ordinary people.

In front of the dignitaries, Li Qinzai's mouth has always been poisonous and cheap. He was so angry that he didn't dare to explode, because no one dared to play tricks with Li Qinzai.

But in front of ordinary people, Li Qinzai's attitude is humble and polite, like a spring breeze.

If the reincarnation skills are not strong, Li Qinzai must be no different from all ordinary people in the world. In front of them, what right does he have to put on the airs of a powerful man?

The old man brought water, and Li Qinzai greeted the followers to drink water, and took advantage of the opportunity and sat down on the stone steps covered with moss.

The old man was warm and kind, and invited Li Qinzai to sit in the room, but Li Qinzai refused with a smile.

Holding the pottery bowl in one hand, Li Qinzai chatted with the old man about the daily routine.

The old man is more than 60 years old. He used to be a government soldier, but he was disarmed and returned to the farmland.His wife died early, and he has two sons.One of the sons was a hereditary soldier of the government and guarded the border in Songmo Dudufu, which used to be the territory of the Turks. Later, the Turks were destroyed, and the Tang Dynasty built the Songmo Dudufu on the northeast border.

The old man also has a son who stays at home to do farming and serve and respect the old man. Three days ago, the Jingyang County Government came to Sihu and recruited his son, saying that he was going to build the palace in Puzhou.

Not only the old man's son was conscripted, but almost half of the young and middle-aged labor force in this village was conscripted.

So when Li Qinzai entered the village, he only saw old people, women and children, and almost no young people.

"Are all the nearby villages like this? All young people have been recruited?" Li Qinzai asked curiously.

The old man smiled: "The officials came here and said they followed the imperial court's orders. Who would dare to disobey? Fortunately, the officials were reasonable and asked us to call for labor after the spring sowing. Otherwise, this year's harvest will be another trouble..."

Li Qinzai's eyes flickered: "Last year there was a severe drought, how is your family's harvest?"

The old man sighed: "I can barely survive. Fortunately, I have a son by my side. Although the grain harvest is small, he works for the landlord and occasionally does the hard work of carrying goods for the caravan, earning a few pennies. Otherwise, our family They'll all starve to death."

"Our Jingyang is not far from Chang'an. No matter how bad the year is, the government will not sit idly by, or it will hurt the emperor's face. I heard that some people in the north really starved to death, alas!" The old man shook his head and sighed.

Li Qinzai comforted: "This year seems to be a good year with good weather and good weather. Your family will definitely have a good harvest."

The old man smiled, and the light of hope flashed in his cloudy eyes: "Yes, it is indeed a good year, I hope there will be no more natural disasters in the middle of the year, and the old man plans to save some food and go to the county town to exchange for some cloth. I haven't made new clothes for several years..."

Li Qinzai looked up at the green wheat field and said, "Your family doesn't have a strong laborer, so what about the work in the field?"

The old man puffed up his chest and said: "I can still do it. Although I am slower than the younger generations, I am more stable than them. The rest of the village are mostly old people and children. We can't rely on others. Let's do it ourselves."

Li Qinzai sighed: "Building a temporary palace, I won't be able to come back for a year or so. I'm afraid that next year's spring sowing will be delayed..."

The old man sighed, and said: "Do your best, who asked the officials to issue a call-up order? I heard that the emperor is going to Mount Tai to enshrine Zen. This young man, what is 'Feng Chan'?"

"It's a ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven and earth. It's very grand. The Son of Heaven prays to heaven on behalf of the common people."

The old man hurriedly said: "Sacrifice, that is a big event, don't dare to delay."

As he spoke, the old man bowed his hands reverently towards the sky.

Li Qinzai said with a smile: "The Son of Heaven sacrifices to the heaven and the earth, your son is doing ostentation, the work in the fields is hard for you."

The old man hesitated to speak, then sighed and said: "Sacrificing sacrifices is a major event, I dare not disrespect the heaven and the earth, but if it is a taboo, it will be fine if it is delayed by two years."

"There was a severe drought last year, and many people in the village almost couldn't make it through. Many families borrowed a lot of money and food from the landlords. This year, they are trying to pay off their debts. It is hard to look forward to a year of good weather. All the labor in the village has been conscripted, sure. Affecting the harvest..."

Speaking of which, the old man panicked again: "It's not that the old man doesn't approve of sacrifices, and he dares not disrespect the gods, or... well, just take it easy."

Seeing Li Qinzai's silence, the old man got up and refilled a pot of water.

Li Qinzai put down the pottery bowl, and said goodbye to the old man with a smile. Before leaving, Liu Ahsi quietly put a dozen or so coins under the pottery pot.

After walking out of the old man's shabby house, Li Qinzai led his followers around the village again, chatting with the farmers as usual under the pretext of begging for water.

In the evening, Li Qinzai finally left Zhuangzi and rushed towards Chang'an City.

It was late at night when we returned to the mansion, Li Qinzai went back to the backyard and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Li Qinzai led the trilogy out of the city again, this time to Lantian County.

On the third and fourth days, I wandered around the villages in Guanzhong every day, chatting with farmers.

That night, on the way back to Chang'an City, Liu Ahsi finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Wu Shaolang, the villain knows that you don't agree with the emperor enshrining Zen, but can't you directly advise the emperor? It's too hard for you to visit various villages privately every day."

Li Qinzai sighed, "Do you think the emperor will listen to me if I advise him?"

Liu Asi scratched his head: "Then I don't know, but why are you visiting the village every day?"

Li Qinzai said indifferently: "Some things must be seen and heard with one's own eyes before being qualified to speak with one's head upright. I want to hear the most authentic voices of the people and see the most real sufferings of the people. You can't see it in the memorial."

Liu Ahsi seemed to understand, so he had no choice but to say: "Okay, the villain is a vulgar warrior who doesn't understand government affairs and state affairs. Wherever Wu Shaolang goes, our brothers will follow."

Li Qinzai shook his head and said, "Go back to Ganjing Village tomorrow."


Early the next morning, Li Qinzai led his followers back to Ganjing Village.

After entering Zhuangzi, he did not go back to the other courtyard, but came to the school alone.

It was noon at this time, and the students had gone to eat. Li Qinzai sat alone in the classroom, staring at the lush forest outside the window in a daze.

After a long time, the students all came back when they heard the noisy laughter outside the classroom.

Li Qinzai was still sitting in the classroom without saying a word. Li Sujie was the first to enter the door. As soon as he stepped through the door, he suddenly found Li Qinzai who had been missing for several days. Li Sujie said happily: "Mr. is back."

After speaking, he bowed and saluted.

The little bastards behind him also saluted.

Li Qinzai glanced up, stared at Li Sujie and said, "Which foot did you step in just now?"

Li Sujie was stunned: "Uh, it seems to be the left foot..."

"It's a heinous crime! Someone, drag it out and give it fifty lashes!"

Li Sujie turned pale with shock: "Sir, in the past you had a more or less plausible reason for whipping, but this time the reason is so perfunctory?"

Li Qinzai laughed suddenly, and then said with a downcast face: "Forget it, I'm scaring you, Mr. is in a bad mood today, and I don't like anyone. You'd better not mess with me."

The little bastards were shocked when they heard the words, and immediately fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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