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Chapter 1493 8 Directions, 9 Earth King

Chapter 1493 Eight Directions, Nine Earth Kings

Most of the things Li Tianqiang collected are not real, and there are many foreign things that are absolutely impossible to appear in China.

I don't know which guy with a big brain hole actually imitated such a batch of foreign cultural relics.

And this is probably because there are too many people like Li Tianqiang.

Even if they imitate without thinking, someone will take over, so why don't they imitate?
No matter how many domestic imitations are made, it seems that they can't arouse national pride now, so let's collect foreign treasures.

There should be quite a few local tyrants who have this idea, so some foreign antiques are also popular now!
For example, Chen Wenzhe knows that the three major foreign national treasures are now treasured in our country, and ordinary people may not have heard of any of them.

Since the Opium War in modern times, it was once behind the forest of the world.

We were invaded and plundered by foreign powers, coupled with the "help" of cultural relic dealers such as Lu Qinzhai, many precious cultural relics in our country were lost overseas and it was difficult to recover.

For example, Sa Luzi and Fist Hairy, the second of "Six Horses of Zhaoling".

For example, the copy of "Nv Shi Zhen Tu" created by Gu Kaizhi in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and the copy of "Lie Di Tu" created by Yan Liben in Tang Dynasty.
These cultural relics carry a heavy history that Chinese people can never forget.

What is even more unacceptable is that some national treasure cultural relics have been damaged because foreigners do not know how to keep them.

For example, the precious "Admonitions of Women's History" was cut off at the middle!
Whenever such a thing is mentioned, it will touch the pain in the hearts of the Chinese people.

If the cultural relics can speak, maybe they will also sigh "I think about my hometown tonight, and the Ming Dynasty will be another year".

But having said that, many people mistakenly think that only Chinese cultural relics are "alone in a foreign land". In fact, our country also has some foreign national treasure-level cultural relics.

It's just that these cultural relics are rarely reported, so they are not so well known.

Among them, three foreign national treasures are the most precious.

The first is the national treasure of the former Soviet Union: "Lenin Announces the Establishment of the Soviet Power".

"Lenin Announces the Establishment of Soviet Power" is a classic oil painting by Vlamikir Alekselovich Serov.

V. Serov is a representative figure of the realist painting school in the former Soviet Union. His paintings have distinctive styles, rich themes, and many of them are drawn from reality.

He achieved success in portraits, landscapes and still lifes.

In 1947, V Serov created this classic masterpiece that often appears in history textbooks, and it was created on the 30th anniversary of the October Revolution.

Ten years later, the former Soviet Union presented it to my country as a national gift.

The composition of this painting is full, the color of realism is strong, and the content has extraordinary commemorative value.

What's more special is that it is absolutely the original version, and it has not been modified for various reasons like the textbook illustrations and stamp versions in the former Soviet Union.

Now "Lenin Announces the Establishment of the Soviet Power" is collected in the National Museum of our country.

The second treasure is Yinglun's national treasure gold-plated copper writing clock.

In "A Dream of Red Mansions", Cao Xueqin wrote several times about such things as modern clocks.

Grandma Liu had seen the western chime clock in Wang Xifeng's room, and Jia Baoyu still carried a pocket watch with her.

These all show that the nobles in the Qing Dynasty loved watches and clocks.

This fashion naturally came from the court, and Emperor Qianlong was an avid watch enthusiast.

He likes clocks and watches that are ornamental, set travel time, time reporting, music, event landscape and other functions in one.

Therefore, most of the best palace clocks in the world are collected in our country.

This gold-plated copper writing clock is one of them. It can be said to be a toy clock with a very delicate design.

The so-called "writer's clock", as the name suggests, is a robot with the appearance of a Western gentleman on the base of the clock.

After the brush in his hand is stained with ink and the winding starts, he will kneel down on one knee and write four Chinese characters on the small case in front of him: "Eight Directions, Nine Earths Come King".

So everyone can guess that this clock was specially made by Yinglun craftsmen for the Qing Palace.

The gold-plated copper writing clock was jointly designed and manufactured by Williamson and the Swiss automaton master Jacques Droz.

This clock presents a combination of east and west styles, 231 cm high, and is in the style of a pavilion.

There are three floors above the writing gentleman, and the bell ringer on it will strike the bell bowl every three hours to tell the time and play music, which is very interesting.

It is conceivable that when the Qing Dynasty had not completely declined hundreds of years ago, the emperor loved exquisite Western artifacts, which is why the Forbidden City now has a grand collection of more than 1500 clocks and watches.

Compared with the later, it is full of emotion.

As for the third piece, it was very similar to the piece of stone slab that Chen Wenzhe had just obtained.

The third item is the painted coffin, stele and rubbings of Egyptian national treasures.

The experience of Egyptian painted coffins, steles, and rubbings "floating" in my country is similar to the situation of some modern Chinese cultural relics going overseas.

This batch of cultural relics flowed into the country through the hands of Duan Fang, a famous official in the late Qing Dynasty.

Duanfang used to be the Minister of Beiyang and the Governor of Zhili (like Li Hongzhang). He usually loved collecting gold and stone antiques, and he was the first person to collect foreign cultural relics in modern my country.

In 1905, Duanfang was sent abroad for inspection. At that time, Egypt's national power was declining, and many cultural relics were sold in the market.

And at that time, Egypt's awareness of the protection of cultural relics was not strong.

Duan Fang passed through Cairo, Egypt when he returned to China. After seeing these cultural relics from the 19th Dynasty of ancient Egypt, he was very interested and bought them regardless of the doubts of the people around him.

He even wrote on the rubbings of ancient Egypt, "And the real stone carvings of ancient kings and queens, Tuo Feng Zizhuang's observations, Duan Fang Ji".

These precious Egyptian cultural relics more than 3000 years ago came to our country with him.

After Duanfang was killed, the painted coffin and rubbings of the stone stele avoided the fate of being scattered everywhere like other collections, and are now hidden in the National Museum.

In fact, the value of these three cultural relics in the hearts of Chinese people may not be comparable to the cultural relics left overseas in our country.

Since the opening of the Silk Road in the Han Dynasty, cultural relics such as Persian gilt silver vases, Eastern Roman gilt silver plates with gods and figures, and Byzantine gold cups with red agate and tiger handles have flowed into my country.

However, these are all because of cultural exchanges, before they flowed into our country.

It is not the same thing as the crazy plunder of modern powers. I believe that in the future, the precious national treasures belonging to our country will eventually be returned to Zhao.

Of course, the batch of foreign cultural relics in front of Chen Wenzhe is definitely not the treasures mentioned above.

However, if you really want to compare the value, it's really hard to say who is more expensive, because the meanings are different.

For example, some of the stone statues that Chen Wenzhe sees now, and some of them look like scriptures.

These are piled up in a corner, and Chen Wenzhe would not be able to see them if he hadn't drilled into the innermost part.

It seems that Li Tianqiang also knows that these are definitely not authentic.

Of course, since he came here and appeared in front of Chen Wenzhe, it was still worth watching.

Looking at it this way, Chen Wenzhe laughed. If these are true, they are definitely the top national treasures.

You know, everything here should be a Buddhist sacred object.

(End of this chapter)

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