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Chapter 1694 Painted Pottery Lantern

Chapter 1694 Painted Pottery Flower Lantern
The wisdom of the ancients is infinite, in fact, it should not be much different from modern people.

The advantage of modern people is that they stand in the beautiful era of information explosion and have more knowledge.

The information of the ancients was limited, and their knowledge was no match for modern people. However, smart people are still smart.

As long as they find the right direction, there are too many things they can do.

For example, this shadowless lamp, fifteen copper lamps, is indeed a treasure with great appreciation and use value.

It is unique in conception and beautiful in shape, with people, monkeys, birds, dragons and tigers coexisting together, reflecting the harmonious relationship between ancient people and nature.

Its principle of eliminating "shadow" is nearly 2000 years earlier than modern surgical shadowless lamps, which makes us have to marvel at the wisdom of ancient craftsmen!

Obviously, Chen Wenzhe had such a lamp in front of him.

Of course, although this shadowless lamp is roughly similar to the one Bei He found, there are still big differences in the details.

For example, the placement position of the lamp panel, the size of the lamp panel, and the height layout of the lamp are all different.

There are also some animal-shaped decorations, but the layout and image are different from the Beihe piece.

However, they are generally the same, only the details are different.

In addition, when dealing with the balance of this huge copper lamp with a height of nearly 1 meter, the craftsman used the principle of lever balance when designing it.

When the archaeologists were in the process of splicing and restoring, they found that the process was extremely simple, even if they were blindfolded.

Seeing such a seemingly simple, yet technologically advanced bronze ware, Chen Wenzhe really wanted to learn it.

If you don't look at the inscription, just from this point of view, the value of this shadowless lamp is obviously higher than that of Zhongshan Kingdom.

Of course, the most important thing is that the decoration is different. This shadowless lamp also has a dragon-shaped decoration, but it seems to be a coiled dragon.

The artisans more than 2000 years ago have created such a practical and aesthetic treasure, which really amazes us.

Now that he has obtained so many ancient bronzes, he can learn more techniques.

If you look down on it from above, you will find that each lamp does not overlap or interfere with each other, and you can see each lamp in its entirety.

Under the lamp panel is a raspberry-shaped lamp holder that symbolizes Kunlun Mountain, and there are evergreen tree sculptures representing mountains and forests on the mountain.

It turns out that the base and branches of the lamp tree have sockets.

Coupled with the technology obtained from the three-legged frog bronze drum and the four-goat square statue that were missed before, his bronze ware production and antique decoration are all very high-tech.

Since it is a painted pottery lantern, it is naturally pottery.

Fortunately, there is no inscription, otherwise it would be more troublesome.

Moreover, the tenons and sockets are precisely made, and they fit together very tightly, ensuring the stability of the light tree.

The main reason is that the domestic bronze trade is too restricted, and Chen Wenzhe can only drool over many national treasures and heavy treasures.

The lamp is 1.08 meters high and 50 centimeters in diameter.

Such a situation is very rare.

On a dark night 2000 years ago, lighting up this tree lamp must have been an extremely vivid and bright picture.

The distribution of lamp posts and lamp branches, the distance between the decorations on the lamp branches and the lamp posts form a wonderful balance.

What's more ingenious is that when all the fifteen lamps are lit, there will be no shadow under the lamp, which is known as "shadowless lamp".

Looking at the bronze shadowless lamp in front of him, Chen Wenzhe remembered another piece of pottery.

It is very likely that Cao Qingchun bought it here and was arrested by the state department.

Needless to say, this large tomb has been stolen and excavated for many years. Otherwise, such a well-preserved ancient bronze shadowless lamp would never have entered the market and could have been bought by Cao Qingchun.

The body of the lamp is divided into eight sections, three coiled dragons are coiled around the trunk, birds chirp and a group of monkeys play among the branches.

In the lobby on the first floor of his museum, there is a complete imitation of the Sanxingdui Museum, and there is a bronze sacred tree in it!

Three fierce tigers with one head and two bodies hold up a circular base, on which two male servants are throwing food at a monkey.

Also, when the copper lamp was first unearthed, the lamp base and branches were scattered.

There are two layers of lamp panels in the middle, and the edge of the panel is decorated with evergreen tree sculptures and lamps of immortals riding dragons.

Therefore, if you can’t get the real thing, it’s also fun to copy a batch yourself and put it on display in the museum!
"It's a bit difficult to make bronze ware, but it's not difficult to make ceramics!"

If it weren't for the trouble of making bronze wares, he really wanted to copy a batch of the top bronze wares in China.

But it’s right to think about it, because it is impossible for tomb robbers to pick up some broken copper and iron when they go to the tomb. They naturally choose to steal things that are in good condition and look very valuable.

Chen Wenzhe inspected it very carefully, so he was very sure that when this thing was unearthed from the ancient tomb, it was perfectly preserved.

It was a painted pottery flower lantern, also known as a "shadowless lamp".

It is a classic work of the Han Dynasty. It was unearthed in a Han tomb in Shouling Village near the Han Tomb in Mancheng. It is currently on display in the BD City Museum.

When he was making bronze bells, he had a very high bronze making technology.

The overall shape of the bronze lamp in front of me is really like a big tree.

You must know that the height of the shadowless lamp in front of you is not low. Even if you didn't measure it, Chen Wenzhe looked at it as more than one meter.

It's a pity that there is no inscription on this shadowless lamp. If Chen Wenzhe didn't need to go back and check its history, it would be absolutely impossible to know where it came from.

In today's terms, is it called the sense of atmosphere, the whole thing is a full-blown action.
"Wen Zhe, look at this thing, doesn't it look like the bronze sacred tree in Sanxingdui?" Cao Qingchun said at this moment.

And the tenons of each section have different shapes, and you can know how to match and install them by touching them with your hands.

The structure of this lamp is composed of three parts: the lamp holder, the lamp stem and the lamp holder.

The copper lamp from the tomb of King Zhongshan in the Warring States Period is the tallest lamp in the Warring States Period, but it is only about 83cm.

At the base of this lamp is a turtle symbolizing longevity, holding up the lamp post.

Isn't this a group of small animals playing and frolicking in the trees?
The most important thing is the shadowless effect, which is almost the same as the principle of modern shadowless lamps (such as surgical lights).

"From a large tomb in Shuchuan?"

"It is well preserved, and there is no trace of restoration, which is so rare."

Chen Wenzhe was taken aback by Cao Qingchun's words, but after a closer look, they really looked alike.

Fifteen branches support fifteen lamp panels, which are orderly in height and scattered in a well-proportioned way.

On the main part of the lamp, there are 4 lamp branches along the mouth and wall of the flat-bottomed lamp panel. There are 11 long and thin dragons in total, supporting 11 lamps.

On the upper end of the lamp post, there are also three lamps of immortals riding dragons.

On the top of the entire lamp is a Suzaku-shaped lamp with its head raised and wings ready to fly.

In ancient myths and legends, people with feathers and Kunlun Mountain are the elements to become immortals.

Yuren is the messenger of the Queen Mother of the West, and the Tianzhu on Kunlun Mountain can connect the heaven and the earth, and go straight to the fairyland.

(End of this chapter)

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