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Chapter 1698 4-legged toner

Chapter 1698 Quadruped Toner

The most fascinating thing about history is its long timeline.

The few superpowers with the longest history from us today are Xia, Shang and Zhou.

In fact, there is still no definite conclusion on whether these three dynasties exist to this day, because the time is too long.

As the third super dynasty after the Shang Dynasty in history, the Zhou Dynasty was established for 791 years. The Zhou Dynasty was divided into two periods: the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

The Western Zhou Dynasty was founded by Ji Fa, King Wu of Zhou. After the fall of the Western Zhou Dynasty, King Ping moved eastward and established his capital in Chengzhou.

For such a long dynasty, any objects unearthed from it have a unique historical flavor.

This curious bronze is one of them, and some experts have even dubbed it an ancient color palette.

However, Chen Wenzhe wouldn't believe it if he didn't understand the price of 1000 million.

You must know that the price of bronze wares in China is actually not high, especially for some bronze wares without inscriptions, the price is even lower.

Taking a look at the stall owner, Chen Wenzhe was sure that the stall owner was very confident.

This shows that he probably knows what this bronze vessel is.

At least, he is very clear about the value of this bronze ware.

This may be because there are other bronze wares, because the specifications of the bronze wares can only be determined by knowing the source. A large tomb with a high specification must have a high identity of the owner, so the value of the buried items will also be high.

Looking at this bronze ware, it should be from the Western Zhou Dynasty, and there are not many bronze ware unearthed in recent decades during the Western Zhou Dynasty.

The tomb that matches the style of this bronze ware seems to be on the Qishan side!
Everyone has heard the story of Fengming Qishan.

According to legend, during the Zhou Dynasty, because of the benevolence of King Wen of Zhou, Fenghuang also came to Qishan when King Wen of Zhou was touring Qishan.

Its cry was heard by the accompanying people, so everyone thought it was a good omen.

Therefore, Qishan is also regarded as the origin of the Zhou Dynasty, and the Western Zhou Dynasty also has the saying "Xiqi".

Today, Qishan is located in Qishan County, and this land is recognized as the birthplace of the Chinese nation. Ancient tombs of the Western Zhou Dynasty are often found here.

"A drop of water can still penetrate a stone." There is nothing in this world that cannot be destroyed by time, and the same is true for ancient tombs.

After all, the Western Zhou Dynasty is an era with a long history, and it is extremely rare for ancient tombs to be preserved in modern times.

The most famous of these is the ancient tomb of the Western Zhou Dynasty excavated in the 70s.

The ancient tomb is very well preserved, and experts found no signs of theft in the tomb.

The tomb chamber as a whole roughly preserved the burial situation, providing many clues for expert archaeological research.

The archaeological excavation went very smoothly, and many precious cultural relics were unearthed one after another.

However, among the many cultural relics, experts did not find anything that could prove the identity of the owner of the tomb.

As the cultural relics were unearthed one by one, finally a cultural relic attracted the attention of experts, and this cultural relic was the "quadruped toner".

Toner is a modern term, and many friends who like to paint may know it.

The main reason is that this bronze is very peculiar, with four legs like a tripod, and an animal head protruding from one side.

The main body of the cultural relic is also quite peculiar, like four cups inlaid on a box with a big hole in the center of the box.

So the object has a total of five holes.

It was the first time even an expert had encountered such a strange bronze vessel, and everyone speculated for a while.

After all, it is a long time ago, and there are not many clues in historical books.

After the archaeological excavation was completed, this bronze was sent to the History Museum of Xishan Province and became the treasure of the town hall at that time.

The museum organized many well-known local experts to conduct research on this cultural relic.

After discussing for a long time, a bold guess was given.

This cultural relic may be a "colorizer" used by ancient painters to mix paint.

For example, these holes can put some paint in.

Add water to the largest hole in the middle, put the surrounding paint in, and use a stick to stir it evenly to paint.

In the end, guesses are just guesses, not conclusive.

The cultural relic is named "Four-legged Toner", which is full of modern flavor, but it is a real ancient object.

Today, that one is still in the Xishan Provincial History Museum, and the one in front of me is obviously the same as that one.

At this time, we can also see how important it is to be erudite.

Chen Wenzhe recognized this thing at a glance, but there were so many people in the antique industry around him, but no one recognized it.

"Ten million is no problem, but I won't buy this one alone!"

Chen Wenzhe looked at the bronze vessel in his hand and said tentatively.

Regardless of its role in ancient times, it is an ordinary antique in modern times.

And what makes it unusual is that this thing came from Qishan, and it should have been unearthed very early.

The stall owner has been setting up a stall here for a long time, and he must have seen this palette.

Since many people knew about this thing, how did he keep it?

Chen Wenzhe could see that this thing was a handed down thing, and other people could also see it.

However, even if it is a bronze ware handed down from generation to generation, the state controls it very tightly.

"I have another one, you can take a look, it's a gui!"

As he spoke, the stall owner opened a wooden box behind his stall, revealing a gui inside.

Chen Wenzhe had been coveting this thing for a long time, and was even forced to donate a few pieces, how could he admit his mistake.

The pure black lacquer is very well maintained. It is a handed down artifact, but I don't know if there is any file left.

Also, some people in the country are really disgusting.

They often keep talking about the righteousness of the country and the nation, so they will be dedicated.

For example, it broke out not long ago that some people persuaded and mobilized several imperial decrees for display.

But after the exhibition was over, a few pieces were lost, and they also vowed to make compensation frankly.

So how much was the compensation?It seems to be tens of thousands of yuan. Is this to send beggars?
Not to mention how much the imperial decree is, this is not a matter of money.

Therefore, Chen Wenzhe did not comment on the boss's thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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