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Chapter 1714 The Best of Archeology

This time, Chen Wenzhe has learned a lot. The stall owner's family must have produced senior talents in historical research.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to make detailed notes on many things in the photos.

However, this is as it should be. If his family has such a large number of treasures from a hundred years ago, will future generations want to study it?
With the right conditions and the spirit of seeking knowledge, it is normal to gain something.

Turning to the end, Chen Wenzhe saw a lot of treasures this time. It can also be said that every item in the photo, taken out individually, is a rare treasure.

No matter which museum it is placed in, it can be regarded as a treasure in the collection.

And so many treasures were collected together and delivered to him, which is more intriguing.

"Why did you choose me?" Chen Wenzhe looked at the stall owner.

By this time, he hadn't introduced himself in detail, so Chen Wenzhe still doesn't know his name or where he came from.

"Our family trusts you. After all, you have already cooperated with the country and discovered several ancient cellars!"

Chen Wenzhe was a little speechless, he came prepared!
"How are you going to trade?"

"Look at the price. Our family doesn't want to split this batch of treasures, and we don't want to sell them to ordinary collectors, not even the richest individual collectors. In the end, we chose you. As long as the price is similar, we agree to the transaction .”

Chen Wenzhe was in a bit of a dilemma. This batch of bronze wares was a priceless treasure, so it was really not easy for him to bid.

"We don't want too much money, we just need a relatively large sum of money to be used as family funds. By the way, all the members of our family are counted, and there are only more than 300 people. This is the population of more than 100 years. As long as these people have something to support when they are old, and they can be educated when they are young.”

Chen Wenzhe was even more in a dilemma. If it was just to feed more than 300 people, it would not be difficult.

Each person spends one million a year, which is only 100 million a year. He pays [-] billion to them as a family fund, and the annualized income is [-]%, which should not be difficult.

However, is it worth spending tens of billions to buy these cultural relics?Is it less, or more?

Although I didn't count the number of cultural relics in detail just now, just the number of tripods and gui should exceed [-] pieces.

Even counting thirty pieces, these tripods and gui all have inscriptions, so what is their price?
Let’s talk about some ordinary bronze tripods first. Domestic laws allow the free trade of Wenwan after the Ming Dynasty.

Things before the Ming Dynasty can also be auctioned if they are passed down in an orderly manner and are always in the hands of players.

Bronze ware is rarely inherited in an orderly manner, and is basically developed by "Tufuzi". If there is no certain method, it is very dangerous to touch it.

Of course, rare is not uncommon. In recent years, quite a few dragon-patterned bronze tripods have been sold.

For example, a bronze tripod from the Spring and Autumn Period, of course, is an ordinary thing. It is a bronze tripod with a transaction price of 122.01 million and a transaction date of [-] years.

The transaction price of the bronze tripod in the Spring and Autumn Period was 132.01 million, and it was completed in [-] years.

One from the Western Zhou Dynasty was sold for 157.42 million in 150 years, and another bronze tripod from the late Western Zhou Dynasty was sold for [-] million in [-] years.

The transaction price of the bronze tripod in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty in the first five years was 117.32 million, which is very low.

However, more and more people now like to play with antiques, especially many unique antiques in our country.

Bronze ware is a very famous cultural relic, especially the bronze ware of the Western Zhou Dynasty, which is very famous.

The bronzes of this period not only have collection value, but also have great archaeological value.

So how much can some fine bronze tripods be worth? Which bronze tripods are more valuable?
Compared with foreign countries, the price of domestic bronzes is still very low.

Except for the ordinary goods mentioned before, the price of a slightly better one will be doubled several times.

For example, the bronze tripod with the Spring and Autumn Panna pattern, the starting price was 600 million, and the last transaction was 1300 million, which was in [-].

A bronze tripod in the late Western Zhou Dynasty started at 800 million yuan and was sold at 1500 million yuan.

These are normal prices, or even low prices.

Obviously, these bronze wares entering the market cannot be compared with the batch that Chen Wenzhe saw now.

If you really want to compare, you have to compare it with the bronze ware of the Xijiapan level.

On July 2017, 7, at the Sereng Auction, the Western Zhou Dynasty Bronze Ware Xi Jia Pan started bidding at 16 million yuan.

In the end, 1.85 million yuan was hammered down, and 2.1275 million yuan was sold, creating an unsurpassed bronze auction record in mainland my country so far.

So can the batch of bronze wares that Chen Wenzhe saw, including the tripod, gui, Zongyi, etc., be compared with the Xijiapan?
Chen Wenzhe was able to find forty or fifty pieces of this kind of bronze ware comparable to Xijiapan in the album.

The price of this batch is at least 50 billion.

There are other copper carriages, the price of which must exceed [-] million, there is no way, this kind of thing is too eye-catching.

You know, now is the most developed eyeball economy.

Then there are the other lesser ones, each worth more than $50.

Generally, it can reach 60 to 70 U.S. dollars. If this price is converted into RMB, it will be more than 400 million.

And how many bronze vessels of this level can be found in this album?
Chen Wenzhe silently calculated, there must be a thousand pieces, right?
So there are a total of two to three thousand bronze wares, from five or six large tombs, or from a piece of ancient city ruins, how much are so few bronze wares?
After such a calculation, it is really not much, because Chen Wenzhe knows it very well.

If the tomb had not been robbed and excavated, perhaps thousands of bronze wares could be unearthed from a large tomb, and the total number of burial objects could easily exceed [-].

This is not a legend. For example, the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng, which we are familiar with, is the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng, the king of the Zhou royal family in the early Warring States period. A total of 15404 burial objects of various types were unearthed.

Among them, the tens of thousands of cultural relics represented by chime bells shocked the world with their brilliant achievements in culture, art, science and technology.

The chime bells of Marquis Yi of Zeng unearthed are the most complete and largest set of bronze chimes found so far.

In addition, chariots, weapons, and musical instruments also occupy a large number.

The bronze sacrificial vessels unearthed from the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng is the one with the largest number and complete types of bronze vessels unearthed in my country over the years.

You must know that the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng is not a special case. Like the tomb of Marquis Haihun, there are many funeral objects.

Haihunhou Tomb is the tomb of Liu He, Haihunhou of the Western Han Dynasty. It is the largest, best-preserved and richest tomb of the rank of Marquis of the Han Dynasty discovered in China.

Since the archaeological excavation of Haihunhou Tomb in 2011, a total of more than 1 pieces (sets) of various precious cultural relics have been unearthed;

The number and variety of tombs are the highest in the archaeology of Han tombs in my country;

Among them, as many as 480 pieces of gold objects were unearthed, which is the most in the archaeological history of our country.

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