For example, the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng and the tomb of Marquis Haihun, these are considered normal, such as the funerary objects of the Han tomb that Chen Wenzhe obtained before.

Among them, the Mancheng Han Tomb has been mentioned many times. It is the tomb of Liu Sheng, King Jing of Zhongshan in the Western Han Dynasty, and his wife Dou Wan.

A total of more than 1 pieces of gold, silver, jade, pottery, iron, bronze and other cultures were unearthed from this tomb.

Among them, "Golden Jade Clothes", "Changxin Palace Lantern" and "Wrong Jinboshan Furnace" are world-famous.

Large tombs of this level can't be said to be everywhere in the Han tombs, but there are definitely quite a few, such as the Dayunshan Han tomb.

The Dayunshan Han Tomb located in Xuyi County, Jiangxi Province, I believe many people must know about it. This is one of the ancient tombs with the most unearthed cultural relics.

The Dayunshan Han Tomb is a very high-standard early Western Han Dynasty tomb for a husband and wife in the same tomb and different caves. The owner of the tomb is Liu Fei, the king of Jiangdu.

In addition to the three main tombs, there are 13 accompanying tombs, as well as pits for weapons and pits for chariots and horses.

The cultural relics unearthed are introduced by the local cultural management department in this way.

There are more than [-] pieces (sets) of exquisite lacquerware, musical instruments, weapons and other cultural relics.

Among them, the "Golden Jade Clothes" and "Jade Coffin" are precious and rare jade burial objects unearthed in China.

Because he was very interested in the ancient burial system before, Chen Wenzhe really studied it seriously.

What's more, he also inadvertently acquired many funerary objects in the complete ancient tombs.

Therefore, he knew all about those large tombs with many sacrificial objects unearthed.

In addition to the few mentioned before, there is also the tomb of King Liangzhuang.

The joint tomb of King Zhuangzhuang of the Ming Dynasty and his concubine Wei is located in Zhongxiang, Beihu. The tomb is rich in burial objects.

More than 5300 pieces of gold, jade, and porcelain have been unearthed, including more than 1400 pieces of gold, silver, and jade, and more than 3400 pieces of beaded gemstones.

This tomb is the highest level among the tombs of the Ming Dynasty princes that have been excavated in my country. The richness and exquisiteness of the burial objects are second only to Dingling among the Ming Tombs.

Among them, there are nearly [-] precious stones such as sapphire, emerald, chrysoberyl cat's eye, quartz cat's eye, etc.

On the top of the gold inlaid gemstone hat is inlaid an olive-shaped colorless sapphire of about 200 carats, which is the largest sapphire discovered at this stage.

Then there is the Mawangdui Han Tomb, which many people have heard of.

However, as long as you don't travel there, few people know how many cultural relics were unearthed in this excavation of the tomb.

This large tomb is the cemetery of Sha Changguo's prime minister and Lihou Licang's family in the Western Han Dynasty.

A total of more than 20 pieces of cultural relics were unearthed, which is one of the most important archaeological discoveries in the world in the [-]th century and one of the tombs with the most unearthed cultural relics.

Among them, more than 700 pieces of exquisite lacquerware with complicated craftsmanship reflect the brilliant achievements of the lacquer industry in the Han Dynasty;
More than 500 beautifully woven and embroidered silk garments testify to the records of the "Silk Country" in Western literature;

More than 50 "encyclopedia"-style bamboo slips and silk documents, inheriting the knowledge and wisdom of the sages;

The strange and fantastic color coffin paintings contain the fantasy of ascension to heaven and the desire for eternal life in the Han Dynasty.

This is the typical pattern of sacrificial burial in a large tomb. Although the burial objects of a large tomb will vary according to the preferences of the owner of the tomb.

However, many stipulated things will be buried with them.

Such as bronze ware, pottery, gold and silver ware, thin, book slips, copper coins, weapons, pottery figurines and so on.

For example, the Tomb No. 3000 of Qin Gong mentioned by Chen Wenzhe before, although it was severely robbed, more than [-] precious cultural relics were unearthed.

This tomb occupies the top five in the history of archaeology in my country. First of all, it is the largest pre-Qin tomb excavated in China;

The second is the tomb with the most martyrs discovered in my country since the Western Zhou Dynasty, with 186 martyrs;
The cypress "Huang Chang Ti Pu" coffin in the outer coffin chamber is the highest level of burial utensils excavated in the Zhou and Qin Dynasties so far in my country;

The wooden steles on the outside of the two walls of the coffin chamber are the earliest real tombstones in the history of tombs in my country.

In particular, the stone chime unearthed from the large tomb is the earliest stone chime with inscriptions found in my country.

If you look at this large tomb, you will find that the photos provided by the stall owner must be incomplete, at least he did not see the coffin.

Of course, I haven't seen jade wares either. You must know that jade wares were also a very important funerary object in ancient times.

For example, jade anal plugs, mouth chills and other strange things, not to mention jade bi, jade ring, jade cong and other treasures.

This kind of thing is shown in the Shizishan Han Tomb. This large tomb is the tomb of Liu Wu, the third king of Chu who was entrusted in Xucheng in the early Western Han Dynasty.

Located on the Lion Mountain in Xucheng, it is one of the emperor's tombs with the most unearthed cultural relics.

Although this tomb has been robbed in ancient and contemporary times, more than [-] pieces of various precious cultural relics were still unearthed.

Among them, there are many art treasures that are all over the city and the country, and can be regarded as one of the mausoleums with the most treasures.

Such as carved jade, carved dragon jade, string pattern jade ring, inlaid jade lacquer coffin, chi tiger pattern jade decoration, copper flat pot and so on.

These are the first archaeological discoveries in China, and what is especially precious is the first successful restoration of the image of a generation of Chu kings 100 years ago based on the remains of the king of Chu in the royal tomb.

There are two other large tombs like this one, such as the tomb of Fuhao.

The tomb of Fuhao is located in the southwest of the foundation site of Group C in the Yinxu Palace and Ancestral Temple District of Anyang, Nanhe. It was listed as one of the "Top Ten National Archaeological Achievements" in 1976.

This large tomb is also the only well-preserved tomb of members of the royal family of the Shang Dynasty discovered since the scientific excavation of the Yin Ruins.

It is also one of the most important archaeological discoveries since 1928 in the Yinxu palace and ancestral temple area.

Although the tomb of Fuhao is not big, it is well preserved and has a wealth of burial objects.

Among them, bronze wares (468 pieces), jade wares (755 pieces), and bone wares (564 pieces) were unearthed.

There are also 1928 cultural relics of different textures such as gemstones and ivory objects, and about 7000 seashells.

In the last Guozhuang Chu tomb, there are also many cultural relics and treasures unearthed.

The owner of the tomb may be a high-ranking aristocrat from the state of Chu who was entrusted to the state of Cai by the state of Chu.

Although there were more than 12 robbed excavations, more than 1000 pieces of various bronze objects, more than 200 pieces of jade objects and a small amount of pottery were still unearthed in the coffin chamber.

These burial relics all reflect the luxurious life and strict hierarchy of the nobility, and also reflect the development level of productivity and craftsmanship at that time.

Now that there is a system and a sufficient level of economic technology, can there be a large tomb with nine tripods and eight gui, but only bronze wares unearthed?
Therefore, now Chen Wenzhe is very sure that what he saw must be part of the unearthed cultural relics in that tomb group.

Although this part cannot be said to be the most important and precious, it definitely occupies half of its value.

The other half must have been gold wares, jade wares, letter slips, funerary objects in coffins, etc., or some stone wares and pottery.

So now it is more difficult for Chen Wenzhe to bid for the cultural relics in the album he saw.

This batch of cultural relics, if they are all authentic, must be worth more than tens of billions.

But can he offer such a high price?

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