In the following days of review, the members of the gang truthfully confessed.

Since 2009, he has traveled to various places, frantically stealing cultural relics from temples and fields, as well as farmers' property, food and other items, committing a total of more than 80 crimes.

Among them, the theft of the stone Buddha from Fengming Temple was all done by the gang, and it was verified that the stone Buddha statue had been sold to a certain place in Xishan Province.

On July 2011, 7, the police handling the case went to Xishan overnight and arrested Chai Mou, a local dealer who sold stolen goods. The stone Buddha of the Ming Dynasty was finally returned to Zhao.

By tracing back the activities of this group of criminals until they were imprisoned, Chen Wenzhe felt a lot of emotion.

This group of people is similar to human traffickers. As long as the relevant departments do not know or ask, they will never tell.

Therefore, the more than 80 cases that broke out are not all.

These people are good at digging out treasures in the mountains, but it doesn't mean that they can only find things that everyone knows.

For example, various stone statues and stone Buddhas standing in the mountains, as well as bronze bells and iron bells in some dilapidated ancient temples.

The biggest gains of these people are generally hidden in some special places.

For example, the ancient coin cellar mentioned earlier was originally a bank in the Song Dynasty.

Of course, the most copper coins in the bank are copper coins. With so many copper coins found, it is naturally impossible to sell them all at once.

As for thinking of getting rich all at once and selling all the ancient coins, that is a fool, and he will definitely be caught by the relevant departments immediately.

As long as you have a little brain, you will know that the water flows slowly and digests slowly.

Therefore, some tomb robbers with inheritance are doing this.

Often after they discover some hidden cellars, not only will they not sell everything, but they will use this cellar, or the tomb, directly as a warehouse.

Through backtracking, Chen Wenzhe accidentally obtained some coin hoards.

The main reason is that there are a large number of these items, and the price of a single item is relatively low, so it is not easy to sell them all at once.

Therefore, what they hide the most are ancient coins, such as stone Buddhas, and there is often only one piece, which is the easiest to sell.

After carefully sorting out the discoveries this time, he found four or five places very easily.

For example, they found about 1.5 tons of ancient coins easily in the first place where they discovered a hoard of ancient coins.

The coin cellar is located in Shuangdun Village, Gangxi Town, Jianhu County. The pit of the cellar is square, 1.63 meters long, 1.58 meters wide, and 0.5 meters deep.

After a little cleaning, they found about 1.5 tons of ancient coins in this cellar.

At the time of discovery, the coins were neatly layered and tiled, and the copper coins connected in series with straw ropes were well preserved as a whole, and most of the inscriptions were clear.

This kind of cellar is the relevant remains buried underground by ancient people for some special reason.

Cellars like this are more common in rich places.

Often in such places, there are many valuables such as precious porcelain, coins and metal utensils.

Like many historical relics such as ancient ruins, ancient tombs, and kiln sites, it preserves a wealth of treasures.

In addition to the ancient coins they unearthed in this ancient cellar, there are also some black goods they bought.

For example, on the other side of the Nanhe River, a villager accidentally discovered a cellar when he was collecting soil to build a homestead.

Hesitating that he is not a professional and does not have that much experience in excavation, he sold this cellar directly.

This means that in Nanhe, such things happen a lot there, even an ordinary farmer has some experience in dealing with such things.

If it is an ordinary person who dares to dig up a large number of coins and sell them, it is easy to commit crimes.

Therefore, it is the best choice to simply make a one-shot sale and sell the entire hoard at a high price.

And the group of criminals was really professional. After getting accurate information, they immediately organized personnel to clean up, and found two coin cellars from the Song and Jin Dynasties.

One is a brick chamber structure, the cellar is flat bottom, and the four walls are made of blue bricks layer by layer, and the coins put in are arranged in the southeast, northwest direction;

The other is an oval-shaped earthen pit, with no green bricks on the walls and bottom, and the coins are arranged in a circle.

Later, they excavated and cleaned up the coin cellar of the Song and Jin Dynasties.

After preliminary counting, a total of about 800 catties of copper coins were unearthed.

Including coins of Han, Tang, Song, Southern Song, Jin and other periods, among which the Song Dynasty has the most coins.

There are two ways to thread these hoarded coins, one is to thread copper coins of the same size into a string, and the other is to thread copper coins from large to small into a string.

The rope used to wear money is cotton rope, which can be divided into two strands and three strands.

These ancient coins are actually not considered precious, and one of the more precious cellars must be the cellar where Wang Mang's gold and knife of the Han Dynasty were unearthed before.

Of course, not only the gold wrong knife was unearthed in that money cellar, but also the square hole copper coin cast by Wang Mang of the Western Han Dynasty.

my country's currency culture has a long history, with a wide variety of currency forms, complex and changeable currency circulation, and colorful currency ideas, which can be called the crown of the world's currency.

Since ancient times, Wan'an has been an important pass town "connecting Guangdong and Guangxi at the top and Gyeonggi at the bottom".

As early as the Qin and Han Dynasties, the economy and trade were relatively prosperous, and the currency circulation was very active, so there were abundant ancient coins left.

From the 20s to the present, many archaeological discoveries have been made in Wan'an County.

Of course, these are official archeology. During the past 40 years, many ancient coins have been found in cellars.

Based on the data discovered many times, in fact, we should be able to imagine that there should be more ancient coin cellars that have been stolen privately among the people.

For example, ancient tombs are often found by tomb robbers after they are robbed by tomb robbers, and rescue excavations are carried out.

The same is true for ancient money cellars. If three are found by the government, then there must be no less than ten, maybe thirty, which is ten times the number of official archaeological excavations.

For example, what Chen Wenzhe traced back to, among which there are three larger ones.

One is the ancient coins of the Qin and Han Dynasties unearthed in Shuinan, Zhushan Village, Jiantou Town in 1988.

The ancient copper coins are wrapped in brown and stacked in the shape of a coiled snake. Due to the age, most of them have been oxidized and formed into rods.

The characters on the coins are all in seal script, with the "five baht" in the Han Dynasty in the majority, followed by the "Huoquan" in Xinmang.

Others include the "five baht" for grinding the profile and the "five baht" for scissors in the late Eastern Han Dynasty;
The second is the ancient coins of the Song Dynasty unearthed in Yunzhou Village, Wufeng Town in 1990, with a total weight of more than 20 kilograms.

There are "five baht" in Han Dynasty, "Huoquan" in Wang Mang, "Kaiyuan Tongbao" in Tang Dynasty, and money of emperors in Song Dynasty, spanning 7 dynasties, 45 year names, and 134 items;
The third is the ancient coins of the Song Dynasty unearthed in Changqiao Village, Shaping Town in 1998, with a total weight of more than 80 kilograms.

Most of the emperors' reign titles in the Song Dynasty were followed by "Kaiyuan Tongbao" in the Tang Dynasty. There were also "Wuzhu" in the Han Dynasty, "Huoquan" in Xinmang, "Tangguo Tongbao" in the Ten Kingdoms Southern Tang Dynasty, and "Zhenglong Yuanbao" in the Jin Dynasty. wait.

This batch spans nearly 10 dynasties and 55 year titles. The large number and complete variety are really rare. It directly proves the remains of Wan'an ancient coins and should not be taken lightly.

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