The treasures of these unearthed ancient coins are undoubtedly the "banliang" of the Qin Dynasty, the "five baht" of the Han Dynasty, the "Huoquan" of Xinmang, the "Kaiyuan Tongbao" of the Tang Dynasty, the "Tangguo Tongbao" of the Ten Kingdoms and the Southern Tang Dynasty, and the "Tangguo Tongbao" of the Song Dynasty. Representative reign money, Jin Dynasty "Zhenglong Yuanbao".

The "half-two" of the Qin Dynasty was cast under the rule of Qin Shihuang, and it has no outline inside and outside.

It is lighter and smaller than "Half Liang" in the Warring States Period, the height of the characters is slightly lower, and the small seal script is gradually square.

This kind of Qin Banliang has a diameter of 2.5-2.8 cm and a weight of about 3-6 grams.

Because of its moderate size, easy to carry, and rapid development of circulation, it became the main currency of Qin State.

Qin Shihuang unified the currency system after annexing the six countries, and "half two" became the earliest unified currency in the country, ending the long-term mixed use of "knife", "cloth" and "ring money". It is a milestone in the history of my country's currency.

The "five baht" in the Han Dynasty was abolished by Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty (118 BC) and ordered all counties to cast it. Therefore, it is also known as "five baht in the county".

It has been in circulation for 739 years and is the "longevity money" in the history of Chinese coins.

"Currency spring" is the fourth currency reform implemented in the first year of Wang Mang's Tianfeng (AD 14), and the large and small coins of "treasure goods" were abolished and recast.

The diameter is generally 2.2-2.4 centimeters, and the weight is about 2.8-3.6 grams. The writing is Xuanzhen seal.

In Wang Mang's era, the currency system was chaotic and there were many kinds of currencies. "Currency springs" were the most surviving ones.

"Kaiyuan Tongbao" in the Tang Dynasty was recast from the abolition of "five baht" in the fourth year of Wude (621) by Tang Gaozu Li Yuan.

Each piece weighs one tael, and the characters are official script, which was written by Ouyang Xun, a famous calligrapher at that time.

It announced the origin of one or twenty coins and the beginning of the formation of currency with "Tong Bao", and the end of "Baht" and "Two" currencies.

"Tongbao coins" have been used for nearly 1300 years and are very influential currencies.

The "Tang Guo Tongbao" of the Ten Kingdoms and Southern Tang Dynasty was cast in the second year of Li Jingjiaotai (959), Emperor Yuanzong of the Ten Kingdoms and Southern Tang Dynasty.

The "Chunhua Yuanbao" in the Song Dynasty was written by Zhao Guangyi, Emperor Taizong of the Northern Song Dynasty, and the "Holy Song Yuanbao" was cast by Huizong.

Qian Wen's art has reached its peak, and its casting is exquisite.

The number of coins minted in the Song Dynasty was huge, with its fine quality, numerous names, many varieties, and wonderful calligraphy, reaching the pinnacle of ancient coinage technology in my country and the world.

The "Zhenglong Yuanbao" of the Jin Dynasty was first cast in the second year of Zhenglong (1157), Wanyan Liang, King of Jin Hailing, and was the first coin in the 42nd year of Jin Jianguo.

This kind of coin is made in imitation of Daguanping coins in the Northern Song Dynasty. It has excellent texture, handsome characters, regular script Qian Wenxuan reading, 2.5 cm in diameter, and weighs about 3.4 grams.

Supplementing history with objects and evidence history with objects, a large number of ancient Wan'an coins were unearthed, providing physical materials for the study of ancient Chinese politics, economy, and culture.

This also provides physical data and evidence for the study of local ancient economy and trade, currency circulation, and social development.

It is a pity that a large number of ancient coins have been stolen and sold privately.

Fortunately, there were too many hesitant coins, and those tomb robbers did not have much knowledge of ancient coins, so a large number of ancient coins were kept in some hidden hoards.

If they were knowledgeable, many precious ancient coins might have flowed into the market long ago, or even flowed out of the country.

Chen Wenzhe had bought a large number of Yuan Dynasty ancient coins in the black market before, so don't think about it, it must have come from the Yuan Dynasty hoard.

"Huh? Those guys really found the Yuan Dynasty coin hoard?"

"I really can't underestimate these tomb robbers. Maybe it's not because they don't know these ancient coins, so they keep them in their hands and don't sell them, but because they found too many ancient coins? They can't sell them for a while, so they stay in hand?"

Looking carefully at the backtracking screen, Chen Wenzhe has begun to understand the thoughts of those tomb robbers.

The reason why so many ancient coins are left unsold is definitely not because they don't know how to do it, but because they want to save some money to run away.

Compared with stone Buddhas, bronze bells, and even some porcelain, ancient coins are too small.

If you find some precious ancient coins and hold a dozen or twenty in your hands, you will have food no matter where you go, and you will definitely be able to use these coins to make up and even get the capital to make a comeback.

This is the main reason why so many ancient coins are hoarded and kept in some hidden places, and have not been brought into the market by those guys.

This is their way out. After all, before knowing the ancient coins, even in the hands of the most professional tomb robbers, there are not a few palms who can know everything.

Of course, anyone with a bit of cultural background can simply judge some value from the well-preserved ancient coins.

So, they also made a little induction.

For example, the last one was found in Bac Ha province near a Christian church.

The opening of this cellar is 1 meter from the surface, and its shape is no longer discernible. Only part of the wall remains, with a residual height of 1.5 meters and a residual width of 0.9 meters.

According to the excavation situation, it is inferred that the coins were scattered in two inverted porcelain jars when they were collected, and then buried in the underground cellar.

Due to the humidity in the pipe ditch, most of the coins were severely corroded, and some of the coins were scattered and unclear.

After preliminary cleaning by the group of tomb robbers, 3393 coins recognizable by Qian Wen were found.

These ancient coins belong to seven periods including Han, Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties, Song, Jin and Yuan.

There are also 658 unrecognizable coins, all of which were transferred to another large tomb.

"Huh? It's actually a large Yuan Dynasty tomb?"

Three large hoards of ancient coins were discovered, and Chen Wenzhe thought that was all he had gained.

Unexpectedly, when he finally traced the flow of these ancient coins, he also found a large tomb of the Yuan Dynasty.

However, it seems that this large Yuan Dynasty tomb was robbed before the group of tomb robbers discovered it.

Looking back carefully on the situation of the Yuan Dynasty tomb, Chen Wenzhe finally showed a smile on his face.

The size of the tomb was very large. After being robbed and excavated, many precious cultural relics were stolen. However, the largest number of ancient copper coins remained in the tomb.

There are too many, so the value is naturally not high. Besides, it is too heavy and not easy to carry, so they are left in the big tomb.

It is because there are a lot of ancient coins in this big tomb, and the tomb is complete and secret, so the ancient coins found from other places were finally hidden here.

"A large tomb from the Zhengding period? It seems that ancient coins were unearthed during this period, right?"

Through backtracking, Chen Wenzhe can see a lot of ancient coins that have been sorted out. Of course, they are simply sorted out according to the year number.

Most of these identifiable coins are year money, so it is not difficult to sort them out.

Among them, the latest one is Yuan Zhizheng Tongbao.

Zhizheng Tongbao was cast in the Zhizheng period (1341-1368) of Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty.

Among them, the yearly money has the Chinese character "Zhizheng Tongbao" on the front, and the words "Yin", "Mao", "Chen", "Si" and "Noon" on the back of Basiba, which represent the 14th to [-]th year of Zhizheng respectively.

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