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Chapter 1840 Art Treasures, Cute Godly Face You

Chapter 1840 Art Treasures, Cute Godly Face You
Like many bronzes that are difficult to imitate, we still don't know what technology was used in ancient times to make them.

So, until now, we can only laugh at ourselves, saying that it is an ancient fake.

And there are many works of the highest craftsmanship like this, such as the birth of the "Orphan in the World" God's Mask.

Its weird smiling shape has also attracted a "fake storm"!
In the early 90s, a mysterious person sent a bronze ware from China to Oxford University in England.

Then they punched 6 holes in the bronze and did a "authenticity test"!
Because of the "fake rumors" in the industry, this 3100-year-old cultural relic of the Western Zhou Dynasty suffered a physical injury...

Of course, it was also because of this destruction that a strange divine mask was born out of nowhere.

This bronze ware, named "Shenmian You (yǒu)", is completely different in style from ordinary bronze you.

In the early 90s, it suddenly appeared in the European collection circle.

Because of its unique shape, it shocked many bronze collectors around the world as soon as it appeared.

You, is a kind of vessel, which belongs to the ancient Chinese wine vessel.

It was popularly used during the Shang Dynasty and the Western Zhou Dynasty, when it was used to hold wine.

This "Shenmian You", which suddenly appeared, has a beam height of 33.8 cm, a vessel height of 16.4 cm, a diameter of 14 cm, an abdominal diameter of 19.6 cm, a bottom diameter of 15.2 cm, and a weight of 4.23 kg.

Both the cover and the body of the You are divine faces with two horns. Its face is ferocious, its small eyes are wide open, and two fangs are bared out.

The most fascinating thing is the expression of God's face, which seems to be smiling, but reveals a bit of weirdness.

Its eyes are looking straight ahead, as if it is looking at you, and it has a breathtaking feeling!

An owl stands on the top of the lid, a owl-shaped button is decorated in the center of the lid, and a long bow is decorated in the middle of the two sides of the mouth, standing in the middle of the handle.

On both sides of the lower part of the you near the circle of feet, there are also adornments of a double-bodied snake, owl, tapir, elephant, snake, etc., in a strange and vivid manner.

Because it is a wine vessel, there is a handle on it.

This lifting beam is composed of two dragons sharing one tail, the tail of which is upturned.

At both ends of the lifting beam is a monster composed of an elephant trunk, a bull's head and a sheep's horn.

No matter who sees such a strangely shaped bronze you will be amazed, hesitant, and doubtful!
Because of such an exaggerated and weird bronze ware, it was also an "orphan" among the bronze ware that appeared all over the world at that time!
The bronze wares of the Shang and Zhou dynasties were mostly solemn and mighty sacrificial vessels, because they symbolized the noble status of the owner.

But this "God Mask" is a bit "cute".

Such a contrast has made countless people surprised by its shape, and at the same time doubtful...

Of course, this may be because at that time, those bronze wares with weird shapes or very cute and cute shapes in Sanxingdui had not yet been born.

Therefore, when this bronze vessel was discovered, everyone was surprised.

However, even so, the major collection institutions from Europe, Wanwan and Neon at that time also had a strong interest in this bronze ware!
After a fierce competition, a museum of Neon acquired it at a price of 5000 million!
However, it didn't take long before things took a dramatic turn!

Some rumors suddenly spread in the market - this "Western Zhou God Mask" may be a fake!

As a result, neither the neon buyers nor the original sellers can sit still!
Because the authenticity of this thing is related to their reputation in the professional field of bronze ware.

Once proven to be a "fake", they later became a laughing stock in the industry...

Therefore, the seller of the divine mask contacted Oxford University in England and some research institutes in Ugland, and they were going to do an "identification" for this bronze ware!
This, as mentioned at the beginning of the story, foreign institutions used a method called thermoluminescence test to punch six small holes in the body of Shenmian You, and took samples for testing.

The basis for this identification is the bronzes of the Shang and Zhou dynasties in China, and the alloys used in their casting have a fixed ratio.

It can be tested and compared to determine whether the proportion of this bronze is the same...

The test results are gratifying. This is indeed a top-quality bronze ware from the early Western Zhou Dynasty in China, which is more than 3100 years old!

However, because of such a complicated "controversy", this sacred mask has been "dirty" in the words of the industry.

In the end, Neon decided to give up the purchase...

At such an embarrassing moment, the Poly Art Museum from China bravely stood up!
They invited my country's top bronze ware experts to do "authentic identification" for this artifact.

When the experts first saw this divine mask, they were amazed, and their love was beyond words!
When they heard that foreign institutions actually used the method of damaging artifacts for appraisal, the experts all felt sorry!

Because, for the identification of bronze wares, the most professional is Huaxia!
They can directly give the identification result through the detailed characteristics of the shape of the bronze ware without any damage to the bronze ware.

This "Shenmian You" is indeed a thing of the early Western Zhou Dynasty, and there is no doubt that it is authentic...

Experts strongly recommend that Pauly buy this utensil, so that the God-Mian You with unique artistic attainments can return to the embrace of our country!
In the end, the Poly Art Museum purchased this rare national treasure for only 1000 million yuan!
It is said that the person in charge of the neon museum that bought and returned the goods later came to Poly to visit the "Shenmian You". While admiring it carefully, he was upset!
In the end, he also expressed his willingness to bid 5000 million yuan to buy this thing from Poly!
Of course, this proposal cannot be realized!

Once this rare Chinese "national treasure" returns to our country, is there any reason for it to be lost overseas again?

This is the tortuous and bizarre story of the "Western Zhou God's Mian You"!

As for its origin, there is a saying that it may have come from an ancient tomb in Fufeng, Shaanxi, which was later collected by the court, and was robbed abroad during the Eight-Power Allied Forces...

From the "weird and cute" big eyes of Shenmianyou, can we feel the vicissitudes of its lonely journey of more than 3000 years?
And in the vicissitudes of more than 3000 years, how many top craftsmanship are hidden?
Not to mention anything else, just on the cover and belly of the vessel, there is an image of a kind and joyful "God's face".

The mysterious, serious and even ferocious face of the animal face pattern is common on this anti-Shang and Zhou bronze wares.

This beast just appeared in Shendu, and the bronze experts immediately sighed that it was unprecedented;

Famous oil painters met by chance and watched it endlessly, amazed as a rare art treasure.

Among the tens of thousands of Shang and Zhou bronze wares, it is the first time that such a lovely feeling has appeared.

It is no wonder that those who saw it considered it to be one of the works with the highest artistic value among the surviving bronzes.

(End of this chapter)

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