My system is not decent

Chapter 1904 Turning corruption into magic

Chapter 1904 Turning corruption into magic
There are many root carving works handed down now, and there are also many fine works.

In particular, some well-known boutiques are even more unique.

Upon closer inspection, each piece of work has its own characteristics, vividly displaying the creative concept of "three parts of craftsmanship and seven parts of nature".

The power of nature makes tree roots grow into different shapes.

A famous root carving master showed its moving side.

The burst of inspiration and the joy when the creation is completed are full of a sense of accomplishment.

For Chen Wenzhe, root carving is a kind of carving method, and it is one of the traditional carving arts in our country.

With their own hands, the artists turned the dull and discarded tree roots into lifelike works of art, rejuvenating and rejuvenating.

Today, root carving art has spread all over the world.

There are also many artists and handicraft lovers who are good at making root carving works abroad.

For example, a British artist, inspired by European folklore and myths and legends, carved humble tree roots into mysterious and charming "unidentified creatures", which made people love it.

The artist's childhood home was surrounded by a forest, where he liked to collect roots from an early age.

He often picks up a small pile and needs to push a small cart to transport them home.

At the beginning, he just picked some tree roots with good shapes, good looks, or strange growths, and sold them in the store run by his father.

Until one day, he took out one of them and carved a lovely shape.

From that day on, he fell in love with root carvings and was reluctant to sell these "treasures" any more.

Whenever he has time, he sits quietly in the room and carves root carvings.

Gradually, the technique became more and more proficient.

In his eyes, carving roots is the best way to commemorate a tree. He likes the feeling of finding a new root and predicting the potential of its internal form.

Today, this artist can already carve out the inspiration or picture that appears in his mind at any time, and present it in front of everyone.

This is the growth process of a master. The magical creature with long limbs made of oak roots is one of his masterpieces.

Their facial features are similar to those of humans, but they seem to be tightly wrapped, "wearing" a black coat, and have strange antennae.

In short, they are unlike any other living things on earth.

And these images all come from his imagination, and it is a very happy thing for him to turn his imagination into reality.

He also hopes that people will also like the mysterious creatures made of these tree roots.

For this kind of art master, Chen Wenzhe is optimistic, after all, it can be regarded as a kind of cultural export.

Since there are masters who have grown up abroad, there is naturally no shortage of them in China.

Even in the western frontier of our country, there are "desert heroes", which have created a unique root art in the province, but it turned out to be an unpopular investment!

Red willow, Populus euphratica, and jujube grow on the vast desert and the Gobi Desert, and are called "desert heroes" by the people in Northwest my country.

Once the sand dunes bury it, it will grow a section and always stand on the sand dunes.

Due to the special geographical conditions, the growth of red willow, populus euphratica and jujube is extremely slow.

Therefore, these three kinds of trees have the reputation of "not dying after 1000 years of life, not falling down after 1000 years of death, and not rotten after falling down for 1000 years".

Their unyielding and tenacious spirit is the true portrayal of the local people!

Because it is difficult to grow, its roots are hard and dense, and its shape is peculiar.

Red willow root, Populus euphratica root and Jujube root are the best root materials for making root art works.

The unique root art has also formed an unpopular investment!
The main reason is that these plants are all desert vegetation, which are natural plants ordered to be protected by the state. At present, the resources are exhausted for protection.

Therefore, root art of red willow, root art of jujube, and root art of Populus euphratica are very rare.

It is often heard that some people often confuse root art, root carving and wood carving, but in fact, they are three different concepts.

Root carving can be said to absorb the essence of heaven and earth, and absorb aura in divine workmanship.

As a skillful combination of art, it has not only been favored by literati, but also attracted many collectors to invest in it.

In addition to being used for home furnishings, it also has the value of viewing and playing.

In recent years, root carving has gradually entered the homes of ordinary people.

For a root carving work that can be called valuable, first of all, it must be very precise in the selection of materials.

Only then can we be full of inspiration and connotation in the creative process.

The technology is the last thing to look at. The production technique must be precise, and the final effect is the key to determine the quality of a work.

Root carving is a typical art of slow kung fu. From material selection, modeling, conception and production to naming, it takes as little as a month, and sometimes it may not be completed in a year or two.

From the root unearthed to the perfect finish, there have been many processes.

Although tree roots are everywhere in nature, there are very few that can be used for root carving.

First of all, when digging the roots, the mind must be peaceful, and the best form of the roots should be intercepted, and the others should be discarded.

Selecting the best form segment is mainly for the convenience of future creation.

In the end, the artificial carving and the natural form of the wood root are integrated, so that the ordinary wood root can be transformed into a lifelike statue.

The rotten and dilapidated wooden roots, in the hands of the artist, "turn decay into magic", transforming into pieces of exquisite works of art, which is amazing!
If you want to make a good root carving, you must first study the grain and texture of the root carving with great concentration.

From material selection, modeling, conception, production to naming, we must carefully consider, carve and concentrate on it.

The characteristic of root carving is that it resembles but does not look like. Different things are seen from different angles, and different people will have different feelings.

Of course, the materials are also limited, some need 3 to 5 months to observe, repeatedly modify, refer to materials, and create again when inspired, and some need to be put on for three to five years.

There are more than a dozen varieties of root carving materials, except for the unique geographical location of Xinjiang Province, which produces unique raw materials.

There are also grasslands in the north of our country, where there are also three kinds of trees that are the most special.

They are Thuja, Buckthorn and Populus euphratica that grow in the rock crevices of the grasslands and mountains in the Gobi region.

Thuja, people often say millennium pine, Wannian cypress, it is a kind of cypress, grows in the cliff.

Because it has to bypass the harder stones, it has a strange shape.

Thuja is dense and smells fragrant.

Buckthorn microphylla, commonly known as Heigelan, can grow for thousands of years in the harsh environment of the Mu Us Desert. It is known as a living fossil, and the locals also call it the spirit of Heigelan.

Populus euphratica, presumably people are not unfamiliar with it, its characteristic is that it will not die for a thousand years, it will not fall after a thousand years of death, and it will not die after a thousand years of falling.

(End of this chapter)

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