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Chapter 1905 Unique and magnificent

Chapter 1905 Unique and majestic

Natural rooting, all kinds of strange things, these three kinds of trees are the most precious trees in the grassland area, and they are also the best raw materials for making root carvings.

In places with good climate conditions, there are often very few root carving materials.

The unique geographical environment creates root carving materials with unique shapes, providing creators with creative space.

The root is a natural attribute, and the carving is an artificial attribute. The art of root carving is a perfect fusion of nature and artificiality.

Only this kind of art is made up of natural factors and artificial factors.

Root art creation is the refinement and development of these natural materials and forms, and strives to make each work unique, which is also the charm of root art creation.

Although most of the charm of root carving depends on natural factors, manual carving is also a complicated skill, and good root carving works cannot be separated from the skillful hands of the sculptor.

So, how did a piece of "rotten wood" in the eyes of ordinary people become a lifelike work in the hands of a master?This is to talk about the production process of root carving.

The first step is to dry in the shade.

Generally, it takes two to three years for root carving materials to dry naturally in the shade. If they are boiled or steamed dry, they can be completely dried in about half a year.

Remember not to act too hastily, as exposure to the sun will cause the roots of the tree to crack.

The second step, peeling.

The best way is to use a high-pressure water gun to wash away impurities such as bark and soil.

The third step is to carve.

Carve according to the shape you thought beforehand, step by step.

The fourth step, sanding.

It can be polished with a machine or manually with sandpaper.

Step five, paint.

Some root carving works need to be painted, some waxed, and some do not need decoration and keep the original color, such as Populus euphratica.

Of these 5 steps, the hardest part is carving.

Root carving is an art of subtraction, it cannot be repaired after it is removed, and every step must be well thought out to give life to the work.

In addition to the necessary axes, hammers, chainsaws, hand saws, and sandpaper, there are more than 60 knives for carving, round, flat...all in various shapes.

Chaotic but immortal roots, ugly and grotesque wood, become a masterpiece of root art, which is inseparable from the artistic conception and selection and processing of the sculptor. Only by repeated carving can there be no regrets.

The old dead wood and rotten roots may be something that is not easy to burn in the eyes of others.

However, after careful processing by the skillful hands of the root carving master, the dead wood can be rejuvenated and given a second life.

The works of the original ecology show the uncanny craftsmanship of nature, with different shapes and vividness. While giving life to the works, they are of great appreciation and collection value.

In recent years, it has become a new favorite of art works in hotels, restaurants, teahouses, homes and other places. It is highly sought after by lovers and has become a new field and hot spot for collection and investment.

Recently, Chen Wenzhe has been busy working on the museum he built. When he saw the stone carving factory before, he wanted to build a stone carving and stone carving museum.

Now seeing some wood carvings, he has another idea.

The Root Carving Museum should be very attractive, and he can easily collect quite a few as long as he spends money.

As for the high-quality goods, this is not something that can be bought with money.

But there should be no shortage of raw materials.

As long as there is craftsmanship, it should not be difficult to make hundreds or thousands of root carvings, and it should not be difficult to collect and exhibit them later, so that more people can learn about root carvings and fall in love with root carvings.

Also, before making stone sculptures, he wanted to use stone sculptures to create an artificial landscape.

For example, create a characteristic town, and turn your hometown into a cultural town that includes stone carvings, root carvings, calligraphy, paintings, stele forests, etc.

In addition to promoting root art culture, Chen Wenzhe also wants to do a public welfare undertaking.

After all, he is also rich now, and with the concept of honor and disgrace, he naturally has to do something.

When people have money and free time, they naturally want to contribute to a better society.

Therefore, promoting environmental protection is a very good idea.

Besides, he made root carvings in the future, but it was easy to damage the environment.

Therefore, Chen Wenzhe is firmly opposed to digging up living tree roots, and protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility.

It is not necessary to have a living tree to make a root carving, it is also possible to collect some waste tree roots.

"Huh? This style is very strange!" Walking around, Chen Wenzhe purposefully searched for a flower, bird, fish and insect market.

Sure enough, there are many unique bonsai here, and there is no shortage of merchants selling root carving works.

The root carving he saw now should be from Inner Mongolia.

The root carving works in Inner Mongolia are rough in style and have their own characteristics in shape.

Some works on animals living in grasslands and deserts have a unique style.

Grasslands, deserts, Gobi, cliffs, and the wood that can grow in harsh and harsh growing environments are all hardwoods.

There is no way, the growth time is long, and the density is not large?

Therefore, ancient trees such as Populus euphratica, Heigelan, Elaeagnus sativa, Thuja, and Bawanggen have grown tenaciously after thousands of years.

Year after year, they are still strong, with all kinds of strange things. After careful carving by master craftsmen, they become immortal root carving works.

The idea of ​​digging treasures out of waste, creating environment out of roots, and root art creation must focus on protecting the shape and beauty of nature to the greatest extent.

And all traces of man-made art re-creation should be hidden in the beauty of nature.

Through the root carving works, it seems as if we can see the various tests of nature in the thousands of years.

The baptism of the storm, the torment of the severe cold and heat, the duel of swords and bows, and the temptation of gentle wind and drizzle.

All these tests will lead to the attitude that its vitality lies in tenacity, persistence, resistance and waiting for opportunities to grow desperately.

Appreciating the art of root carving is a root-seeking process that integrates spiritual feelings into nature.

In the communication and dialogue across time, you can appreciate an endless reverie and simplicity.

It inspires people to shoulder their responsibilities, better promote the innovation and development of national root carving art, and inherit the root art culture of our Chinese civilization.

Therefore, few people know that in Inner Mongolia, there are still many schools of root carving handed down.

For example, what Chen Wenzhe saw at this time was the Tumed woodcarving.

In this shop, there are many root carving works on display.

Such as Shougui, Shenju, Dongfangxingshi, etc., they really have a unique shape and are majestic.

Looking at these works, Chen Wenzhe is still a little emotional.

And through communicating with the boss, he learned that these root carvings are all from waste wood on the railway.

Most of the root carving materials he makes come from Inner Mongolia.

These logs are all waste wood collected during the construction of the railway in the early years.

However, it is said to be waste wood, but this thing is divided into ages.

Because there are thousands of years of HLBE maple, Ordos salix, Populus euphratica in Ejina, Thuja cypress in Urad, Azalea, Haloxylon, Bawanggen, etc. in Xinjiang Province, all of which are basically relatively old. species.

(End of this chapter)

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