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Chapter 1912 The Magic of Nature

Chapter 1912 The Magic of Nature
Another work, it is delicate and translucent, rich in color, just like a gemstone tree.

Such ones are already considered real gems, after all, the main components of tree jade are opal (one of the four major gems), agate, and chalcedony.

These three substances are actually silicon dioxide, composed of different arrangements, and contain a certain amount of water.

So to be more precise, he is a kind of gem + fossil + strange stone.

"Hey, is this a coconut?"

After seeing another strange tree jade, Chen Wenzhe was a little surprised.

He really didn't expect that coconuts can also become tree jade.

It's just that after turning into Shuhuayu, it has a strange appearance.

It's interesting to watch because it has black and white dots.

Shuhua jade has a dry material and a seed water material. The dry material is opaque and has a strong woody feature that has not yet been jaded.

The water material is completely jadeized and transparent.

Generally, coconuts are dry materials, but occasionally there will be a fine product of water materials.

Among the coconut tree jade that has been discovered so far, there is only one piece that is transparent.

If you look carefully at the difference between the transparency and the previous piece, you can know the difference between the seed water material and the dry material.

The vast majority of petrified wood in the world are dry materials, and only water materials can be considered "tree jade" in the strict sense.

The [-] million years of geological changes will strip off many tissues on the surface of trees, so some tree jade that remains in the original ecology is more valuable than ordinary ones.

For example, knots, knots, branches, vines, etc.

Like this one, prehistoric vines twined with red tree jade: Dragon's Embrace Tree.

It feels like a magical chief's cane, and it looks magical.

Next, it can be said that Chen Wenzhe has seen all kinds of tree-like jade in various colors.

Most tree petals are white, gray and brown, but occasionally there will be a rarer color among a hundred.

Such as: green, red, and dark blue, which belong to the three rare colors, and the fourth is black.

If you can happen to win a piece of tree jade with several rare colors in the stone bet, it is equivalent to winning the lottery.

For example, this piece contains green, yellow, black and white, which is a rare boutique.

There is also another piece of Molan Shuhua Jade, which is a fine product with golden yellow. Molan Shuhua Jade is the rarest kind with the least amount.

What's this?Bugs, yes, you read that right, they are bugs.

Prehistoric insects drilled into trees, and were accidentally turned into jade, and insects turned into jade, which is also called insect material.

Insect material is hard to come by, especially this red and wormy one.

In fact, the prototype of the worm is a mollusk called shipworm, which mainly lives in the sea and specializes in eating wood that falls in the water. It is because of this guy that he is addicted to ancient ships and the collapse of the dock.

But by chance, it also turned into jade along with the wood, and I have to sigh the magic of nature.

Generally speaking, the more bugs you bring, the better, the bigger the bugs, the more transparent and cute.

Next comes the crystals, often appearing that the silica crystals are directly bonded to the petrified wood, forming something like a crystal cave, which is more valuable than the crystal cave.

These are the best crystal collections, but how to collect them at home?
There are not many precautions, first of all, keep away from high temperature and avoid direct sunlight;

Then, the surface is often coated with vegetable oil to keep the surface smooth;

Finally, avoid friction with other high-hardness items, so as not to leave scratches on the surface.

Also, some people say that tree jade is radioactive and harmful to the body.

However, according to the research of geologists, there is no scientific basis for saying that there is radioactivity.

In fact, if you think about it, how can some fossils be radioactive?
Since the things are good and the price is not too expensive, Chen Wenzhe naturally doesn't want to give up such a good batch of materials.

Therefore, in the end, he collected more than 400 fine pieces of tree fossils into his pocket.

This batch is indeed a boutique, the most important thing is that each piece is different.

The tree-like jade here, some with green as the base, brown and white, looks like an eagle resting on the tree from a distance;
Some are smooth in texture and bright in color, and the three white "hills" are separate and echo each other...

After so many high-quality goods were taken out, the venue was already filled with all kinds of tree-shaped jade.

They have different colors and shapes, and each piece has a high "value".

These tree fossils appear in front of the world as tree jade, all of which are crystal clear.

But who can imagine that it turned out to be formed by our common trees?

There are king fir trees, pine trees, silver fir trees, etc., and of course there are ordinary trees.

With the improvement of people's living standards in recent years, people's pursuit of art is no longer simple jade, but biased towards rare, weird, pictographic, easy-to-shape tree fossils and animal fossils. The concept of jade has also been reflected in collectors. in front of you.

Now that there are less and less tree jade, does it mean that its price is getting higher and higher?

At present, the price of Shuhuayu ranges from tens of yuan to several million yuan.

Shape, texture, color, and whether it contains other biological fossils are all important factors affecting the price.

Take the color as an example, in the circle of Shuhuayu, green is the best, red is the strongest, yellow is expensive, and black orchid is elegant.

The formation of each color is related to the mineral elements in the formation at that time.

For example, if there are more copper elements in the rock formation, there will be more tree-like jade green.

If there is more pyrite, yellow is the main color.

Since green is like emeralds, the quantity is the least, and rare things are more expensive, so if the tree jade is green, it is more precious.

The things in front of Chen Wenzhe's eyes were obviously well taken care of.

Whether Shuhuayu is jade or stone, it must also pay attention to maintenance, such as moisturizing every week.

In order to ensure smooth and elastic skin, many people choose to practice both internally and externally, and drink water while taking care of their skin. The same is true for Shuhuayu.

It is difficult for the outside world to distinguish whether Shuhuayu is jade or stone.

Therefore, many people think that Shuhua jade, like Taihu stone, does not require special maintenance.

But often the truth is in the hands of a few people. Shuhuayu is more like a favorite among jades, and needs people's love and maintenance.

Shuhua jade itself contains corresponding water, once it lacks water, it will change its color and texture, and it will look dry.

If it is a small piece, it can be soaked in water occasionally, or it can be rubbed with oil.

If it is too large to be placed in the pot, you can place a wet towel on the surface of the jade tree. The frequency does not need to be too high, once a week is enough.

The natural world is so magical. Shuhuayu has experienced hundreds of millions of years of wind, rain and sun, and finally formed an object that people like.

What he gives people is not only the beauty of inheritance, but also makes people imagine.

(End of this chapter)

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