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Chapter 1913 Gold and Silver Flat Stripped Mother-of-pearl Carved Lacquer

Chapter 1913 Gold and Silver Flat Stripped Mother-of-pearl Carved Lacquer
Since there are jade trees, will there be jade people?

Of course, it has not been discovered so far. In fact, as long as animals can become fossils, then humans must also be able to.

It's just that all of this takes time and coincident natural conditions.

Therefore, any possibility exists.

For example, this woodcarving seller still has petrified wood in his hands.

And after the petrified wood was sold for a huge price, the woodcarver still had some real antiques.

Of course, the antiques he hides are not porcelain, bronze, or wood.

But this piece of wood is a bit special, it is black, it should be a piece of lacquerware, but it is a long stick.

This kind of lacquerware is very rare, but Chen Wenzhe can clearly feel that it should be an ancient relic, and it should be an ancient relic with a long history.

Unable to tell what it was, Chen Wenzhe directly used the backtracking skill.

Looking at it this way, it turns out that this is a horse lance from the Northern Wei Dynasty.

The most important thing is that this is a lacquerware, and the second is Ma Chan.

Lacquerware is the daily utensils, handicrafts and artworks made by coating the surface of various utensils with lacquer.

The paint has special functions such as moisture resistance, high temperature resistance, and corrosion resistance.

It can also prepare different colored lacquers to make the lacquerware shine.

Lacquerware is an important invention in chemical technology and arts and crafts in ancient my country.

In ancient times, lacquerware was not only used as a tribute to the emperor, but also used as a valuable item by the emperor as a reward to his subjects or as a gift to foreign friends.

According to literature records, during the Zhengguang period of Emperor Xiaoming of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Anahuan, Lord of Rouran, returned to the country, and was bestowed with black lacquer spears, red lacquer bows and arrows, and red lacquer plates.

Emperor Xuanzong and Concubine Yang of the Tang Dynasty also rewarded An Lushan with various flat lacquerware.

Ming Chengzu Zhu Di once presented carved lacquerware to foreign friends.

Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty presented as many as 186 pieces of carved lacquer gifts to the Neon King and Princess three times.

When Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty celebrated his birthday, there were as many as dozens of carved lacquer wares presented to the British king by the British envoy Margaret.

It can be said that the history of lacquerware in my country is very long. According to archaeological discoveries, since the Neolithic Age, our ancestors have known the properties of lacquer and used it to make ware.

From the Shang and Zhou dynasties to the Ming and Qing dynasties, my country's lacquerware technology continued to develop and reached a very high level.

Lacquerware is a major contribution of the Chinese nation to human civilization. The lacquer craft in my country can be traced back to the distant Neolithic Age.

Then there were the glory from the Warring States Period to the Qin and Han Dynasties, the heyday of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and the splendor of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The craftsmanship of lacquerware has reached a very high level, and a large number of lacquer decoration treasures with testable age, exquisite craftsmanship and unique shapes have also been left behind.

When the working people in ancient my country made lacquerware, they often added dry vegetable oils such as tung oil.

Tung oil is squeezed from the seeds of the tung tree. Under the action of heat, tung oil will undergo a chemical reaction, thus producing a film.

The people of our country have recognized the film-forming properties of tung oil from a very early age.

Therefore, it is widely used and used together with paint liquid, which is an outstanding pioneering work in the history of human chemistry.

After the lacquer liquid is secreted from the lacquer tree, it can form a black luminous paint film after being exposed to the sun, which is very easy to observe.

The working people in ancient my country used their clever brains and industrious hands to artificially utilize this natural phenomenon to produce lacquer of various colors.

Archaeologists once excavated a lacquered black pottery pot in the late Neolithic site in Wujiang, Jiangsu Province.

Archaeologists also discovered through excavation that the working people in ancient my country were able to produce very exquisite red carved wooden lacquerware as early as the Shang Dynasty.

Because archaeologists unearthed a wooden lacquerware with red lacquer marks on it in the Yin Ruins site in Anyang.

This imprint of wooden lacquerware is the oldest surviving lacquerware pattern in the world.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, my country's lacquerware technology became more and more developed. At that time, there were 5 colors of red, yellow, blue, white, and black in the lacquerware painting at that time, as well as multiple multiple colors.

During the Qin and Han Dynasties, paint technology entered a new stage of development and became popular in all regions of the country.

In "Historical Records Funny Biographies", there is a record about the "shade room" at that time. The shade room is a special house dedicated to the manufacture of lacquerware.

According to historical records, during the Han Dynasty, the main production sites of lacquerware in my country were Chuandu and Guanghan.

From the Western Jin Dynasty to the Southern and Northern Dynasties, due to the prevalence of Buddhism, large-scale Buddha statues made by using the folder technique appeared.

At this time, the lacquer craft was used to serve religious beliefs, and the lacquerware with tire tires developed accordingly.

The so-called Jiafu is made of lacquer and linen as the lacquer body, and the fetal bone is light and strong.

In Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties, my country's lacquerware technology has made some progress.

The Qing Dynasty basically inherited the technology of the previous generation. In the late Qing Dynasty, lacquerware was exported to Europe, America and other countries.

The pinnacle of lacquerware should have occurred in the Tang Dynasty first, and the Tang Dynasty second.

During the Tang Dynasty, the economy was developed and the culture flourished. Various factors led to the development of arts and crafts skills. In terms of art, technology and production, they were far ahead of the previous period.

Lacquerware in the Tang Dynasty shined brilliantly, showing a gorgeous style, and the production technology of lacquerware also developed in the direction of richness. Time-consuming and expensive techniques such as gold and silver flat-off, mother-of-pearl, and carved lacquer were very popular at that time.

The tire making and painting techniques of lacquerware in the Song Dynasty were very mature. At that time, not only the official production institutions were set up, but also folk lacquerware production was common.

The utensils made of lacquerware have many styles and are good at changing, with simple shapes, showing the beauty of the structure and proportion of the utensils.

Lacquerware of the Song Dynasty was often dominated by plain and tranquil colors.

The arts and crafts of the Ming Dynasty entered a new stage. The government set up factories to manufacture all kinds of lacquerware for imperial use, and they were managed by famous lacquer artists.

There was a great innovation in the craft of painting decoration in the Ming Dynasty. Combining a variety of traditional techniques, two or more techniques, different decorations were replaced in different places, creating a prosperous situation of thousands of cultures.

my country's ancient lacquerware crafts include gold tracing, mother-of-pearl, dotted snails, gold and silver flat off, carved lacquer, spotted lacquer, and gold-cutting, etc., all of which are unique to our country.

Carved lacquer is a technique of carving patterns on piled flat lacquer tires. Carved lacquer in my country began in the Tang Dynasty. Historically, it was the most famous one in Jiaxing Xitang in the Yuan Dynasty.

This process often uses wood ash and metal as the base, and piles it with paint, ranging from eighty or ninety layers to as many as one or two hundred layers.

This is a painting technique that draws on the drawing when it is half-dry, and then engraves it.

Generally, the brocade pattern is used as the ground, and the pattern is hidden, which is exquisite, gorgeous and full of solemnity.

my country's lacquerware technology has been spread to foreign countries very early.

Countries such as North Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Myanmar, India, and Cambodia constitute a unique handicraft of Asian countries.

After the discovery of the new sea route, Chinese lacquerware spread to Europe, which caused a sensation in the European society and was warmly welcomed by the people there.

After the [-]th and [-]th centuries, European countries successfully imitated Chinese lacquerware.

(End of this chapter)

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