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Chapter 581 Can Make Wine Utensils For A Lifetime

Chapter 581 Can Make Wine Utensils For A Lifetime

Doesn't Chen Wenzhe want to make that kind of cloisonné enamel jar with cloud and dragon pattern?You must know that there are too many technologies involved. The firing of large vessels is not simple. In addition to the filigree enamel process, it also involves the technology of treasure firing.

He hasn't studied these thoroughly yet, so naturally he won't easily waste materials and burn them.

"By the way, how much money do we have in our account now?"

"It must be more than ten million." Li Jinli still knew Chen Wenzhe very well, and he laughed when he heard this question.

"Then fulfill the promise. You said you would donate [-] million yuan. If you donate [-] million yuan, you can contact Mr. Huang in Huangjia Village to see how we can connect. Anyway, we don't suffer from donations. It can be tax deductible!"

"You have to think about it, after donating, we don't have much liquidity anymore," Li Jinli said.

"How much is not much?" Chen Wenzhe said with a smile.

Li Jinli laughed and said, "If you don't count the pharmacy, there are more than a million."

Chen Wenzhe was taken aback: "There are so many?"

"Yes, there are so many. Your one-month hard work is worth more than ten million yuan!"

For this, Li Jinli admired him so much. This is a real earning of [-] million by virtue of hard power.

This month, he sold more than ten teapots every day, and sold more than two hundred teapots in total, with an average of [-] yuan per teapot, which is [-] million.

Adding the seven or eight million in the original account, even if they donate ten million now, they still have one or two million in the account.

That's not counting the income from the pharmacy. The pharmacy has been working hard to make money for Chen Wenzhe in the past month.

Not to mention the money earned from medical treatment, but just selling medicines, the sales revenue there has reached more than one million yuan, an average of more than [-] yuan a day.

This is due to the fact that the Angong Niuhuang Pills were given away, but not actually sold, otherwise, the sales would be even higher.

You should know the price of ordinary Angong Niuhuang Pills, but each pill reaches [-] yuan, even if you sell [-] pills in a month, it is still [-] million yuan in sales.

And selling [-] pills a month, is that much?
Looking at the current situation, I am afraid that [-] pills will be released every month. If ordinary people want to buy them, they may have to grab them.

Over the past month, with the non-stop delivery of Angong Niuhuang Pills, the impact has become greater and greater.

It's just that this kind of influence is only limited to the communities where Angong Niuhuang Pills were sent out, and has not spread over a large area. That is to say, the drug test this time did not go out of the circle.

I don't know if it was blocked deliberately, or the patients blocked the news spontaneously.

Anyway, it's very weird, Yi Nian Tang An Gong slowly spread outwards around the community where it is located.

The scope of this kind of diffusion is not large, but among the fixed crowd, the speed of diffusion is not slow.

Therefore, no one reported it, and no one publicized it, so it was circulated in Dahai City in obscurity.

Such a situation is obviously what Chen Wenzhe, or many people want.

Just like that, several parties reached a tacit agreement, and slowly let Yi Nian Tang's Angong Niuhuang Pills circulate in some communities in Haihai City.

Although the drug test this time is not too professional, judging from some data collected so far, no matter whether the disease is ill or not, as long as the body is not feeling well and there is a sign, the effect of taking a pill is still good.

At least through various old people, the feedback after taking the medicine is good.

This is already very good, but up to now, only more than [-] of the [-] pills have been sent out, and there are still more than [-] that have not been sent out. These pills may still be able to earn back the cost of the medicinal materials.

According to Chen Wenzhe's intention, the ten thousand pills should be delivered within one month.

Unexpectedly, although the area where the news spread has increased a lot, the number of people taking the medicine is not as many as imagined.

Now that the one-month period expires, I'm afraid Li Tianqiang should start selling Angong Niuhuang Pills officially.

Of course, a month has passed, and the Guilingji wine made by Chen Wenzhe should be drinkable.

All of this needs to be confirmed again by Chen Wenzhe after going to Yi Nian Tang Pharmacy.

Now Chen Wenzhe doesn't have the time to do those things.

He said that making wine vessels is really not a whim, you know, this is a big category.

If he wants to make, he must not only make one or two pieces, nor ten or eight pieces. If he wants to, he can even make a lifetime.

Wine utensils, or wine vessels, are so awesome!
Chinese wine culture has a long history. Relevant data show that as early as the Neolithic Age, pottery similar to wine utensils of later generations appeared, and the development of wine utensils is also very long.

Wine in ancient times was unfiltered wine mash (láo).

This kind of wine mash is still very popular today, it is mushy and semi-liquid, and it is mostly edible.

Therefore, the wine utensils used should be general table utensils, such as bowls, bowls and other large-mouth utensils.

The materials for making wine vessels in ancient times are mainly pottery, horn ware, bamboo and wood products, etc.

In the late Neolithic period, especially represented by the Longshan culture period, the types of wine vessels and wine glasses increased, and their uses were clear, and they were quite similar to the wine vessels of later generations.

In the Shang Dynasty, due to the development of the wine industry and the improvement of bronze production technology, Chinese wine vessels reached unprecedented prosperity.

A wine container is a container for holding wine.

There are many types, mainly including: Zun, Hu, Qu, 卮, Dish, Jian, Hu (hú), Gong (gōng), Urn, Bu (bù), Yi and so on.

It can be said that all wine utensils of later generations cannot be separated from these types.

From then on, each type of wine vessel has many styles, some are ordinary, and some are shaped like animals.

Taking statues as examples, there are elephant statues, rhinoceros statues, cow statues, sheep statues, tiger statues, etc.

The main types of drinking vessels are: goblet (gū), goblet (zhì), horn, jue, cup, and boat.

People with different identities use different drinking utensils. For example, the "Book of Rites Ritual Vessels" clearly stipulates: "In the sacrifice of the ancestral temple, the venerable raises the goblet, and the humble raises the horn."

The wine vessels of the Zhou Dynasty basically followed the style of the Shang Dynasty.

During the Qin and Han Dynasties, lacquer drinking utensils became popular in southern China.

Lacquerware became the main type in the Han, Wei and Jin Dynasties.

Its shape basically inherits the shape of the bronze wine vessel, including wine holding utensils and drinking utensils.

Among drinking utensils, lacquered ear cups are common.

Tables appeared in the Tang Dynasty, and some wine utensils suitable for use on the table also appeared.

For example, the Zhuzi, called "Pianti" by the Tang people, is shaped like today's jug, with a beak and a handle, which can hold wine and pour wine into the wine glass, thus replacing the previous bottles and spoons.

The Song Dynasty was the heyday of ceramic production, and there were many exquisite wine vessels.

People in the Song Dynasty liked to drink rice wine warm, so they invented the matching combination of Zhuzi and Zhuwan.

When in use, put the Zhuzi filled with wine in the bowl, and pour hot water into the bowl to warm the wine.

Porcelain wine vessels are still in use today.

Among the porcelain wine vessels of the Ming Dynasty, blue and white, bucket color, and sacrificial red wine vessels are the most distinctive.

(End of this chapter)

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