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Chapter 584 I, Li Jinli, Make Money!

Chapter 584 I, Li Jinli, Make Money! (seeking subscription monthly pass)

It's a pity that Chen Xingchen has a bad heart but no bad hands. He must not be able to make that kind of great work.

Therefore, he could only take a look at Chen Wenzhe to see if he would meet Lie Xinxi, and followed suit to make a Wendan pot.

However, Chen Wenzhe seemed to have stopped paying attention to him at this time.

This made Chen Xingchen want to collect one. The dream of Wendan pot made by Chen Wenzhe is a bit difficult to realize.

Reining in his thoughts and making it carefully, he thought of the last process of the pot-making process, which was Chen Wenzhe's seemingly unnecessary action.

He also imitated Chen Wenzhe's movements, dipped his hands in water, and carefully figured out the final molding process of this Wendan pot.

He knew the final effect of Chen Wenzhe's pot-making technique, which is the layer of shining precious light.

Although he didn't say much, Chen Xingchen knew that the last seemingly useless process should be related to Yingying Baoguang.

He knew that he would definitely not be able to produce the effect of Chen Wenzhe, but let's do our best and obey the destiny, maybe if you do too much, you will suddenly achieve it?
Two Wendan pots can be made, followed by the Dengding pot.

The pot body of this pot has round three legs (the flow and the handle serve as two ears), and because of the "three lamp protruding small feet", it is called "lamp tripod pot".

This kind of pot has a simple and plump body, smooth lines and full of tension, which reflects the implicit beauty of the lamp tripod pot.

The lid and the body are cut into one body, and the button, mouth, and handle are seamlessly connected. The whole pot is more elegant and elegant, and the state of soul-stirring, and people can't help but be haunted, which fully embodies the charm and coquettishness of purple sand. !
If this one is subtle, then the next beauty pot is not coquettish.

A bead, as the name suggests, does not need much explanation.

The shape of a single bead is solemn yet innovative, elegant yet charming, making people fascinated by it, feeling ashamed and dare not profane!
Especially the delicate sandy texture adds a bit of femininity.

Holding it in hand is like getting close to a beautiful woman with smooth skin, which can only be felt but not expressed in words.

A pot shaped like a watermelon can make people pure and quiet, and wash away the irritated mood in the world. The reason is that there is a saying: When you are like a melon, you can lie down and use the melon to calm your heart.

The most important thing is the last two words: town heart!
Make up your mind and make another dragon egg pot.

Dragon egg teapot is a classic type of purple clay teapot. Its sleek and lovely shape is deeply loved by teapot lovers.

This kind of teapot is small and exquisite in workmanship, and the body of the teapot is smooth and round, like a young girl's skin, which will break when blown.

The short mouth is in the shape of a straight line, and the handle is easy to hold. The flat and round pearl buttons are full of girly charm!

The ball pot is a typical geometric traditional round pot, and it is also one of the best representative styles of purple sand pots.

Its basic shape is the button, the lid and the body of the pot, which are composed of three sequentially arranged spheres, small, medium and large.

The belly of the pot is a big ball, and the lid of the pot is a small ball, which looks like a small ball on the big ball, so it is called a ball pot.

On the edge of the lid and the edge of the mouth of the ball pot, a burning line of different thickness is molded. This double line of upper thickness and lower thickness is like a graceful woman in ancient times, charming and not vulgar!
The pear-shaped pot is made of pears. The overall shape is like a pear, and the graceful figure is like a beautiful lady.

This pot is composed of arcs, circles, and curves, with a dignified and beautiful shape, especially the two arcs connecting the spout and the body, which are smooth and vivid.

The handle on the handle is warm and comfortable. Holding this pot in the palm of your hand, you can feel the style of purple sand everywhere.

Siting pot, elegant in style, soft in curves and sharp in mouth, looks like a woman as graceful as a golden dragon, as graceful as a dragon swimming!

The Siting pot style is famous in the history of Zhuni pottery for its handsomeness and elegance.

Southern Hokkien proverb: One is unknown, the other is Siting, the third is Mengchen, and the fourth is Yigong.

Ruo Jiaolong holds her head up, and the woman is soft and charming, with outstanding charm.

Hands of teapots that looked like beauties with different expressions kept appearing in Chen Xingchen's hands.

He seems to have comprehended the true meaning of life, and also seems to have opened up the two veins of Ren and Du. He has inexplicable confidence in making this kind of purple clay teapot with various charms and various poses.

Confidence, it is very smooth to make, and it is very beautiful to make it smoothly.

Seeing a handful of beauty pots being produced in his hands, Chen Xingchen had completely let himself go.

As for Li Jinli, looking at Chen Xingchen at this time is like looking at a pile of banknotes. This is his wealth code!
Compared with the melons, fruits, pears and dates in the rib pattern pot, this beauty pot is the true meaning of life. No wonder this type of pot is known as the most classic and popular shape among purple sand pots.

Comparing heart to heart, Li Jinli feels that he likes everything, so why don't others like it?

Since you like it, then take the money!

At this moment, he had a feeling that he wanted to shout to everyone who entered the store: I, Li Jinli, pay money!
Chen Wenzhe ignored the few guys who fell into the eyes of money or fell into the trap of beauties.

He is already immersed in his own world at this time, and he wants to break through himself, but this is not easy to do.

And by making teapots, he found that maybe cross-border is a good choice.

Mastery is easy to say, but too difficult to do, so he plans to develop across borders.

Isn't it wine making?He will be a statue, this is not a bronze statue, but a clay wine bottle!

It is not so simple to make wine bottles, because ancient bronze wares are no longer practical utensils, but ornamental utensils, or simply used as sacrificial utensils or ritual utensils.

Now that Chen Wenzhe wants to make a batch of antique porcelain, especially wine bottles, he needs to reduce the scale, because it is too big to make.

Zun is different from other bronze wares, especially utensils like Siyang Zun, which have four sheep heads on the four walls, and the simple mud tires cannot support it at all.

These Chen Wenzhe had ideas long ago, so he made them very quickly.

Now that the workshop mainly makes teapots, he made the wine bottles smaller and used them as tea pets, or simply as handles, since they cannot be ornamental objects anyway.

Hehaoni shrunk down to the size of a fist according to the proportion of Siyang Fangzun. At this time, Chen Wenzhe directly used the carving knife.

Just a few strokes, you can carve out the outline of a statue.

The next step is to carve carefully, especially the sheep's head, and then there are the banana leaf patterns, triangular kui patterns and animal face patterns on the four-ram square statue. These are very simple. Chen Wenzhe can draw them at will. up.

On the contrary, the sheep's head on all sides needs to be carefully carved.

It is not difficult to carve the curly-horned sheep head, because Chen Wenzhe has made many sheep head pots before, and now it is definitely not difficult to carve the sheep head, and it is even very smooth.

The head and neck of the sheep protrude from the vessel, and the body and legs of the sheep are attached to the abdomen and ring feet of the statue.

At the same time, Fang Zun's shoulders are carved with high relief snake body and dragon patterns with claws.

In the middle of the four sides of the statue, where the two sheep are next to each other, each has a pair of horned dragon heads protruding from the surface of the vessel, winding from the right shoulders on each side of the square statue to the middle of the front house.

At this time, a four-ram square statue was carved.

 Yesterday, there were 66 monthly tickets again. Thanks to the brothers for their support, now there are 777 monthly tickets, and there are still 23 more.

  Thanks mollyaihuaan brother for the reward!
  The difference is 8300 coins, and [-] coins are enough to add more changes!

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(End of this chapter)

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