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Chapter 644 "Rhyme of the Ministry of Rites"

Chapter 644 "The Rhyme of the Ministry of Rites" (for subscription)
Whether it will be made old, whether it can be made as old as the five books in front of me, let’s not talk about it.

As long as he knows how to appraise, he can see that these five books have no signs of being old, which is enough.

There are no traces of distressing. Although it cannot be said that it must have high value, it must be an antique.

Looking at the content inside, the handwriting is clear and the printing is regular.

Although the paper was yellow and brittle, as if it would break if touched, these five books did not look like ancient books.

After looking at the name, I found it. This is a book on the rhymes of the Ministry of Rites. It seems to be a book from the Song Dynasty!
Just thinking about it for a while, Chen Wenzhe remembered that the time he was in the gold medal store was not for nothing, at least he saw too many transaction records of cultural relics.

It seems that there is a set of rhymes of the Ministry of Rites in it. This thing is really famous.

Because ancient books are more difficult to preserve, it is even more difficult to find real ancient books.

Otherwise, there is a saying in the ancient book market that one page of Song version is one or two gold, and the same is true for a piece of official kiln!

Official kilns are precious, and Song edition books are no exception.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that "one page of Song edition is one or two gold", which means the preciousness of engraved books in Song Dynasty.

In the "Song Printed Editions Exhibition" held by the Zhejiang Provincial Library for only three days, [-] rare Song printed editions were exhibited.

Those Song Edition books are estimated to be worth more than ten million per copy.

And if the Rhyme of the Ministry of Rites in front of him is genuine, it will be worth at least [-] million!

You know, the Song version of "Rhyme of the Ministry of Rites" was once a "reference book" for the imperial examinations. This thing is just like the Xinhua dictionary, which is not ordinary.

The five books in front of me, the more I look at them, the more they feel like genuine ones.

These five books are beautifully engraved, the fonts are particularly neat and graceful, the paper is white and the ink is fine, and the vision is refreshing. Although such an appearance cannot prove the authenticity, at least it does not look like a fake.

Chen Wenzhe feels that these books have a different temperament compared with other Song editions, not to mention comparing them with the fakes around them.

He couldn't help but hold it in his hand and look it up. Chen Wenzhe found the difference again after flipping through it.

These books look very brittle, as if they would break if touched, but when you actually pick them up, they feel very different.

The feeling of these ancient books is gentle and soft.

It's not at all like the rigid, heavy, and large books of today, which seem to want to be immortalized by their iron-clad bindings.

Perhaps, these Song engravings that have been handed down for thousands of years, use softness to overcome rigidity, and have far-reaching connotations.

In fact, seeing this, Chen Wenzhe had already decided in his heart that this might be the real Song edition book.

However, to be sure that it is a Song edition book, it must be identified from various details.

If it gets out, it's not just Chen Wenzhe who wants to identify it, but many big names in the literary world will gather together to identify it together.

Because something like this has already happened once.

Looking at the few books in front of him, as well as the letter of collection of these books, Chen Wenzhe felt a little emotional.

It is said that the Song Dynasty was a weak Song Dynasty, but it was this weak Song Dynasty that developed an extremely brilliant civilization.

Song porcelain, Song paintings, and Song engraved books, in many fields, have built a dazzling Song Dynasty culture.

As for the block editions of the Song Dynasty, there are only about 1000 copies in existence in the world, and one page of the Song edition is worth one or two gold coins.

These five "Rhymes of the Ministry of Rites" are reference books for people in the Song Dynasty to study poetry and Fu.

How to use it?Mainly the standard of rhyme, and the pronunciation of words!

Rhyme is an important means to enhance the musicality of poetry. Modern poetry is very particular about rhyme in order to make the tone harmonious and easy to remember.

The so-called "ping" and "zhe" must be strictly in accordance with the ancient pronunciation, which is different from modern mandarin.

Therefore, the ancients usually used official books that specifically guide rhyme, and "Rhyme of the Ministry of Rites" is the most popular one.

There is a book in the Ming Dynasty that said: All those who studied poetry and fu in the Song Dynasty had a copy of "The Rhyme of the Ministry of Rites", which is like the four books and five classics today.

According to another record, in the early Song Dynasty, students could also carry the "Rhyme of the Ministry of Rites" when they entered the examination room, because it was difficult to memorize it by memorizing it at ordinary times. Especially taboo.

It was an indispensable reference book for scholars at that time.

Maybe it is because this book is widely used that it has been passed down for thousands of years, how many copies can be preserved?

Although there is such a saying that paper lasts for a thousand years, it is really a miracle that it is really preserved for a thousand years, otherwise the Song version of the book would not be so expensive.

Looking at the five new books, Chen Wenzhe couldn't believe that the five well-preserved books had been passed down for thousands of years if he hadn't had some skills!
He couldn't believe it, so why should others believe it?

Thinking of the exhibition at the end of the year, he wanted to bring out some good things, and let the old people in the Dahai City Collectors Association see his strength.

Only with their approval can Chen Wenzhe go to other people's homes to see their treasures!
The ones he collects now, except for the large cloisonné enamel jar, don't seem to be considered important treasures.

Even if I came to Chang'an now and got two paintings, a set of jade figures, and five Song editions of this letter, it seems that the weight is a bit light.

If you can increase some weight, you must increase some, at least the variety is increased.

However, how can we be sure that this is a Northern Song edition?

Avoid taboo textual research, reverse the date of writing?
Taboo means avoiding the name of the emperor, so it should be easy to understand.

Open it carefully and look at the well-preserved pages. Although time has left traces, this butcher's knife has not abused it!
Compared with the set found before, this is much better preserved.

The rhyme of the Ministry of Rites was discovered in China very early, but that set was taken away by the little devil, and it is still preserved in a temple.

As for the second set, when they were discovered, those books seemed to have been soaked in water, and some pages had obvious water-stained wrinkles.

At that time, many literatures at home and abroad participated in the appraisal.

They seem to have compared the layout style, ink color of printing paper, and knife style of fonts. Although they can't be sure that it is the Northern Song Dynasty, they have confirmed that the date will not be very late.

Now look at the five books in front of you, and recall the set you discovered before.

Since they are all printed in blocks, they should be roughly the same.

However, that set seems to have been soaked in water, so the ink color and printing paper have changed a little.

However, the font, engraved knife method, and layout, etc., cannot be changed.

Therefore, after a little comparison, Chen Wenzhe found that, except for these five better-printed houses, the other features are almost exactly the same, and there is nothing unusual at all.

Of course, this does not prove that the five books in front of me are the Northern Song editions.

It must be very old, but it is uncertain how long it will be.

This is the same situation as the previous identification of the set of water-soaked books. How did they accurately deduce the date of publication?Now it has become a big problem that Chen Wenzhe needs to solve.

(End of this chapter)

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