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Chapter 645 Imperial Academy official version

Chapter 645 Imperial Academy official version

These five books are ancient books, but there are many taboos about the printing of ancient books.

Since it is an ancient book, some rules must be followed, so here is a tricky way to identify the printing date of this set of books.

That is to see which emperors' names are taboo in this book.

Therefore, now we must first examine the taboo words in the text, and this must be carefully considered.

Volume [-] of Cheng Dachang's "Yan Fan Lu" in the Song Dynasty has this expression: "This court decree, the sub-name taboo is two: the name of the emperor at that time, it is named as the imperial name."

What do these words mean?It is what we often see in Song edition books. When encountering the name of the monarch at that time, we use four small characters "today's imperial name" to avoid taboos.

Fortunately, Chen Wenzhe's memory is very good, otherwise, he just read the reports on this aspect, and really couldn't remember how to identify it at that time, at least, ordinary people would not remember these details.

But Chen Wenzhe is different, he likes to do appraisals, and appraisals can get achievement points.

Therefore, as long as it is information related to appraisal, he will remember it specially.

Now, just thinking about it a little bit, he remembers

For example, in the rhyme of the Ministry of Rites, the right half of the word "Heng" lacks ink.

This is obviously to avoid the taboo of Zhao Heng, Emperor Zhenzong of the Northern Song Dynasty, and shows that the time when that set of books was engraved should be in the reign of Renzong or later.

As for Renzong Zhao Zhen, he has never been encountered in the book.

This reveals that the word "Zhen" was avoided. After Renzong, Yingzong Zhao Shu, Shenzong Zhao Xu, Zhezong Zhao Xu, Huizong Zhao Ji, and Qinzong Zhao Huan did not avoid it.

It further proves that this book is not later than the Northern Song Dynasty.

According to such an identification method, Chen Wenzhe quickly deduced that the book was published between the fourth year of Renzong Jingyou in the Northern Song Dynasty, that is, 1037, and the fourth year of Yingzong Zhiping (1067).

Such a set of books must be the earliest printed edition of "Rhyme of the Ministry of Rites" extant at home and abroad.

However, this presumption must be combined with the material of this book.

This set of books is printed on vellum, and the outer skin of crushed mulberry bark can be seen faintly. Such a feature must be identified as an important feature close to the Northern Song version.

There is a tricky thing about this method of identification. It is just an exam book, with rhymes and taboos, which are particularly strict.

If it was before, Chen Wenzhe really didn't know much about the ancient imperial examinations.

However, this is Chang'an, and it happened that he had visited the forest of steles before, and in the forest of steles, the most indispensable thing was the Four Books and Five Classics!
During the seven days of learning how to make Jing Yunzhong, he would wander around in his dreams to look at other memories and learn some different knowledge to relax his mind.

Therefore, he casually looked at the ancient imperial examination books recorded in the Pearl of Suihou.

That is to say, his memory is super strong, even if he looks at it casually, he can remember a large part of it.

Now combined with the rhyme of the Ministry of Rites, there are more things that can be discovered.

Chen Wenzhe knew that the Rhyme of the Ministry of Rites that he discovered before was a major classic discovery!

Because it is an earlier version, its content is more comprehensive, because the later printed version has been deleted many times.

It is really not easy for such a set of books to be handed down, and it can be said to be lucky.

Not only is the identification method a bit lucky, but even the fate of this book is extremely lucky.

Because exam reference books like it will become invalid as soon as the dynasty changes, and they will be thrown away when they are useless.

Nowadays, it is difficult for people to find a copy of the "Three Character Classic" of the Ming Dynasty. How lucky is this "Rhyme of the Ministry of Rites" from the Northern Song Dynasty to be handed down?
Of course, luck is much more than that.

Even in the Northern Song Dynasty, this "sacred book" of rhythm, which is related to the fate of countless students, has undergone several additions, deletions, deletions, and revisions.

The Northern Song Dynasty followed the Tang system, and the imperial examination not only tested the classics and theory, but also tested poetry and prose.

But when Wang Anshi presided over the reform, he no longer examined poetry and Fu, and "Rhyme of the Ministry of Rites" was like a waste book.

And after that, Sima Guang took power, and he resumed the previous practice.

At this time, those in power wanted to restore the "Rhyme of the Ministry of Rites", but the language had changed, and there were about a dozen characters involved, so the emperor ordered people to fill in these characters.

However, not long after, it was announced that there would be no examination of poems and fus, which meant that the original supplements were invalidated.

The re-execution of "Rhyme of the Ministry of Rites" was already a matter of Shaosheng in the Southern Song Dynasty, and more than a hundred years have passed.

From the name of the book, this is the only one that is really called "Rhyme of the Ministry of Rites".

It can be said that this "Rhyme of the Ministry of Rites" was the "Xinhua Dictionary" at that time.

Each edition of the current "Xinhua Dictionary" is different, and the old editions will soon disappear.

And it is this earliest unabridged version that can provide the only basis for modern people to study the evolution of ritual systems at that time and the relationship between related phonology.

In other words, many of the contents of this book are not found in later editions.

In this way, if future generations want to imitate, there will be no imitation, unless you are fabricating, that is, directly making up out of imagination.

However, how can you compile such a book like a dictionary without leaking any flaws?
Therefore, at this time, the five volumes of the Rhyme of the Ministry of Rites should be considered as the real Song edition because of the content recorded.

At this point, there is still the final step of identification, which is how to determine the "origin" of this set of classics?
You must know that even the Song editions can be divided into folk editions and official editions.

This is not the same, obviously, the official edition is definitely better, and the value is higher.

It's just that, no matter what time it is, there are the most folk prints, and the probability of survival is also greater.

For example, the set that survived in China was finally identified as a folk workshop edition.

And this set, no matter how Chen Wenzhe looked at it, it didn't look like a folk edition, because the production was too sophisticated.

Still the same sentence, no matter when it is, the printed editions in the market are not as good as the official printed editions.

At least the typesetting and printing of official block editions are more professional and not too rough. This is the difference between folk block editions and official editions.

Look at the first book, there are obvious official documents on it.

Of course, the existence of this kind of official document does not mean that it is an official engraved version, it is just a possibility.

Chen Wenzhe remembered very clearly that when the owner of the previous set of books in the Yunlue Collection of the Ministry of Rites first told the experts, he said that the set of books was the official version of the Imperial Academy of the Northern Song Dynasty.

The reason is that there are official documents on the catalog of that set of books.

In fact, the letter was a narration of the words that Ding Du and others played in Zhazi.

Zhazi is a kind of official document in ancient times, and it is mostly used for playing documents, which is the kind of thing shown on TV.

Despite the words "If it can be implemented, send it to the Imperial Academy for printing and promulgation".

But this is just Ding Du et al. When they submitted the book, it cannot directly prove that the set of books is the sculpture of Guangyun Magazine Repair Institute in the Northern Song Dynasty.

Combined with the rough binding style of that set of books, and several fonts appearing in the book, many experts believe that it is not the official version of the so-called Northern Song Dynasty Guozijian, but a folk reprint.

However, because it is an examination book, the content provided is still authoritative official rhyme.

(End of this chapter)

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