Chapter 809
"Forget it, it's only [-] yuan, there's no need to get a favor!"

As he spoke, Chen Wenzhe took out his mobile phone, scanned Mu Xiaolong's QR code, and paid [-] yuan.

"Happy, you still say you don't have any money. For the sake of being so happy, keep looking, maybe there is something you like? I'll give you a discount!"

After getting the golden page, Chen Wenzhe looked at Mu Xiaolong, that kid seemed to have turned off something, could it be the alarm?

"Forget it, your things are really expensive, and I don't have much money to waste."

"No, you really don't have any money, kid? I'm still thinking about raising [-] billion, why don't you contribute a little more?" Mu Xiaolong said a little unwillingly.

Chen Wenzhe resisted not rolling his eyes, he is not happy yet!

"All the money has been invested in the Yi Nian Tang clinic. Since you know me so well, you don't know about the Yi Nian Tang clinic, right?"

"Eh? Are you really going to continue to expand that hospital? You can do it now, as long as you don't continue to buy machines, it's not good to collect money? Your business is very good. Although the investment is large, the daily cash flow should be quite a lot, right?" ?”

"There is a lot of running water, but the speed of spending money is faster. To make some money, you either buy a machine or prepare to buy a machine. After that, you need to buy a piece of land. You can't still rent a residential building in a community? Wei Jian I don’t even do it!”

"Amazing!" Chen Wenzhe, who Mu Xiaolong was in front of now, had long since lost the sense of superiority he used to have when he was from a rich family.

Chen Wenzhe, the standard rich generation, is still a very powerful rich generation, he has to admire!

Chen Wenzhe didn't stay longer, he continued to stay, and if others saw it, there might be more troubles.

After walking out of the Mu family's manor, Chen Wenzhe carefully looked at the gold leaf in a white sealed bag.

This thing is not simple, especially it is also related to a generation of Empress Wu Zetian!

The oppression of women has always existed in China's history, and it has intensified with the changes of the times.

Even so, there is still an orthodox female emperor in Chinese history. One can imagine the power of such a character.

However, in the feudal era, which was deeply influenced by Confucianism, its evaluation was mixed.

In ancient China, the idea that men are superior to women has been rooted for a long time. Even in modern times, there are still some thoughts about men being superior to women.

Even after entering the new China, even in some remote areas, there is still a patriarchal behavior.

It is undeniable that men and women do have some differences to a certain extent.

However, this cannot deny the contribution of women in labor, and it is not only men who build the world, men and women must have equal importance.

In Chinese history, Wu Zetian is indeed a figure.

Moreover, during Wu Zetian's reign, many virtuous ministers were reused.

It can be said that she is fully capable of becoming a good emperor.

However, because of her female role and certain things she did, later generations have mixed opinions about her.

One thing is the rumor that Wu Zetian did not hesitate to kill his own daughter in order to frame her.

For a long time, everyone believed this to be true.

The second thing is to massacre Li Tang's clan wantonly, which shows that Wu Zetian is a ruthless person, which does not conform to the Confucian culture at that time.

Moreover, Wu Zetian was not a pure-hearted and ascetic person. She had many face-to-face heads, and even almost disturbed the court because of her excessive favor with the face-to-face heads. These things left Wu Zetian with a very bad reputation.

In addition, there are still some things that can show Wu Zetian's excellent political talent.

After all, she has stepped up from a small harem concubine to the position of the first orthodox female emperor step by step, which can be seen in the means.

And the golden page in front of him recorded a ridiculous deed of Wu Zetian, and it was true, a real deed that had not been recorded in history.

In fact, this is not the first time such a golden page has been discovered.

There was another page before, after being discovered, it was sent to the cultural relics department and kept in the museum.

It was a piece of metal found by a herb picker in a mountain in Nanhe in the last century.

This person was called Qu Xihuai, and he didn't care about it at the time, because he was going to Songshan to collect medicine.

But when the man returned home and took out the metal piece to play with it carefully, he realized that there were many words engraved on it.

This made him realize that this was most likely a treasure.

Everyone lives in the same village, and they can communicate with each other. Qu Xihuai took the metal piece he picked up and went to ask the well-informed people in the village for advice.

Although they couldn't tell what it was, they all said that Qu Xihuai had found the treasure.

The news that Qu Xihuai accidentally found a treasure on Songshan Mountain spread like wildfire.

Not long after, a foreigner came to him and said that he wanted to buy that piece of metal for [-] yuan.

At that time, a commune cadre earned only [-] to [-] yuan a month, and [-] yuan was not a small sum!
However, Qu Xihuai did not agree.

Unexpectedly, the other party increased the price all the way, and finally increased it to [-]!
He even wrote a blood letter, which promised: If he makes a profit from reselling, he will give Qu Xihuai a share in addition to [-].

Now Qu Xihuai couldn't sit still anymore, early the next morning, Qu Xihuai handed over the metal piece to the local cultural relics department.

Experts discovered after identification that this rectangular piece of metal is made of high-purity gold.

The front of the gold plate is engraved with an inscription of 3 lines and 63 characters in regular script with double hooks, and "Wu Zhao (sound "Zhao")" appears in the inscription.

"Wu Zhao" refers to Wu Zetian, the only female emperor in Chinese history.

"瞾" is ​​a character created by Wu Zetian for her own name, which means that the sun and the moon are in the sky.

And this character is also the only one handed down to this day among the characters created by Wu Zetian.

Through the records of this golden page, combined with some historical events, many things can actually be deduced.

Wu Zetian's life is quite legendary. In a patriarchal society, she overcame all obstacles and changed her destiny as a woman.

During her administration, she perfected the imperial examination system and selected talents in an eclectic manner, but at the same time appointed cruel officials and created a large number of unjust cases.

She advocated cultural activities, laid the foundation for the prosperity of Tang poetry, and at the same time wiped out the martial spirit of the whole society. She is a controversial emperor.

The origin of this thing is actually very simple. It is an activity of an old man who is afraid of death, hoping to live a few more days, and praying to the gods.

The emperors of all dynasties in China, in order to keep the country and their personal safety forever, often led their ministers to build altars in famous mountains and rivers to burn incense, pray to God, and pray to the gods of heaven and earth for peace. Throwing it into the water is the so-called "Feng Zen" activity.

This piece of metal is exactly Wu Zetian's golden slip for exorcising the crime of worshiping the god of Songshan Mountain in Zhongyue.

(End of this chapter)

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