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Chapter 810 What happened to this one

Chapter 810 What's going on with this one
Jane is a kind of business card in ancient China, usually made of paper, because Wu Zetian is the emperor and has a special status, so her name card is made of gold.

Archaeologists have discovered that in Chinese history, the jade and silver slips used by the gods to enshrine Zen, and only one gold slip has been found.

In the spring of 699 AD, the 76-year-old Wu Zetian went to Songshan Mountain to play.

Unexpectedly, soon after arriving in Songshan, he became ill.

She sent a decree to ask the minister Yan Chaoyin to pray to the God of Songshan and ask the God of the Mountain to bless her to get well soon.

After Yan Chaoyin received the imperial decree, he shaved all his hair, fasted and bathed, then curled up on a large plate, and placed himself as a sacrifice instead of the usual pig and sheep sacrifices on the altar.

Yan Chaoyin was on the altar, praying devoutly for Wu Zetian.

Unexpectedly, Wu Zetian's illness improved after a few days.

Wu Zetian attached great importance to Buddhism in her early years, and she has always preached that she is the reincarnation of Maitreya Buddha.

But in her later years, after a serious illness, she became obsessed with Taoism, because Taoism pays attention to health preservation and preaches that people can live forever.

At that time, there was a Taoist priest named Hu Chao who was trusted by Wu Zetian.

In addition to insisting on taking the "elixir" offered by Hu Chao on time, she is also very yearning for the fairy world he promotes.

Wu Zetian, who was dying, became more and more afraid of death, and often had nightmares.

She didn't want to die with this guilt feeling, so what should she do?
Seeing Wu Zetian's worries, Taoist Hu suggested that she make a gold slip, engrave her sins on it, and throw it to Songshan Mountain on auspicious days, praying for the gods to atone for her sins, and also get rid of her sins in the world.

After hearing this, Wu Zetian seemed to grasp the life-saving straw, and immediately ordered Hu Chao to supervise the making of golden slips.

The Wu Zhao Golden Slip is a blessing slip and also a redemption slip.

In addition to praying for longevity, atonement is also one of the important contents carried by this golden slip.

The content on it includes not only the confession to the rival in love, but also the confession to the children.

There is not only a confession to her husband, but also a kind of confession to the world and Confucianism.

All the disturbing things in her heart, she hopes to be forgiven through Jin Jian.

After the golden bamboo slips were made, Taoist Hu made a special trip to come to Mount Songshan on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month to perform rituals on the top of the mountain and pay homage to heaven on behalf of Wu Zetian to make amends.

The reason why Wu Zetian chose to throw bamboo slips to Mount Songshan on the day of "Qixi Festival" is because the folks call the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar the "Qiqiao" festival.

Legend has it that this day is the day when Cowherd and Weaver Girl cross the Tianhe River and meet at the Magpie Bridge, and the stars in the sky are the most effective.

Afterwards, Hu Chao threw the golden slips on Junji Peak, the highest peak of Mount Song.

According to Taoist Hu Chao, as long as Wu Zetian buried the golden slips written to the gods of Songshan Mountain and various gods behind Songshan Mountain, she could get rid of her sins and get the blessing and protection of God at the same time.

Wu Zetian hoped to repent through the Jin Jian.

The specific content of her confession was not written on the Jin Jian.

The inscription of less than a hundred characters reads: "The lord of the Great Zhou Dynasty (Kingdom) Wu Zhao is happy, the true way, the immortal god, and the immortals want to go to Zhongyue Songgao Mountain Gate, throwing gold slips, and begging three officials and nine houses to get rid of Wu Zhao. On the seventh day, Hu Chaoji, the young envoy of Jiayin, will pay homage again."

The main idea of ​​this inscription is that Wu Zhao, the emperor of the Great Zhou Kingdom, believed in the true god of Taoism, and handed over this golden slip to the gods of heaven and earth on Songshan Mountain in Zhongyue, asking all the gods to remove Wu Zhao's sins in the world.

The "Three Officials" in the inscriptions are Taoist respectful names for heaven, earth, and water, while "Jiufu" generally refers to the fairy caves of all parties.

In the fourth year after the casting of the golden slips, that is, in 705 AD, Wu Zetian left this world.

So, why is there no record of this golden slip in the history books?
This is because Wu Zetian founded the country with Buddhism, and she may not want others to know that she has changed her mind from Buddhism in her later years and prayed for longevity.

This precious golden slip, carrying the Queen's secret historical order, slept on Songshan Mountain for more than a thousand years until it was discovered by Qu Xihuai.

Today, this Wu Zhao Jin Jian is an important cultural relic and is housed in the Nanhe Museum of China.

The existence of Jin Jian silently tells people the absurd story of Empress Wu Zetian in her later years.

Since Wu Zetian's mausoleum, Qianling, has not yet been excavated, this golden slip has become one of the precious cultural relics directly related to Wu Zetian.

At the same time, it can also let people understand Wu Zetian's unique personality and inner world.

In the history of China, many things are ambiguous, and only by the continuous digging and exploration of our descendants can we fill in their blanks and show their true colors to the world.

Including some controversial issues in history exist, there is just no evidence to prove whether they are true, nor enough reason to convince.

History is about the past, and it is bound to have some ambiguity.

Moreover, when people in the past wrote history books, they inevitably brought some of their own subjective emotions into it.

So we can't believe 100% that the past is the truth.

Sometimes the truth, in fact, to a certain extent, also beautifies the characters and things of that era.

We need to discover these with our own eyes and prove them with cultural relics. Just like the evaluation of Wu Zetian in Chinese history, there are mixed reviews.

If you look through the history, you will find that this metal sheet was used by many emperors in ancient times.

This kind of thing called Jane should record the most authentic part of history!

Because it is something dedicated to the gods, in the ancient world full of gods and Buddhas, no one would dare to lie to the gods, right?
This kind of Jane has been circulated since ancient times. During the Warring States Qin and Han Dynasties, Jane was popular among the people and was mainly used for writing and recording.

After the rise of Taoism in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Jane was gradually used by Taoism as a tool for communicating with heaven.

In the Tang Dynasty, emperors began to worship Taoism, and this gold slip is a kind of slip of Taoism throwing dragons.

The wisher writes his wishes on the slips, and places a small golden dragon to send letters, pray to the gods, and pray for the blessings of the gods.

Then put Jane and Jinlong Yubi together into the famous mountains and rivers, rivers, lakes and seas.

Among the currently known objects, the earliest emperor's slips were the golden slips that Wu Zetian threw on Songshan Mountain in Zhongyue. In order to seek longevity, the crimes were cut off.

Then Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty cast copper slips on Hengshan Mountain in Nanyue, Qian Liu, the founding emperor of Wuyue Kingdom, cast silver slips, and Song Huizong Zhao Ji threw jade slips.

Most of its content is to pray for longevity, pray for the prosperity of the country and the people of the country, and the safety of the country and the people.

Holding the one in his hand and weighing it, Chen Wenzhe knew that it was a rectangular gold slip made of 96% pure gold.

According to his judgment, this gold slip should weigh 228.5 grams, and its purity should exceed 96%, that is to say, a little more.

This golden slip is like a thin piece of yellow paper, with 63 double hook regular script Chinese characters engraved on the front. ".

Because the inscription has the words "removal of crimes", this golden slip should also be a "golden slip of exorcism".

Now that a gold exorcism slip was found earlier, what happened to the one in Chen Wenzhe's hand now?

(End of this chapter)

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