My system is not decent

Chapter 814 Astronomical Numbers

Chapter 814 Astronomical Numbers
Li Tianqiang said helplessly: "The boss is good, but we can't bully good people all the time, right? I haven't done enough? Isn't it troublesome enough every day? If we really do a dialysis room, we have to hire people. Who will poach people? Isn't it all me?"

"This time, we don't need the dean to help. We will find someone by ourselves. Now our Yi Nian Tang clinic is a little famous. It's not enough to find some big ones. Why don't we grab a lot of small doctors?"

"Is it reliable? Can the little doctor work? Don't talk about me. I didn't participate in the specific treatment. I just helped build a hospital. It's up to you to treat the disease and save lives."

"There must be a large part of them that are unreliable. It's not that people's level is not good, but that they don't want to stay here. However, as long as they can work, they don't want to stay in our small hospital. If they want to go to a big hospital, we don't want to stay here. be opposed to."

"That's right, as long as there is the first batch of people, the old will bring in the new, and the batches will start up. The most important thing here is practice. If you have the opportunity to get started, do it a few times, and you will soon practice. Come out, this is not a small temptation for some young doctors."

"So, Dean, we must add more departments. As long as there are more departments, more patients, and various cases, we will definitely attract young doctors to join us!"

Li Tianqiang was obviously moved, but he hadn't lost his mind yet.

Recently, they have expanded so much that they must slow down and accumulate some background.

"No, no matter how extravagant your talk is, I can't make the boss's bad luck a year ago, and let's talk about it a year later."

"Okay, Dean, you have something in mind, don't forget."

"I can't forget, but the most important thing for us now is to have a fixed base. What did the district say? They still want to keep us here? They don't have suitable land to build a hospital here!"

"Yes, there is an unfinished building. If you really have no choice, just transfer it to us. Although the floor is a little higher, it covers a large area and has a larger usable area, which is just right for us. Unfortunately, we have no money, so we still have to rent it. !"

"Since it's an unfinished building, even if we don't have trouble taking it over, we still have to cap it off and decorate it, which will be much more troublesome, so please don't continue to trouble me."

These are actually secondary, mainly due to lack of money.

No matter how bad it is, people are all buildings, and it costs money, and it must be an astronomical sum.

Seeing Li Tianqiang walking by in a hurry, signing and talking while walking, Chen Wenzhe trembled a little.

This is too busy, he should withdraw!
The main thing is that he really has no money.

At first, he thought he had a little money, but now it seems that he is definitely a poor man!

However, leaving like this is really a bit unwilling, he is really reluctant to part with those antiques that Li Tianqiang was looking for.

So, he knew the way, and came to Li Tianqiang's office again.

The nurse on duty outside the door already knew Chen Wenzhe, so he would naturally let him in.

As for the lock of the dean's office, it was an electronic lock, and Chen Wenzhe knew the combination, so after he entered quietly, he locked it again from the inside.

Sitting on Li Tianqiang's boss chair, Chen Wenzhe heaved a sigh of relief.

Even if he was betrayed, Li Tianqiang wouldn't be able to get in.

Sitting on the boss chair, I feel really comfortable, that kid really didn't treat himself badly.

This should be the so-called ergonomic chair, the price is not cheap, and it is really comfortable to sit on.

Looking at the desk in front of him, it was different from his, his was for drinking tea, Li Tianqiang was really for office work.

You said how can a young doctor who has just finished training quickly become a qualified dean?

Is it easier to be a high official?
How did you say that sentence?As long as the dog can sign, it's okay to let it be the dean?
This is such a waste of the dean, you're welcome!No, it is not advisable!
Randomly open a document: hospital construction outline!

Throwing aside, the planning of the hospital is very troublesome, especially the new departments.

It is not difficult to get some departments in the hands of some ten-thousand-year-old attendings.

They have been in the department all their lives, what do they not know about the things in the hospital?
These ten-thousand-year-old rulers are all capable, and those who are not capable can't get along here.

And as long as you have some skills, it is really not difficult to set up a department in this small clinic.

The difficulty is to get these departments done well, so can some old attendings be done well?
Li Tianqiang, a doctor who has just finished his training, if he enters the hospital according to the normal process, he will be a resident doctor.

Even so, people still don't want him!
Didn't this guy who graduated from the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine also make the dean a success?

"Orthopedics? Cardiac surgery? Neurosurgery? These are all applications for the purchase of machines!"

"What is this? Is it actually an application for the construction of an operating room? Or an interventional operating room? What are you doing?"

Looking at these applications, Chen Wenzhe seemed to be undergoing radiofrequency ablation of the heart?
No, there is also thrombectomy. These are all interventional surgeries?

Unable to understand, Chen Wenzhe threw these documents aside, and then he grabbed a notebook.

The notebooks are all fuzzy, like old antiques, and he likes such things.

However, when I picked it up, I realized that it was Li Tianqiang's work notebook.

"Doctor hierarchy design?"

Isn't the doctor level very clear?Interns, regular trainees, residents, attending physicians, deputy chief physicians, and chief physicians all come to an end here.

After looking around for a while, that kid Li Tianqiang really has an idea.

He didn't break the tradition, and still adopted the above titles, but he clearly wrote out the conditions for promotion.

Not to mention interns, pure apprentices are medical students.

It is a bit different for regular training doctors. They have graduated and learned something, and some even have worked for a while.

At this time, those who want to learn more will come to regular training, and they can handle some things independently.

Therefore, in the Yi Nian Tang clinic, the training doctors have to bear some responsibilities.

In the process of outpatient consultation and examination, they are usually the first diagnosis, or in other words, what they do most is triage.

They look first, assign patients, enter various departments, and treat symptoms.

In this process, they must learn and improve.

Then there is the resident doctor. In the Yi Nian Tang clinic, the resident doctor is already a serious doctor.

Many diagnoses are handled by them. Only those who don't understand and are not sure will go to the superior doctor.

Here, doctors have to be classified into grades. Guipei doctors are responsible for receiving general outpatient clinics. As long as they complete [-] cases of patients with correct diagnoses, they can be promoted to resident doctors.

A resident doctor must have diagnosed [-] cases and at least three cases of intractable diseases before he can be promoted to attending.

The attending doctor is promoted to the deputy chief physician, and must diagnose at least [-] cases of intractable diseases.

(End of this chapter)

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