My system is not decent

Chapter 815 Amber Golden Gallbladder

Chapter 815 Amber Golden Gallbladder
It is even more difficult to be promoted to chief physician, the minimum is a thousand cases of intractable diseases.

These are actually physicians, and they are talking about outpatient clinics, because their surgical construction is very slow and there are not many operating rooms.

Therefore, Li Tianqiang didn't have to do so much trouble.

Anyway, they mainly focus on examination and rehabilitation, so this classification should be enough.

After thinking about it carefully, Chen Wenzhe found that this kind of promotion system seems to be not easy to achieve!
Inpatients are promoted, but in order to be promoted to attendings, there must be [-] routine outpatient visits. How many days will it take to complete?

To complete [-] cases in one day, it will take more than [-] days, that is, to complete at least [-] correct diagnoses every day, in order to meet the conditions.

Obviously, one year is definitely not enough, at least two years or even three or four years is a little bit possible.

Now there is no shortage of cases in the clinic, just look at the test results and draw a conclusion.

There is no shortage of cases, and it seems not easy to draw accurate conclusions.

This is still an ordinary case, and among them, some rare cases must be diagnosed, which are the so-called intractable diseases.

Chen Wenzhe doesn't know how to judge this difficult and miscellaneous disease, but the most indispensable thing in this hospital is professionals.

As long as they think it is an intractable disease, it should not be easy to diagnose.

There must be three cases, plus [-] general outpatient cases, in order to be promoted to attending.

If all these conditions are fulfilled, and there is no need to take an exam to be promoted to an attending physician, then a doctor with such abilities should also be a qualified attending physician, right?At least experienced!
It will be even more difficult to be promoted to the deputy chief physician afterwards. First of all, if you encounter so many patients with a thousand cases of intractable diseases, you still need to make an accurate judgment.

Shaking his head, he put the notebook down directly.

Any system depends not on the plan, but on the people and how they implement it.

No matter how good the system is, it cannot be implemented, there are loopholes everywhere, and people can take advantage of loopholes at will, but it cannot be truly implemented!
The profession of doctors is to make things difficult for others.

In this industry, even if you live and learn, you can't slack off even a day.

As for fishing in troubled waters, it doesn't seem to work here!

I have to say, don't look at Li Tianqiang's youth, he really has some ideas.

No longer concerned about Li Tianqiang's work, Chen Wenzhe stood up and wandered around Li Tianqiang's office.

In fact, after he came in, he saw something in the window behind the desk.

For example, sundries such as medicine cabinets, medicine cabinets, etc., and some books, it seems that they are all old.

None of these are strange, but the most peculiar is a picture of gall and a skull.

After taking a look, Chen Wenzhe guessed that this is a bear bile and a tiger skull, and they all have one characteristic in common, that is, they are big.

If there is nothing special about it, it is impossible for these two things to last for a long time. They would have been smashed into medicine long ago, right?
Bear bile is not small, it is as big as a child's fist, it must cost a lot to buy such a bear bile.

These two items seem to be quite old, otherwise I wouldn't dare to buy them.

Opening the window and carefully taking out the bear gall, Chen Wenzhe activated the backtracking skill without any hesitation.

He is not a professional, and he has never encountered the inheritance of bear bile before. Now he wants to find out what the origin of this old bear bile is.

If this thing is a doctor's collection, maybe he can get some windfalls.

Sure enough, the harvest is not small, this thing is really a collection of an old Chinese medicine doctor.

Only old Chinese doctors would collect this kind of thing, otherwise, who would make a picture of gall and keep it at home?
Do you still collect it like a baby?The most important thing is to hang it next to my desk and watch it. This hobby is really strange.

It is also fortunate to have this hobby, otherwise, Chen Wenzhe would not have gotten much useful information through backtracking.

Seeing some pictures inside, Chen Wenzhe couldn't help showing a smile.

This pair of bear bile is really the best. Its real name is golden gall, also known as amber gold. As the name suggests, it is the gold in the gall, the top of the best.

Bear bile is not graded by "big and small", but by the color of the dried bear bile.

Golden yellow is the top grade, black is the bottom grade, and vegetable green is the second grade.

The one in front of me is called Golden Gallbladder, it is naturally golden yellow, it is the top-grade Golden Gallbladder, not only big, but also yellow!
Chen Wenzhe has known for a long time that bear bile is known as the first of the four famous medicines in China, and it is the top treasure of traditional Chinese medicine.

It has been regarded as a holy medicine by the Chinese medicine community since ancient times. Its main functions are detoxification, clearing the liver, benefiting the gallbladder, and improving eyesight.

It has obvious effects on acute and chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, liver swelling, fatty liver, alcoholic liver, cholecystitis, sores and swelling, and anti-inflammation.

The effect of bear bile is also to clear away heat and detoxify, calm the liver and improve eyesight. It has a miraculous effect on the prevention of alcoholic liver, fatty liver, and recovery of vision in middle-aged and elderly people.

Hemorrhoids can be cured within one month, and the three high symptoms of modern people can be significantly improved, and human immunity can be improved.

It has a remarkable effect on gallstones, liver cirrhosis, autoimmune hepatitis, colon cancer and other diseases.

This kind of thing, no matter how much the animal protection organization yells, it is impossible to give up!

At this moment, Chen Wenzhe remembered a report he had read at some point.

What I'm talking about is that foreign animal protection organizations strongly oppose the use of animal body tissues such as bear bile, rhino horn, and tiger bone as medicinal materials.

But after digging deeper into the funders behind these animal protection organizations, they got an answer that everyone was surprised and dared not to inform.

You would never have imagined that the funders who support these people in protecting animals are actually some large pharmaceutical companies.

While supporting the protection of wild animals, they are also working hard to use various animal body tissues to study various special drugs.

Among them, bear bile and tiger bone must have attracted the most attention. These two are the most peculiar parts of animal body tissues, and they are also one of the animal body tissues with the greatest medicinal value.

Chen Wenzhe looked to the side, it was a tiger skull.

Seeing this kind of thing, Chen Wenzhe couldn't help but committed an occupational disease.

The price of tiger bones is too high, so there must be fakes. It can also be said that anyone who can make huge profits has fakes.

Therefore, when you encounter tiger bones, you must be careful to identify them.

As for whether the skull in front of you is a real tiger skull, you will know after an appraisal.

It is also relatively easy to identify tiger bones. First, look at the color. Generally, the tiger bones that have been removed for a short time are oily yellow, and the longer the tiger bones are, the more gray they appear.

Then there is the specific weight. The density of tiger bone is about 4, which is about twice that of beef bone, and the bone wall is thicker.

The hydrostatic method can be used to measure the density, and then look at its fiber structure for confirmation. The heaviest one can be determined to be tiger bone.

If you don't have a precise measuring instrument, you can clearly feel the weight of the tiger bone by weighing it with your hand.

(End of this chapter)

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