My system is not decent

Chapter 816 Rat Bone Ring

Chapter 816 Rat Bone Ring (seeking subscription monthly pass)

Chen Wenzhe's hands are very sensitive to weight, so he knew it must be a tiger bone when he weighed it a little.

Finally, with a nail clipper, he smashed some flour from the tiger bone and put it in his mouth.

If the tiger bone is authentic, the tongue and lips will feel numb and have a certain bitter taste, but the bones of other animals do not have this feeling.

The bigger the tiger bone, the better. This kind of medicinal material can be used as a rheumatism pain relief pill, and it has miraculous effects.

Needless to say, the owner of this tiger bone is also a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, and he specializes in making rheumatic pain relief pills, using tiger bones.

In fact, tiger bones are not only effective in treating rheumatism, but also have miraculous effects on bone grafting, or the discontinuity of tendons and bones.

Regarding tiger bone, there are many records in "Compendium of Materia Medica", "Jifeng Puji Prescription" and "Qianjin Yifang". It is widely believed that it has the effect of strengthening muscles and bones, relaxing tendons and activating blood circulation.

In recent years, some medicinal materials used in traditional Chinese medicine have not been recognized by foreign countries, and they are considered useless.

Among them are rhino horn, tiger bone and bear bile.

According to their research, rhino horns have the same ingredients as ox horns, and they cannot be used for sterilization, detoxification, heat clearing, etc.

However, in China, he is useful.

Speaking of tiger bone, Li Lianda, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a pharmacologist of traditional Chinese medicine, believes that tiger bone plays an irreplaceable role in bone and tendon joints after researching from the perspective of medicinal needs.

Although the range of application of animal medicine is not as wide as that of plant medicine, it has a history of more than two thousand years.

Some are even irreplaceable drugs for the treatment of critical illness.

However, many experts in the West have stated that there is no difference in composition between tiger bones and other animal bones.

It can be said that Chinese patent medicines such as rhino horn and tiger bone have been proved to be ineffective in many medical experiments and researches conducted by the international medical community.

The proprietary medicines in the "Chinese Pharmacopoeia", such as Angong Niuhuang Pills, Zixue Dan, Niuhuang Qingxin Pills, etc., have all used rhino horns instead of concentrated buffalo horn powder.

However, everyone knows that the An Gong made of buffalo horn is definitely not as effective as the original medicine made of rhino horn. Why is this?
Not to mention anything else, it is a mistake in itself to quantify Chinese medicine with Western medicine technology.

Speaking of tiger bones, if they are the same as ordinary bovine bones, then can you explain why the bone density of tiger bones is twice that of ordinary animal bones?
Hardness up to Dao [-], what is the concept?How hard is marble?
The hardness of marble is three to five, that is to say, the hardness of tiger bones is almost the same as that of marble.

Such a strong bone, if you say it is the same as a cow bone, who will believe it?
What is the three-second acceleration of a tiger?Can a cow outrun it?

The supporting strength of tiger bones is unmatched by other animals, not even leopard bones.

This time, Li Tianqiang really went in the right direction.

A tiger skull and a bear's gallbladder are professional counterparts.

They come from two families of traditional Chinese medicine, one specializes in tiger bones, and the other specializes in bear bile.

Looking back, Chen Wenzhe has already played very proficiently.

Therefore, after the system reads the historical memory of the two things, he only needs to extract their essence.

At this moment, Chen Wenzhe would no longer foolishly follow the system to check all the memories of these two things.

That is a waste of time and increases the burden on the brain, why bother!

The most important function of tiger bones must be to soak in wine, which is used to strengthen bones and keep healthy.

The second is to be used as medicine to treat rheumatism.

Afterwards, on top of the discontinuity of the muscles and bones, the tiger bone discontinuity ointment he used for treatment is a lost folk formula.

In addition, after the tiger bone powder is specially prepared, it is then soaked in wine for a better effect.

Playing with the tiger bones, Chen Wenzhe sorted out the memories in his mind. He felt that this time he gained a lot.

"Huh? It's not one kind of harvest, but two kinds?"

Chen Wenzhe carefully studied the tiger bone again. These are two things, and the historical memory read by Sui Hou's Pearl is also two copies.

"The other one feels a bit strange, doesn't it?"

Looking at the other memory, Chen Wenzhe's complexion became a little bad. Is it actually a secret recipe for using rat bones as medicine?
"it's here?"

Soon, Chen Wenzhe found something in a gap in the skull.

Activate the ancient armor picking knife again to pick out the contents.

A bone ring, or ring.

Chen Wenzhe's expression became even more strange. Is this thing made of mouse skulls?
After learning all the information inside the Pearl of Suihou, Chen Wenzhe was a little dumbfounded.

Can mouse bones replace tiger bones?
Of course, it cannot be [-]% replaced, because the drug effect cannot be achieved.

However, the Gong family really found a kind of mouse, and used their bones to replace tiger bones in medicine, and they did very well.

In fact, it’s normal to think about it. After all, the price of tiger bones is very high. Whether it is in ancient times or in modern times, the price is not low, and ordinary people really can’t afford it.

In this way, it is quite normal for someone to have some ideas and develop some alternatives.

Tiger bones are really rare in the trading market.

Many people choose to soak in wine when they buy tiger bones. Tiger bone wine has the effect of dredging meridians and dispelling rheumatism.

Currently, tigers are endangered animals, and selling tiger bones is illegal.

But in many black markets, there are still trades in tiger bones.

The price varies from year to year. In terms of per gram, when it was the most expensive in the [-]s, it could reach tens of thousands or even [-] yuan per gram.

In recent years, the price of tiger bones will reach one or two thousand yuan per gram.

The price of a pair of tiger bones can reach around [-] yuan.

At the same time, the price of tiger bones will also be affected by the location of the bones and the type of tiger.

However, the black market is chaotic, and the authenticity of tiger bone cannot be determined. The quality of some derivatives of tiger bone, such as tiger bone wine and tiger bone powder, cannot be determined.

Even some so-called tiger bone wine and tiger bone powder contain very little tiger bone.

This has also created a bad impression for some people, thinking that tiger bone wine is just like that, and it is simply a useless thing that spreads rumors.

But what about the truth?What they drank was not tiger bone wine at all, and it was normal if it had no effect.

But these, many people don't know, let alone know.

So don't trust the tiger bone trade in the black market. It is not only a waste of money, but also illegal.

The high price of tiger bones is inseparable from the endangerment of tigers.

However, excessive protection is not advisable, and rational use of resources is the most appropriate.

Playing with the rat bone ring in this hand, this kind of rat is also very interesting, but the medicine is so powerful?
When it comes to mice, I believe few people will have a good impression.

Think about when the rats were rampant in the past, they ate the farmers' food.

At that time, farmers were reluctant to eat food, but most of it was bitten by rats. It really hurts to think about it.

But a mouse on the prairie is very special because it has high economic value.

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(End of this chapter)

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