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Chapter 820 Unearthed Process

Chapter 820 Unearthed Process
The horizontal cave provides convenience for imitating the construction of the tomb owner's previous residence, while the cave is drilled through the rock to make the tomb safer and firmer.

Different from the imperial tombs of the Han Dynasty in Guanzhong, the vassal kings in various places used more cave-style underground palaces due to the more diverse terrain.

The Han Dynasty vassal king's tomb in Pengcheng is just such a typical example.

As far as Chen Wenzhe knows, as far as the Han tombs in Pengcheng have been discovered, as many as eight have been excavated.

At the same time, a large number of cultural relics have also been unearthed, such as golden jade clothes, various jade ornaments, pottery figurines, etc.

So, if you want to see the Han Tomb, of course you have to come to Pengcheng.

Judging from the Han tombs that have been excavated in Pengcheng, except for the rare case of the Pengcheng king's tomb on the earth mountain, the rest are all excavated through mountains.

More than a dozen vassal kings almost occupied the low hills around Pengcheng.

Such a place, densely packed with Han tombs, if it came out during the period of warlord melee in the Republic of China, wouldn’t the Han tombs here be beauties without clothes?

If Chen Wenzhe lived in that period, if he came to this kind of place, would he be able to resist the temptation?
Therefore, a more cruel fact is that most of the tombs of feudal kings in Pengcheng were stolen.

The tomb robbers of the past dynasties, especially the sweeping tomb robbers of the official robbers, have made many cultural relics in the tombs of the kings very few.

The lack of necessary cultural relics to provide information also makes it impossible to determine the owner of many tombs.

At present, Pengcheng can determine the identity of the owner of the tomb, and only the Beidongshan Han Tomb (the second generation of Chu King Liu Yingke), the Shizishan Han Tomb (the third generation of the Chu King Liu Wu), and the Xiaoguishan Han Tomb (the sixth generation of the Chu King Liu Yingke) ) and Woniushan Han Tomb (the twelfth generation of Chu King Liu Yu).

The rest, such as Tulanshan Han Tomb and Dongdongshan Han Tomb, can only be concluded to belong to the early and middle and late Western Han Dynasties respectively.

Looking at the underground palaces of the Han tombs that have been excavated, it can also be clearly seen that all the tombs are horizontal cave-style tombs dug into mountains.

Based on these, Chen Wenzhe judged that the little Xiong Ding must come from the tomb of a Chu king, and it must not be the tomb of the identified Chu king that has been excavated.

Also, it definitely did not come from the tomb of the first king of Chu.

Because the tomb of Liujiao, the first King of Chu and King Yuan of Chu, located in Chuwang Mountain in the western suburbs of Pengcheng, which has been proven but not yet excavated, is a vertical stone pit tomb.

Liu Jiao died in 178 BC, during the middle period of Emperor Wen.

The second king of Chu, Yi Wang Liu Yingke, reigned for only four years and died in 174 BC.

The tomb of Yi King Liu Yingke is very different from that of his father.

Concentrated manifestations have now begun to adopt the horizontal cave structure, which can also be seen in the changes in the underground palace system of the emperor's tombs in the Western Han Dynasty.

Chen Wenzhe speculated that the origin of the little bear tripod should be the period of the fourth and fifth kings of Chu.

Because Liu Sheng, King Jing of Zhongshan, lived in the period of the three and four generations of Chu kings, they were of the same era and people of the same period.

Of course, this is just Chen Wenzhe's speculation, not necessarily accurate.

At that time, the state of Chu was very powerful, and there was a generous burial system. Who knew what extravagant things could be buried with him?
Others cannot be determined, but there is one thing that Chen Wenzhe is very sure of, that is, if one ancient tomb is dug, then the second one can easily be dug along the way.

Because in the Han Dynasty, there was a custom of husband and wife with different acupuncture points in the same tomb, that is to say, one grave mound and two acupuncture points.

This is because the tomb burial system of the Han Dynasty stipulates that husband and wife have the same tomb and different caves.

This burial system is obvious in the tomb of Liu Zhu, King of Chu of the Six Dynasties.

There is only a wall between Liu Zhu and his queen's tomb, but each has its own coffin, front hall, and tomb passage.

Because the two underground palaces are very close to each other, after the queen's burial, the craftsman dug a small door, named Humen, to make it convenient for the wife to "open the door to find her husband".

How to accurately excavate such a door in the period of Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty without advanced laser technology has become an unsolved mystery of the Xiaoguishan Han Tomb.

Another example is the Tomb of the Han Dynasty in Tuolan Mountain. Both underground palaces of the husband and wife have been excavated, but because the two tombs are far apart, they cannot communicate with each other.

The Tuolanshan Han Tomb is similar to the Shizishan Han Tomb in that it has a neat structure distributed along the central axis, but this feature does not apply to the Xiaoguishan Han Tomb.

It can also be seen that the burial system of King Chu in Pengcheng is constantly changing, and the early symmetrical structure is gradually abandoned.

This is also the reason why Chen Wenzhe speculated that the little Xiong Ding came from the tomb of the Chu kings of the fourth and fifth dynasties, and his tomb has not changed much.

In the end, during the process of unearthing the Little Xiong Ding, Chen Wenzhe made another discovery.

At this time, Chen Wenzhe discovered that the little bear tripod might not have come from the tomb, but it should have been enshrined in the temple outside as a food vessel.

I don't know how long it took, the temple collapsed and it was buried in the soil.

Then it was washed by the rain and came to an entrance of the ancient tomb.

Water can flow here, and it is normal for it to be washed here.

I don't know how long it has passed, a farmer at the bottom of the mountain picked up a hoe to dig the soil and burn bricks.

In just a few strokes, the little bear cauldron was dug.

The farmer became excited when he saw this complete little bear tripod.

As a farmer living around Pengcheng, even if he hasn't seen much of the world, he still knows some things.

After all, as a native of Pengcheng, there have been many legends about the ancient king's tomb since ancient times.

In their village, there are even people who have been engaged in archaeological activities, so he knows exactly what he encountered today.

Therefore, he was not happy because he found the little bear tripod, but continued to work with a hoe.

He wanted to see if there was an ancient tomb underground here.

Soon, he discovered again. It can be said that he only dug for a while, and then he dug another hole covered by soil.

From the soil, he dug out a colored tile that had been dug up.

The farmers continued to dig deeper, and the hole got bigger and bigger!
The scene inside is something he will never forget!

In a wide cave, the multicolored luster is particularly dazzling in the sunlight.

This farmer was also daring, he actually walked into the tomb with the little Xiong Ding in his arms.

The main reason is that this tomb looks relatively strong, or magnificent.

Although it looks unremarkable from the outside, when you enter the underground palace, you will find that the palace rooms below are all stone rooms, all of which are chiseled from rocks, and sealed with soil to ram them, which is of a grand scale.

The main room faces south from the north, and there are tomb passages and corridors in front, which are blocked with huge stones.

After just looking at it for a while, Chen Wenzhe knew that this ancient tomb was not simple.

The main tomb chamber of the tomb is a stone-cut chamber in the limestone mountain, which is the main part of the tomb.

Even for the tomb passage, its chiseling process is also very elegant.

The fissures of each chamber are inlaid with special stone materials. The walls are flat and partially polished. At the same time, they are smoothed with lime sand, painted with blue-gray paint, and then painted with vermilion.

(End of this chapter)

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