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Chapter 821 A Gorgeous Scene

Chapter 821 Gorgeous Scene (Seeking Subscription Monthly Pass)

Among the tombs, the roofs of the chambers are relatively complex, including flat roofs, two-sided sloped roofs, and four-sided sloped roofs.

This tomb plug stone is specially processed, and the two are facing each other, and the mortise and tenon joints are fastened together, which is very strong.

After a quick look, the farmer found a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry at the gate of the tomb.

After the madness passed, he knew that this ancient tomb could not be opened by him alone.

The most important thing is that no matter how he handles it, he will get rich.

After waiting for a long time, the farmer calmed down and he returned to normal.

At this time, he clearly realized that he would definitely not be able to keep such a large amount of wealth.

If he hides it privately, unless he doesn't use this wealth, it will always be exposed.

Also, that era was a time of war and chaos, and it was obviously not a good choice for him to leave the small village with wealth.

Finally, he has a decision.

This person is also smart, so he directly found a family member of his, who is a little powerful, and has always been very prestigious in the clan.

As a local local tyrant, he is the local local emperor.

This person is really not simple. He didn't get greedy and wanted to kill the farmer who discovered it. Instead, he gathered his tribe in the local area and cooperated to open this ancient tomb.

At that time, the clan was powerful, and because of the troubled times, they were more united.

Everyone knows that if they are not united, they are likely to be dealt with at will.

And in the case of discovering a large number of treasures, it is impossible for anyone to betray the same clan.

Driven by common interests, they exerted unimaginable energy.

Afterwards, the door of the underground palace was opened, and the peerless secret that had been buried for thousands of years was brilliantly displayed in front of Chen Wenzhe.

Because the little bear cauldron was placed at the entrance of the tomb, it experienced that scene in person.

This is also the cleverness of the farmer. He knows that his wealth is not in vain.

So after discovering the underground palace, they didn't take out any of the things inside.

It is also this sense of confidentiality that allows them to collect a large amount of treasure later.

They did not wantonly destroy this underground palace, but carefully cleaned it out, and used it as a treasure house in the future.

When I entered the underground palace for the first time, the tomb was full of mud. If you grab a handful of mud from the ground, you can catch the treasure.

It's just that in the outermost tomb passage, there are millions of gold, silver, pearls and rare treasures hidden.

With the cooperation of a group of people, they used oxen and horses to quickly remove the stones blocking the tomb passage one by one.

Soon the main tomb of the underground palace was opened, and at this time, the structure inside was also exposed in front of Chen Wenzhe.

The main reason is that the Little Bear Cauldron has never been taken away from this ancient tomb since it was discovered.

It can also be seen from this that there are quite a few smart people in this big family.

Looking inside the ancient tomb, Chen Wenzhe can find that the main building has 8 side rooms, ear rooms, front hall, and back bedroom.

The wall of the main room is smoothed with stone powder, and then painted with cinnabar to prevent corrosion and moisture.

There are a total of 11 auxiliary buildings, which are used as treasury storage, including storage rooms, dressing rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, wells, stoves, toilets, etc.

In almost every one of these regular tombs, there are various bronzes, golds and other items.

Here, the bronze wares are not high-grade, except for some large wine vessels and tableware, they are not conspicuous at all compared to others.

These things are nothing more than Ding, Zun, Jue, Gui, Pan and so on.

In addition to some regular tombs and the gold and jade in them, there are also places for dancing, music and banquets, and there are a large number of dancing and music pottery figurines inside.

Of course, the most here is still gold, or gold bricks!
In some places, you can find a few gold cakes almost at hand, or gold bricks, and some exquisite gold wares, such as gold bowls, gold cups and so on.

Entering the main tomb, the annex of this tomb is the most spectacular.

Going down the narrow stone steps, there is a strange cave inside.

The outermost room is a music and dance hall with a length of 15 meters and a width of more than 3 meters. This is the largest room in this tomb.

Here, when a group of people excavated, they cleared out a large number of figurines, singing and dancing musical instruments and banquet supplies.

Next to the music and dance hall, there are washrooms and toilets.

After passing through the music and dance hall, one enters the courtyard again, and a simulated well is dug on the east side of the courtyard.

Then through the courtyard, there are firewood room, kitchen room, utensil storage, etc.

One room is surrounded by another room, and the rooms are connected, like entering a maze.

This "annex building" of more than 300 square meters has a total of 4 rooms with 11 entrances and 18 rooms.

The living facilities are everything from eating and drinking to entertainment, from washing to toilet.

This "outbuilding" deep underground is amazing. According to modern parlance, this is a duplex house.

After looking at it for a long time, Chen Wenzhe found that this Han tomb was excavated in a 15-meter hill. It looks ordinary on the outside, but the inside is very magnificent.

After the group of people entered the ancient tomb, the first thing they unearthed were all kinds of pottery figurines.

According to statistics, these terracotta figurines reached 4222 pieces. Some of the terracotta figurines in the tombs were arranged too densely.

These are easier to deal with, so the first thing to deal with is these terracotta figurines.

It can be seen that the pottery figurines unearthed in the tomb can be divided into three types: male and female standing servants and Fuse figurines.

On both sides of the open-air corridor, most of the 224 painted Yiwei pottery figurines unearthed are intact.

They look lifelike, just like real people, but the size is slightly smaller, mostly between 150-158 cm.

Its colors are rich and varied, including red, white, black, green, blue, purple, and crimson, with harmonious tones and smooth and elegant lines.

Although the terracotta figurines are molded, the paintings are all different. The facial expressions are vivid and detailed, the eyebrows and beards are as thin as a hair, and they have various forms. Even single and double eyelids are clearly distinguishable, which integrates sculpture and painting techniques.

The painted figurines unearthed in this batch can be divided into three types according to their posture or crown style: figurines holding wats, figurines holding terracotta and figurines carrying arrows.

A total of 90 wat-holding figurines were unearthed. Except for one wearing a purple hat, all of them wore a crown. The crown was decayed, and the hat belt was tied under the chin.

It can be judged from this that they should have worn crowns without headbands on their heads at that time.

The only one with a hat and holding a wat should be the highest-ranking official among the group of Yiwei figurines, possibly Lang Zhongling.

In this tomb, the largest number of painted figurines unearthed is the terracotta figurines, with a total of 1511 pieces.
Among them, there are 1040 terracotta warriors wearing hats and carrying terracotta warriors, including crimson purple hats tied under the chin, and 471 terracotta warriors wearing crowns and holding hands.

It can be judged from the distribution position and the characteristics of each part of this group of pottery figurines that the identity of the person wearing the crown is slightly higher than that of the person wearing the hat.

They all hold weapons in both hands, have slender eyebrows and long eyes, have various styles of mustaches, and have different expressions.

It turned out that when they were buried, their chests should have been equipped with long swords or knives around their hands.

Unfortunately, at this time all the knives have disappeared, leaving only the belt around the waist, and the hanging harness and ribbon.

(End of this chapter)

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