My system is not decent

Chapter 838 Another purpose

Chapter 838 Another purpose
In fact, there are many things that Chen Wenzhe didn't tell everyone. For example, Chen Wenzhe has now confirmed the identity of the sunken ship.

In principle, this is a French frigate named "Griffin".

This is definitely a legendary battleship. Also, although it is a French frigate, what he is guarding is not the French fleet, but the Spanish fleet.

There are still many stories in it. If you study it carefully, there will definitely be unexpected gains.

For example, when the Spaniards came to the East, there were two routes. One was from Europe through Africa, through the Indian Ocean, and the Strait of Malacca to the East.

The other one, which was opened later, is from South America, directly across the Pacific Ocean, along a series of islands in the southern hemisphere, to the East.

This Spanish fleet must have come across the Pacific Ocean.

And such a fleet is generally responsible for the task of transporting a large number of treasures.

Also, as long as such a fleet is targeted by pirates, it will definitely bite off a big piece of fat.

Of course, the origins of those pirates back then were rather peculiar.

The pirates at that time must have been the regular navies of the Western governments at that time, otherwise, it would have been impossible to beat the ocean overlord at that time!

Chen Wenzhe and the others found a warship, and it was already very powerful to be able to get to the vicinity of South China Sea Island.

If he really went through a series of harsh battles, then he must have supported to the end.

So, was the treasure ship that sank midway recorded by the captain at the time?

It was because of this thought that Chen Wenzhe paid special attention to the belongings of the crew members found on the ship!
Compared with the entire treasure ship, the silver bars, gold ornaments, goldware, gems, and porcelain found on this station ship are really nothing.

Of course, there may be no news of other treasure ships, but Chen Wenzhe still lacks this shady wealth?

"Put everything away, I'm going to call the police."

After the excitement, Old Zhao spoke.

Chen Wenzhe nodded, and Lao Zhao decisively got through the phone.

The call was made to their local maritime department. If the situation permits, a law enforcement ship will come soon.

At this time, the sky has completely darkened, and some fishing boat lights can be seen looming from a distance on the sea.

Old Zhao was used to similar night flight scenes, but Chen Wenzhe and the others looked a little nervous.

The sea is dark, and those who are timid must be afraid.

Most importantly, it feels reassuring not to feel down-to-earth!
After Lao Zhao finished making the phone call, Chen Wenzhe threw the small leather bag in his hand to Zhang Yijie.

"Take care of these things, and when the time comes, it will be used as the funds for our activities this time. If it is not enough, let Zheng Yu make up for it. If it is too much, then it will be divided equally as a bonus!"

"Yes!" Zhang Yijie said with a smile.

Although the value of the remaining gemstones is slightly lower, there are still more than [-] yuan here. Even if one piece is sold for [-] yuan, it will still be worth more than [-] million yuan!
The maritime department came very quickly, maybe they were on duty around.

After boarding the ship, everyone's eyelids twitched when they saw the things piled up on the ship.

"What's your situation?" A man who was obviously an official asked.

His attitude is not bad, because he is not stupid, and this group of people can be seen as rich.

Of course, if there was no money, these things would have been taken away long ago, who would call the police to let them deal with it?
"While diving around, I accidentally discovered a sunken ship. It has been dug up, and it seems that there are some traces of damage. We have no choice but to help bring up the things we can collect."

Zheng Yu is the most slick and has relevant experience in dealing with government departments, so he is responsible for handling this matter.

"Haha? You are all brave and brave, no, you are all good comrades who donate money? We have to thank you?"

A soldier in camouflage suddenly spoke.

Chen Wenzhe glanced at him, the military rank is not low, so he is the chief officer, right?
"No, this is our obligation as a citizen!" Zheng Yu hit the snake with the stick, also called it shameless.

"Okay, do you want us to search? Hand over everything!"

"What do you pay? We are traveling, that is, we brought some gems with us as the bottom of the box, and there is really nothing else!"

Looking at the golden pipe that Zheng Yu was playing with, the officer's eyes cramped a little.

However, how can you prove that this is fished from the sea?

Even if it can be proved, is it necessary?

Looking at the others, everyone actually has a gem in their hands.

The red and blue ones, under the light, are not dazzling, but have a kind of temptation.

Needless to say, these must have been salvaged from the sunken ship, but they had no evidence.

Besides, they also called the police, and they didn't hide it. If they, law enforcement officers, were darker, they would be dealt with.

What if the heart is not black?The officer glanced at everyone, especially the guy who was smiling but not smiling.

That smile is a bit playful, I'm afraid they don't like it.

The officer suddenly had a realization, even if everything was confiscated, so what?
"Okay, register these things, let's go back first, it will rain tonight."

The officers are no longer entangled, and there is no evidence anyway, so do they really want to torture them?
In this case, it is better to form a good relationship.

Maybe in the future, they will be able to call the police when they find the shipwreck!
If the blow is too severe, whoever finds the sunken ship will deal with it privately, and who will call the police?Are you uncomfortable?
By the way, these people don't look like fools, why would they choose to call the police?

No hidden dangers?Judging from the situation, these young people don't seem to be afraid of trouble.

Besides, they are all tourists from other places. After they leave, even if they find the sunken ship and know that they salvaged it, they can't do anything about it!
Handling cases in different places is not as easy as people think!
So, the current situation must have an ulterior motive?
Of course, Chen Wenzhe had a purpose. At this time, he had seen a lot of useful information through the gold-coated jade pipe that Zheng Yu had discovered, the most important of which was a sea chart.

The chart was drawn by the captain of the Griffin, or it was randomly marked on an ordinary chart.

Of course, the current sea chart has long been soaked in sea water.

However, through backtracking, Chen Wenzhe still saw it.

Although it is marked randomly, as long as the difference is not too large, you can still find those sunken warships!

After sorting it out a bit, Chen Wenzhe found that he saw two shipwrecks in one go through the Griffin.

One of them was in North and South America, and the other was in the nearby waters.

(End of this chapter)

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