My system is not decent

Chapter 839 Doomsday

Chapter 839 Doomsday

In the first shipwreck, the Griffin was very lucky and did not sink.

It failed the second time. Relying on its speed, it supported all the way to the South China Sea, but was eventually overturned by the waves and sank in the teacher's area.

Looking back this time, Chen Wenzhe saw two fleets, and except for the Griffin, almost all of them were wiped out.

The first time was in the waters at the junction of North and South America, and the second time was in the Pacific Ocean.

The fleet that sank for the first time was also a fleet transporting treasure, and it seemed that there was no way to salvage it.

On the second trip to sea, the fleet where the Griffin was in, the sunken ships were too scattered.

After entering the Pacific Ocean, this Spanish treasure transport fleet, the entire fleet sank in the ocean, including many pirate ships.

They fought from the west coast of America all the way to the east and to the South China Sea.

This process lasted four months. At the beginning, the fully loaded battleships that transported the most treasures were scuttled first because of their speed.

Instead of being sunk, it sank in some sea areas in a planned way.

The marks of these sunken ships are the clearest, and some of them were really sunk during the pursuit battle.

These, as long as they are discovered, will be recorded, and maybe they can be salvaged in the future!

Besides, they are very experienced in such things, because they did this once not long ago.

It is because they can deliberately sink themselves in shallow seas that they avoided a lot of losses in the last shipwreck.

Unfortunately, this time they were unlucky. They ran all the way to South Asia, but they didn't get rid of the pirates' attack.

And at the last moment, the frigate Griffin, which had supported it to the end, finally sank not far from the South China Sea Island due to another strong wind at sea.

They were also unlucky. They were not directly sunk by the enemy. Instead, they were overturned by strong winds after they hit the rocks in a small reef area.

Due to the speed with which the warship capsized, none of the crew survived.

So, this time, Chen Wenzhe not only found the coordinates of a sunken ship, but also found a long list of places where warships sank.

Many of these memories come from the owner of the gold-coated jade pipe. He seems to be the captain of the last frigate.

This one can be said to be the legend of the year, because he is also a legendary captain.

He also experienced a shipwreck before, but he was lucky to survive.

It's just that he was not born at the right time, because at that time, Spain was in a period from strong to weak.

Continue backtracking until Chen Wenzhe saw the first shipwreck of this unlucky guy.

This time, the shipwreck also happened to the treasure transport ship, and it was an entire fleet that was almost wiped out.

It was 1715. Spain was outraged and began to be besieged by pirates gathered from all over the world.

It is said that in 1714, the War of Spanish Succession finally ended, and the pirates of the British privateers suddenly fell into trouble.

During the war, England issued a large number of "private plunder licenses", and with its captain, it was possible to "legally" rob Spanish and French merchant ships.

Now that the war is over, legal pirates with "private plunder licenses" can no longer rob as they please.

A large number of sailors were unemployed, and the ports were crowded with Englishmen looking for work.

Especially in the West Indies between the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, where a large number of British sailors were far from home, penniless and in dire condition.

To make matters worse, Spain, which is powerful in South America, is seizing British ships, arresting British sailors, and blackmailing British ship owners on the grounds of arresting smuggling ships.

Perhaps, they were out for revenge, after all, the British privateers robbed a lot of things during the war.

The British Kingdom is weak here, and the sailors are getting more and more angry under the bullying of the Spaniards.

Many people started ganging up and then became pirates.

The Bahamas is a real paradise for pirates. There are more than 700 small islands here, and the terrain is complex, which is very suitable for hiding traces.

In addition, this is also the main channel for the new colonies to go to Europe. There are a large number of ships coming and going, and the pirates don't have to worry about having no targets.

Therefore, small pirate gangs gradually appeared here, making a living by robbing merchant ships.

In July 1715, a big event happened in the pirate world.

During the previous war, the efficiency of transporting the large amount of gold and silver looted by the Spaniards in South America, as well as luxury goods from the East, back home was greatly reduced.

Now that the war was over, they immediately put the large-scale treasure transportation task on the agenda.

At that time, Governor Asteban Ubia, leading a combined fleet, has been waiting for the arrival of goods from all parties.

He was already ready to set sail, but those treasure transport teams were delayed for several months due to various reasons.

It was not until July that gold, silver, silk, porcelain, jewelry, etc. were loaded onto the ship.

Ubia's treasure ship fleet shoulders a heavy responsibility. King Philip V of Spain is now very short of money. He has been urging the treasure ship for at least a year.

Ubia understood that the king could not wait any longer. Although there was a danger of a hurricane at this time, he had no choice.

On July 7, six large treasure ships and five escort ships set off from Havana.

The ship that Chen Wenzhe and the others salvaged, that is, the Griffin, was originally a member of this team.

This team was sailing on the Atlantic Ocean. At that time, they didn't think about going to the Pacific Ocean.

There must be a reason why it appeared in the Pacific Ocean.

It can be said that since this year, the Spanish treasure ship has become the sweet pastry of pirates from all over the world.

This time the treasure was transported, it was Governor Ubia's armed sailboat that led the way, and there were two large warships behind.

In addition, a relatively flexible French frigate "Griffin" patrolled the front and rear of the fleet. It is also because of this that the Griffin can survive smoothly.

With such a powerful escort force, the pirates can only be daunted.

On July 7, the treasure fleet that sailed to the coast of Florida encountered an enemy more terrifying than pirates.

The sailors found that the wind from the east was getting stronger and stronger, and by noon the sky was covered with black clouds and the rain was pouring down.

The wind is getting stronger and the waves on the sea are getting higher and higher.

On the shaky deck, the sailors lowered the sails, sealed the hatch, fixed the cannon, checked the cargo, and waited for the test of the stormy sea.

The treasure ship loaded with gold, silver and treasures was not afraid in normal storms, but this time, even the old sailors were frightened and trembling. The waves were getting higher and higher, and the hull seemed to be smashed to pieces.

In the middle of the night, the wind and waves did not abate. The sailors were horrified to find that what the galleon had to face were huge waves as high as [-] to [-] feet.

The treasure ship was like climbing a mountain on the sea, stumbling and struggling in the huge waves, and was constantly pushed to the coast of Florida.

In the early hours of the morning, the uncontrolled fleet was pushed to an area densely populated with reefs, and it was doomed.

(End of this chapter)

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